Latex Mattresses in Los Angeles?
Jan 2, 2012 7:50 PM
Joined: Jan 1, 2012
Points: 14
Hey everybody!

I'm a new user and have been reading tons on this forum trying to learn about latex mattresses. I'm probably going to buy something from, but I'm still trying to determine what I like. I've only found one true all-latex mattress in LA so far, a PureBliss. I liked it, but would like to try some other beds as well and at least make some comparisions. Does anyone know a place in the LA area that stocks all-Latex mattresses?



Re: Latex Mattresses in Los Angeles?
Reply #32 Jan 19, 2012 4:04 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
I looked up Jaxon Home on the net. They have a really useless web site! Totally useless with zero real info, and absolutely zero info on any mattresses. But it's not far from where I live so I'll have to go there one day and see what latex mattresses they have just for fun. Looks like a very expensive kind of store so I doubt I'd buy anything there but it might be fun to look at a Savvy Rest mattress if they do have one.

I also looked at the Essentia web site and I only see mattresses with latex plus memory foam, none with pure latex. I didn't look thoroughly but that was what I got from their site. Also their mattresses look way overpriced, to me. If I'm ever near there with time on my hands I might stop in just for fun though. 

Re: Latex Mattresses in Los Angeles?
Reply #33 May 17, 2012 5:40 PM
Joined: May 17, 2012
Points: 1
Hi, I live in LA and just spent two weeks researching organic mattresses. I lucked out and found a new (still in plastic) mountain plush mattress and foundation on Craigslist for $1200. It is a bit firm so I need to get a topper. I just saw an Essentia mattress (new in box) on Craigslist for $1300...always a good source. Beds Etc., The Clean Bedroom and PJs has some nice latex beds as well. Robert Cramer ( can special order Royal Pedic beds at a discount and latex beds with coconut coirs. Good luck!
This message was modified May 17, 2012 by aplethoraof

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