Costco Latex purchased
Dec 17, 2009 6:58 AM
Joined: Oct 8, 2009
Points: 192
I just ordered it, will return my Bellafina Tempurpedic

Back hurts so bad I am crunched over in pain all day

Hoping that as soon as someone else gets theirs they will report here about it...

I figure I try this, if not good I get 100% return, then at least I will know if I like latex or would be Flobeds or Habitat...if necessary
Re: Costco Latex purchased
Reply #11 Dec 19, 2009 8:25 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
When I talked to sleepez, they said their talalay was from .Llatex .Iinternational.  Of course I would check before buying.

I think sleepez is the cheapest I have seen is you want to be able to customize talalay.   Cheapest option is to buy indidual layers and terrycloth cover.  No warranty if you do it that way (can return in 30 days though).  If you want a warranty and the wool filled cover, then you need to buy the "mattress" combo for a bit more money.

I think they can get different ILDs, but they might have to order special.  Not sure how long it would take. 

This message was modified Dec 19, 2009 by sandman
Re: Costco Latex purchased
Reply #12 Dec 19, 2009 2:35 PM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
Have you looked at sleeplikeabear?  I thought their prices were pretty reasonable too.  You order the individual layers in the ILD you want, and order the mattress cover you want (several options).  I'm kind of with Eagle, though, for the slight premium in price, the return policy at Flobeds is the best.  Customer service so far has been stellar.

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