Oct 15, 2009 7:19 PM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
Whew!  The Flobed arrived this afternoon in 3 boxes!  I got all the pieces out and checked them to be sure I got everything ordered.  I couldn't put it together right away because I was waiting on a foundation to be delivered.  They finally brought the foundation around 6:30, so I got to work!

Originally I intended to take pictures of the process, but then my DH came home and announced he wasn't helping, so I huffed all the pieces upstairs, laid out the cover as instructed, and began taking out the individual layers.

Aside from each piece being heavy and unwieldly, it really wasn't too difficult to get the layers on the mattress cover. and adjust them.  I did have to stop and take a 10 minute break after getting the first 2 layers on the bed (4 pieces).  Layer 3 went on . . .and then the topper!  That's where I ran into a little snag.

I put the soft covoluted top layer on, and it's waaaay too big!  It's marked a queen, but I'm pretty sure it's a king, lol.  I get it lined up top to bottom and along one edge, and it overhangs the other side by about a foot!

So . .  .temporarily, I folded that piece up and set it aside and zipped up the other 3 layers into the cover.

First impressions are, this bed is amazingly comfortable!  I was worried about getting a firm/xfirm/xfirm, and I'll have to sleep on it a few nights, but oh la la!  It's comfortable just to lie on.  Very supportive, springy and bouncy, but not hard.

Tomorrow I'll have to call Dewey and have a chat about the top layer.  What I'd like is permission to just cut that piece to size without losing my 90 money back guarantee.  I've been waiting so long for a comfortable mattress, I don't want to mail this one back and wait for another convoluted piece.  If he says ok, I'll trim it down, unzip the cover, put the convoluted layer on . . . and ahhhhhh.

I'll do as Eagle and report back on my experiences with my Flobed, though maybe not in the same precise detail.  I can't wait to go to bed!
Reply #28 Oct 29, 2009 7:48 PM
Joined: Aug 28, 2009
Points: 53
My convoluted top layer is about an inch narrower than my queen bed, but I just kind of shake and pull it when I lay it on top. I think it's probably due to the glue seam--seems like it would be hard to glue that kind of foam and get it perfect. Although it'd be nice if it were perfect, the latex seems quite accommodating and I don't see it as a problem. I've had the top cover off more times than I could possibly count with no problem with the zipper (knock on wood!). I assume it's made out of a nylon material (but maybe plastic?); if so, that's usually very durable.

Savvyrest uses a thick brass zipper, but their cover is not stretch fabric; the cotton is heavier and rougher and more like canvas. I must say, I absolutely LOVE the stretchy FloBed cover. I recently, unexpectedly, had the opportunity to see a Savvyrest bed, and did unzip/zip the cover. With the zipper being a bit larger and heavier, it's perhaps easier to get started, and I didn't seem to have to pull the fabric as much (I guess the cover couldn't fit quite as tight being a non-stretch woven fabric) but there was no inside flap as there is on the Flobed cover, so I kept getting the zipper stuck on the fabric on the way around. A little annoying but not a big deal, as it was easy enough to unstick, but I find the FloBed one much easier to do.
Reply #29 Oct 29, 2009 8:31 PM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
Linda: Thanks for the information on the Savvy Rest zipper. I think you're the first person who has posted that had experience with both the FlowBeds and the Savvy Rest zipper's.

Dave Turner was quite positive about their zipper being durable. I am sorry to hear that Kimberly is having some difficulty with hers. But I'm confident that Dave or Dewey will take good care of her.
This message was modified Oct 30, 2009 by eagle2
Reply #30 Oct 29, 2009 8:58 PM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
My zipper seperated as well. However, after I completely unzipped it and restarted it again, it seemed to be working fine.
Reply #31 Oct 29, 2009 11:26 PM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
I like the knit Flobed cover too.  I'm glad you mentioned what the Savvy Rest cover was constructed of, I would not have liked that at all.   I'm buying a second mattress for my daughter, so now I know not to get the Savvy Rest. :)
Reply #32 Oct 30, 2009 2:43 PM
Joined: May 14, 2008
Points: 15
Well, you my dear are headed for countless nights of indescribably delicious sleep!!!  I have had my FloBed for more than a year and I STILL look forward to going to bed every nite! IMHO, all latex mattresses should be measured against FloBeds.
BTW, thanks to the poster who mentioned Snugfleece. I have never heard of them but plan on ordering one as soon as I finish posting this message.
If Shakespeare were alive, I think he would rewrite his famous line to..."Ah, to sleep on a FloBed, perchance to dream..."

Reply #33 Oct 30, 2009 4:38 PM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
Kimberly: I am curious what Dave Turner had to say regarding your zipper problem and you're too short top convoluted layer of latex?

I was also wondering if you discussed with him about the Vzone bed?
Reply #34 Oct 31, 2009 7:03 AM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
I haven't called him yet.  It's just a case of inertia - does it really matter that the topper is about an inch too short both ways?  Is it worth the hassle of unpacking another new topper, getting the old one off the bed and putting the new one on and zipping the thing up again? Then packing the old topper and lugging it to a UPS store to be shipped back?

But now I'm thinking of ordering a medium layer, and if I do, I'll discuss it with him at that point.
Reply #35 Nov 1, 2009 9:25 AM
Joined: Sep 27, 2009
Points: 51
linda wrote:
Savvyrest uses a thick brass zipper, but their cover is not stretch fabric; the cotton is heavier and rougher and more like canvas. I must say, I absolutely LOVE the stretchy FloBed cover. I recently, unexpectedly, had the opportunity to see a Savvyrest bed, and did unzip/zip the cover. With the zipper being a bit larger and heavier, it's perhaps easier to get started, and I didn't seem to have to pull the fabric as much (I guess the cover couldn't fit quite as tight being a non-stretch woven fabric) but there was no inside flap as there is on the Flobed cover, so I kept getting the zipper stuck on the fabric on the way around. A little annoying but not a big deal, as it was easy enough to unstick, but I find the FloBed one much easier to do.

You are right, Linda - my organic cotton Savvy cover is not stretch fabric. It is a heavy cotton, but not stiff - it's actually quite soft (I can't recall the proper term, but Savvy's cover is "buffed" or "rubbed" to soften it) So, while it's not the gorgeous damask found on nicer innerspring mattresses (or FloBed), I think it might hold up better to numerous openings over the years. (but will we be opening our beds up that much once we get it right?)

Our brass zipper zips along fast without  pushing in of latex etc, and it hasn't gotten caught on anything (yet).

Unfortunately for Savvy, some people are put off by their cover because it's so "plain", but I recommend either finding a store that has a bed to try, or get the free samples from Savvy. We did both and got the samples first. - including a sample of the cover & wool. When we saw the bed in the store, my initial reaction was "what a great-looking cover"!  I wasn't expecting much in looks, but it's all quality, both in looks and feel.

I do have to admit that Flobeds has an adorable cover!  However, I would only  see the sheep once in awhile as we use a nice mattress pad (doesn't everyone?) so the look & feel of the cover didn't place high for me.  I guess the practical side of me said to go with durability - and I have to say I am very pleased.

I'm very happy to read that all of us who made the difficult decision to go with an expensive latex bed, are having sweet dreams!
Reply #36 Nov 1, 2009 10:43 AM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
Catlover: I agree with Kimberly that the FlowBeds cover is quite nice. Their approach is different than Savvy Rest, but that certainly doesn't make it superior.

The major thing you want in a cover is that it holds the latex correctly, that the cover is easy to take off and put on, and most important of all, it sleeps comfortably. All of this my FlowBeds cover accomplishes.

But I must say that the pictures you took of your bed completed with the cover in place made a very attractive looking mattress.

I am happy that you like your new bed, and hope you have many years of enjoyable, and restful sleep upon it.
Reply #37 Nov 25, 2009 6:58 AM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
I've had my Flobed for a little over a month now, and thought I'd report back.

I ordered both sides F/XF/XF.  We slept like that awhile, then -

My first change was to make my side F/F/XF and his side XF/XF/XF.  I do like a cushy feel and thought this would be more to my taste.  But, I found my side too soft and started sleeping on his side, which felt better.

Then a few weeks ago I switched them back to F/XF/XF and F/XF/XF.  This still felt too soft to me.

So, I ordered another XF layer, which arrived yesterday, and now I have XF/XF/XF (me) and F/XF/XF (him).  This was more comfortable for me.

Sleeping on the Flobed has improved my sleep.  I won't say the back issues have disappeared, but I'm much more able to have a good night's rest, and I don't wake up in the morning with back issues that were *caused* by the bed.   Last night was a little rough to judge because my back was sore from moving around the latex layers and folding up and packing the Firm layer I'm returning.  Also, the day prior, I was moving heavy furniture in my home (2 couches and a heavy entertainment unit) so my back really hurt.

If we keep the Flobed though, I think the XF/XF/XF is the right combination for me.   All three XF layers are 36 ILD, and this seems to emulate the feel of the Rhapsody bed (in Temperpedic terms) as being very firm with just the amount of give needed to alleviate pressure points.  The 2" convoluted topper is 28 ILD.  There seems to be enough room within the mattress cover to add another one inch layer, and I'm interested in exploring maybe an inch of 32 ILD below the convoluted layer.

My husband has complained on and off about not being able to sleep and being uncomfortable.  He asserts that he can sleep on anything, but I'm not sure the Flobed is comfortable for him.  He liked the Tempurpedic Rhapsody and he wanted that bed.  When I dragged him to the showroom to try out the Tempurpedics, he laid on several, and when he got to the Rhapsody he just fell asleep on me, lol.  I let him snooze for 15 minutes, then work him up and he said "I like this bed!"   I'm going to give this another month with the Flobed and then and sit him down for a heart to heart about speaking up if the mattress isn't working out for him.  Or, maybe I'll have him sleep on my XF/XF/XF side for awhile and see if he likes that better.

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