latex mattress question
Sep 4, 2008 5:52 PM
Joined: Sep 4, 2008
Points: 1
    hello all,

After much deliberation, i bought a latex mattress from an online vendor recently (popular one).  So far, i like it pretty well.  i did get it split into his and her sides and have them set up the same. However, i swear the sides feel SLIGHTLY different. 

The pads on each side are labeled the same but i did notice that two pads with same label have slightly different size holes.  Would that make a difference in the feel of the mattress or is that a nonevent?  i'm just trying to figure out if i really have the firmness levels i think i do.

Any other way to tell if in fact each is the same?

Thanks a bunch


Re: latex mattress question
Reply #2 Sep 5, 2008 12:54 AM
Joined: Sep 7, 2007
Points: 476
It depends how slight. Talalay latex from LI and Dunlopillo has small holes no matter what ILD you get. With Talalay the firmness is determined by the latex to air ratio in the mixture. More latex firmer product. With Dunlop latex firmness is determined by the size of the holes. The larger the hole the softer the ILD. Sediment sinks to the bottom of the mold during the Dunlop process making one side of the core slightly firmer than the other.

If you got Dunlop latex what you may be seeing and feeling is the difference between one side of the core and the other. Try flipping the core over and see if it still feels different.

If it does each core could have come from a different supplier with slightly different molds. Or you may have gotten a core with a slightly firmer (or softer) ILD within the accepted range for that designation.

If it really bothers you why not call the store you ordered it from and run your question by them?

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