Questions re platform for latex, springs under latex, etc. - please give your opinions
May 24, 2010 12:09 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
Okay, my mattress is just not working out for me and I'm re-thinking it all. My recent trip to my sister's home where I slept on a "regular" mattress for 2 nights and woke up with NO back pain, is making me realize I need to make changes. (I discount the theory that it was better just because I was "on vacation" because actually it was a stressful situation.)

I'm going "back to basics", trying to think outside the box springs.( I know - bad pun.cheeky) Especially those of you who have had or do have springs under your latex, please opine:

1) What is the best platform for a latex+springs mattress in your opinions?

Currently I am using a Sealy box springs (about 8 years old I think) which is made with some more-or-less heavy gauge wire on top, not wood. I always figured the platform or box springs really doesn't matter. But is it possible this is the problem - or a problem - with my mattress configuration?

I have been wondering if I should build a wooden platform like the one Laredo created in this thread (has photos!). It's all wood with slats.

OR, should I buy a new box springs. If so which one? I think most SCo's now use boxes that have wood slats on top instead of wire. Right? So if I should buy a "regular" box springs, which one?

So should I use wood or old-style box springs as a foundation for my springs+latex mattress? What are you latex+springs folks using for your platform and why?

2) Springs. I'm convinced my Englander 12.5 gauge springs are too firm for me and don't comform to my body. So which springs should I try next?

I'm still trying to find out what kind of springs my sister's guest bed had, that I liked. I may never find out, based on how hard it is to get her to go in there and look, and she's 2 thousand miles away... or she may have looked and not found a label. So I'm interested in your opinions.

I think the idea of pocket coils sounds good in theory and I liked my old Simmons for about 6 months and then it either gave out or the springs migrated. That was about 12 years ago. I don't know what the problem was but it really hurt my back after I moved it to a new apartment. I think the springs migrated.

I believe Budgy said in another thread that I can't find, that Simmons springs don't migrate now but they are now too stiff or something. I don't know if he answered my question: "So who does make good pocket coils now?" as I can't find the thread. (Sure wish this forum had the ability to Bookmark threads! Guess I'll have to start just putting them in my Browser bookmarks.) Or should I even try pocket coils?

Someone said that offset coils from Sealy are pretty good but then didn't I read that they don't conform very well to your body? Or am I confused? So many springs, so little time!

So all of you who have springs and like them, which ones do you like and why?

3) For the interim, I am thinking of trying a softer latex layer on top of my configuration. Should I go with the 14ILD Talatech or the 24ILD natural Talalay?


Someone at a foam place (who does not sell it) recommended I try a 14ILD but I am wondering if that would give NO support and be worthless to me. Does 14ILD Talatech provide enough support to not just be as useless (to me) as memory foam? I know the 32ILD Natural Talalay is too firm for me. It feels like it's pushing back against me too much and causes me pain. So is a 24ILD going to be enough softer but still supportive? I like the support of latex better than anything else. I recently tried my HR foam again and ecchh! it feels just "dead", more like Dunlop. Yet Talalay feels like it pushes back too much. I can't win... (Maybe the softer Talalay is the answer?)

Thanks for your help!

This message was modified May 24, 2010 by jimsocal
Re: Questions re platform for latex, springs under latex, etc. - please give your opinions
Reply #21 Jun 20, 2010 11:54 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
Thanks for posting that info. I am interested in some of those foams and this might help me decide which to try first (when I get the $ to do so).

It's late so I'll read your post more thoroughly tomorrow.

Re: Questions re platform for latex, springs under latex, etc. - please give your opinions
Reply #22 Jul 9, 2010 10:23 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
Just wanted to note that I've been sleeping pretty good with the following configuration:

From bottom up:

12.5 gauge springs (Englander)

3/4" latex somewhere around 28ILD to 32ILD

1" (fake from Overstock) Venus memory foam

1" 32 ILD natural latex

No wool on top, just sheets.

This is the best configuration I've had all year I think.

I would still like to try an 18 or so ILD latex but for now I'm sticking with this until it doesn't work any more.

Note that I only have 2 and 3/4" of foam on top of the springs.

Re: Questions re platform for latex, springs under latex, etc. - please give your opinions
Reply #23 Jul 10, 2010 12:35 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 404

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