latex mattresses - Reason latex has problems - someone tell me this?
Dec 2, 2011 10:41 AM
Joined: Oct 19, 2011
Points: 38
The latex bounces, how wil then provide pressure relief and support?

 May be some support but pressure relief - I don't think so.

So latex does not work.

Also latex is Not comfortable since it has bounce and PUSHBACK.

This message was modified Dec 2, 2011 by Joed
Re: latex mattresses - Reason latex has problems - someone tell me this?
Reply #33 Oct 5, 2015 10:07 AM
Joined: Oct 5, 2015
Points: 4
Hey Joed --
I hope you get this message, several years since the last post. I'm curious if you ever found a good solution. Your experience on latex sounds exactly like mine. Pretty frustrating after spending over $4000 for two twin XL latex beds, followed by a couple of expensive latex toppers hoping to fix the problem.

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