Brylane Latex Topper
Feb 2, 2008 11:36 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
I love everything about my latex bed so far but wish I had a 1.25" soft topper. I love my 1" Overstock Topper but it is not that sturdy and is falling apart and is a little small for the bed. I have been reading about this sale only good until Monday. Those that have the Brylane 1" latex topper, do you think the ILD is softer than the Overstock or the same? What do you think the ILD is? Is it man-made latex, blended latex or natural latex do you think?  Do you have any idea if this is Dunlap latex processing, Talalay latex processing or neither?  Does the latex topper fit the size of the mattress or is it a little small like the Overstock topper that is a little short on all sides?  Does the topper have a smell when it arrives and if it does, how long does it take to go away?  IS there one big piece for the Queen or King size or it the topper glued? 

I am still not sure since it is 1" and not 1.25" or 1.5" but maybe until I have time to call Dave to see if he can find me a softer latex topper than the 1.2" he got me that is wonderful but the 24 ILD seems to squishy to me and I do not sink in enough to feel the very firm support underneath that I love unless I put a 44 ILD under it and then it is too hard but still squishy. Then I go back to my 1" topper with the 36 ILD over the 39 ILD over the 44 ILD and feel this is very comfortable and I can live with this and rather err on the firm side than too soft due to my car accident causing the 5 herniated disks. I really think about a 17 to 20 ILD over a 38 ILD (if there is a 36 ILD that averages higher) over the 39 ILD over the 44 ILD would be best for me in about 1.25" thickness but I doubt if anything like this is made.  :) 

I like that there is only a tiny fee to return it if it is not what I want. I wish the sale was for another week since I want to call Dave first and see if he has any ideas.

Re: Brylane Latex Topper
Reply #107 Mar 7, 2008 12:14 PM
Joined: Sep 10, 2007
Points: 690
This is what my mattress guy told me. He had given me four very thin lumbar pads to layer under my lumbar region (back before I exchanged my pocketed coils for the LuraFlex open offset springs.) I still have them in case I ever feel the need to use them. He said something as thin as these pads can really make a difference in comfort. I know his wife and she told me that she and I are a lot alike (Princess and the Pea :). So, her husband, Dan (the Mattress Man) is always helping her find just the right combination of foams and what-not. In fact, he told me that he, himself, enjoys trying out different configurations. He likes to be able to report back to customers, as well as taking advantage of all the different ways he can make his mattress feel good. And, his manager told me that after a shoulder injury he had to change his comfort layers around for awhile. I just LOVE being able to TWEAK!

cloud9 wrote:
Isn't it interesting how something so small as 1/4" makes so much difference in the way something feels?
This message was modified Mar 7, 2008 by BeddyBye
Re: Brylane Latex Topper
Reply #108 Mar 7, 2008 3:34 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
BeddyBye & Cloud & McCldwll, What ever the reason is, the Brylane Topper is softer and thicker when I lie on it so to get the support my back needs since the car accident I had to go firmer underneath.

I slept well with the approx. 45 ILD underneath me again with the 38 ILD under that and the 36 ILD under that. I tried the other side of my bed for 15 minutes in the morning and it was a little softer and bothered my lower back with the 1" topper over the 44 ILD over the 34 ILD over the 35.2 ILD.  Hence, I am thinking of asking Dave if he would exchange my two softer 36 ILD's (that are averaging 24 and 35.2) for two 44 ILD's so I can put a 44 ILD on the bottom with a 36 or 38 in the middle and a Super Firm  44/45  ILD on top to and this way the topper is giving me cushion while I can then feel the support underneath.  If the Overstock topper was not falling apart or if I could order another one, I would since it was very comfortable with a less firm foundation with the 38 over the 36 over the 44 ILD. 

I am thinking that toppers should be zoned since then I would have a 1" soft on my shoulders and a 1" medium under my hips and lower back with the combination of cores I now have.

I can tell every 1 ILD from each other by pain or no pain since my car accident. I can even tell each 1/4th inch of padding.  I am trying to make the Brylane Topper work out since it is difficult to find 1" toppers and I like the cushion around my shoulders. 

Dave had told me he would allow me more time past the 90 days since I had the car accident so I will see if he would do this for me.  I wish the 44 ILD blended would be the same depth as the 36 ILD natural Talalay Latex core since then I would only ask for one 44 ILD to try out my side with the 44 on the bottom and on the top with the 36 in between. I like both sides of my bed to be even and the same height.

P.S. I had to edit a spelling error I caught since my fingers missed a key. I really wish this site would have a spell check.  :)

This message was modified Mar 8, 2008 by Lynn2006
Re: Brylane Latex Topper
Reply #109 Mar 8, 2008 9:17 AM
Joined: Sep 11, 2007
Points: 111
Lynne, a couple of places online sell 1 inch latex toppers. SleepLikeaBear for example, sells them in just about every ILD that Latex International makes. You could just get a twin size 1 inch topper in 28 or 32 ILD and lay it ACROSS your bed in the hip area with strips cut from the Brylane topper for your shoulders and legs. Do you think that would work?
Re: Brylane Latex Topper
Reply #110 Mar 8, 2008 2:44 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
KimMCGov, I had no idea that other places sold 1" Latex Toppers. I will look into the Sleeplikeabear site. Thank you for this information. Maybe that is what I need to do is to zone the topper so my back has less softness under it but my shoulders and legs have the cushion I like.

My throat is still hurting a lot so it is difficult to work but I am doing my best to get work done tonight so tomorrow after a good night's sleep, I will look into that site.  Again,thank you for thinking of me.

Re: Brylane Latex Topper
Reply #111 Mar 9, 2008 11:18 AM
Joined: Sep 11, 2007
Points: 111

I hope you are feeling better. This site also sells 1 inch (or, specifically .9 inch) latex toppers:

It seems that since you are so sensitive to small differences in firmness and thickness, zoning could be just what you need.
Re: Brylane Latex Topper
Reply #112 Mar 9, 2008 1:55 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
kimmcgov, I checked out both sites you gave me and they both have what I would need with the second site having better prices and more ILD choices for the size topper I want.  Thank you for these two great sites.  I am also thinking of discussing this with Dave to see if he can create a zoned topper for me or has any suggestions.  I am thinking now that I need a .9" 32 ILD and that the soft topper I thought I needed from Brylane is too soft.  I rearranged my layers since I was sick and throwing up until 4:30 AM and could not sleep.  I tried the very soft 1" topper over the 44 ILD over the 45 ILD over the 39 ILD and I woke up with terrible lower back pain. I had no back pain with the Overstock topper over the 39 over the 36 over the 45 but that topper is falling apart from sleeping on it on the floor for a few months and from letting a guest use it and from the abuse of taking it on and off the bed and it is a little bit small for the bed so I know it will not last so I was trying to find  new topper. I think with my back injury now, my back is not the same and I am thinking of trying the 39 ILD over the 44 ILD over the 45 tILD onight with the 1" topper. If it is too soft, I may order a 32 ILD topper and try that. If I need zoning, I can put the soft Brylane topper near my shoulders and head and the rest of me will get part of the 32 ILD topper. I am now thinking toppers should be zonned under zipped up mattresses.  Also since I am sick maybe that is adding to the pain.

I think I have the flu and I actually had clients here signing papers late this afternoon but could not work before that I was so sick.  I am going to try to do some easy client returns if I can but if I can't I may have to lie down.

Before the car accident, I was so comfortable in my bed and now everything bothers my back. Even my car that has excellent lumbar support sometimes causes me pain. 

This message was modified Mar 9, 2008 by Lynn2006
Re: Brylane Latex Topper
Reply #113 Mar 10, 2008 6:50 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
Last night I slept with the 1" topper over the 39 ILD over the 44 ILD over the 45 ILD and I slept well. I will try this out for a few nights. If it does not work out, then I will first see if I can sleep with a 34 ILD over a 35 ILD over a 44 ILD (by rearranging my latex cores from the other side of my bed) with no topper.   Then I will decide what topper I need if I need a topper.   I wish I never was hit from behind at the red light.
Re: Brylane Latex Topper
Reply #114 Mar 12, 2008 5:43 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
Another night of having a comfortable bed all night with my 1" topper over the 39 ILD over the 44 ILD over the 45 ILD.  I will try this out for a few more nights and then I will know for sure what is good for me. I still would like if my hips had a tiny bit less cushion but my shoulders like the cushion a lot and I did not wake up with back pain.  In fact the back pain I had when I went to bed was gone in the morning. From the car accident, I now get back pain during the day from pinching nerves from my herniated disks. So to wake up with no back pain is wonderful.
This message was modified Mar 12, 2008 by Lynn2006
Re: Brylane Latex Topper
Reply #115 Mar 12, 2008 6:24 PM
Joined: Sep 11, 2007
Points: 111
Lynn, it sounds like you are really close. It's a great sign that your back feels better when you wake up than it did before you went to sleep. Have you tried adding something under your hips between the Brylane topper and the mattress cores to make it ever so slightly firmer there? Maybe a really thin (like one quarter inch) piece of closed cell foam just to add a hair more support. I'm not sure what is out there that you won't be allergic to though. Maybe someone else has an idea. I hope you can kick that cold soon. - Kim

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