Need help finding an equivalent mattress...
Apr 21, 2011 6:37 PM
Joined: Apr 21, 2011
Points: 1
I bought a Simmons Beautyrest Clifton Plush mattress (full size, M12617.20.7064) many years ago while I was in school, and need help navigating through the mannufacturers' maze of mattress names to find something like it in a Cal King size. I've since gotten married -- my wife and I have been through at least a mattress a year looking for something just like it, but I end up sleeping on it every now and then still, just for comfort. :( Any ideas on where to go for help? (Simmons hasn't been very helpful) I'm almost to the point where money is no object -- I've got to find one!
This message was modified Apr 21, 2011 by sbt99

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