$2000 burning a hole
Nov 20, 2009 5:56 PM
Joined: Nov 20, 2009
Points: 1
Hi all - New to this site... We want a king mattress and have about 2k to spend. We were looking at the Simmons nxg 250 firm, but now I hear they're going out of bus, they get impressions, etc. Don't want to be stuck with a 2k stinker. We like firm with a little mem foam type give and like the non-disturb nautre of the beautyrest... Any rec's? We thought about sleep #, but the middle turned us off. We want a solid plane, no dips please! looking at the simmons black as well - stronger coils?


Re: $2000 burning a hole
Reply #3 Nov 23, 2009 4:29 AM
Location: Oregon
Joined: Oct 25, 2008
Points: 130
Thank you Jim and Kait for the two excellent posts... In fact these are two are the best back to back posts explaining the current mattress industry and how to find 'what is the best mattress' that I have seen on this forum in a long time. I like that you give real alternatives to people and that they don't necessarily have to cost big money. It seems that all I have seen on here for many month is - all Flobeds - all the time; and although they might be a fine retailer, they're just not the only solution. I know that it is not necessary to spend $3000 to get a decent latex mattress.

Its been nearly a year since I bought my king sized latex mattress from FBM for just a hair under a $1000 and it is working out well. I'm going to try and find some time over the holiday to do a review.

Re: $2000 burning a hole
Reply #4 Nov 24, 2009 12:02 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
BillB wrote:
Thank you Jim and Kait for the two excellent posts... In fact these are two are the best back to back posts explaining the current mattress industry and how to find 'what is the best mattress' that I have seen on this forum in a long time. I like that you give real alternatives to people and that they don't necessarily have to cost big money. It seems that all I have seen on here for many month is - all Flobeds - all the time; and although they might be a fine retailer, they're just not the only solution. I know that it is not necessary to spend $3000 to get a decent latex mattress.

Its been nearly a year since I bought my king sized latex mattress from FBM for just a hair under a $1000 and it is working out well. I'm going to try and find some time over the holiday to do a review.

Thanks for the kudos, BillB. I absolutely am a believer in being able to get quality sleep for a low amount of money, but it's easier IF one does not have back pain to begin with (i.e; back pain NOT CAUSED by a mattress).

I look forward to your review of your mattress.

I'll say this: I think that for those who can sleep on pure foam without springs, you can go even CHEAPER:
You can find a source for HR foam or M-Grade foam and buy that alone and sleep on it. I know of a foam distributor (ie; foam supplier to furniture and mattress companies) and so I was able to buy a piece of 4" firm HR foam core for around $60-100 or so for a Twin (sorry, I forget the prices; it's been a while). Then I could buy a few 1" layers of various ILD's of HR foam for another $15-25 each and end up with a 10-year rated foam mattress for $100-150 that was actually very good quality and I think most people could get very good sleep on it if they didn't have pre-existing back problems. There are foam sources on the net that sell HR foam much cheaper than latex, maybe not as cheap as the distributor prices I got, but a lot cheaper than latex.

Another low budget alternative is the pure M-grade core at overnightmattress.com (the pure 8" core with no memory foam attached). Then add a quality 1" topper or two of quality latex and/or Sensus or Venus foam, and that should also work fine for most people and for a very low price.

However, when you get into people with sleep issues - fibromyalgia, tweaked backs, bad necks, etc. - then it can be very helpful to either have a flobeds type sleep system where you can change out the layers/sections to various ild's, OR build your own from HR foam etc.,  as above and cut the foam into 3 equal sections so you can change out the ILD's for the shoulder and mid-sections.

I think the reason why Flobeds gets so much attention is that they provide a great sleep guarantee and a maximum of options for adjusting one's bed, and all done in a way that doesn't seem like a "Do-It-Yourself" type mattress, and with quality latex.

But if you are like me and some others and NEED springs for your back, flobeds won't work for you.

So in that case, you can take your old mattress or buy a cheap one and do the surgery as I have done.

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