Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Feb 11, 2010 10:43 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
I thought I FINALLY had my mattress problems solved. My mattress was PERFECT for the first 2 weeks...
Then, about 3 nights ago it started to hurt a little.
I figured it was just ME... (though I had not done a lot of work - I did a lot of back work the previous days and slept great through those days...

But now for the past 3 nights I have had substantial back pain when sleeping. Not as much as before the new latex layer, but enough to make the last few hours of sleep a bit painful.

So did the latex "break in" in 2 weeks and is now too soft for me? Or what?

Or did the back work I did the previous week take a week to catch up to me?

I think I might have to change my configuration after thinking I had it perfect...

I am very discouraged by this. I REALLY thought I had it right, finally; I had great comfort for 2 weeks!
Re: Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Reply #54 Feb 28, 2010 9:23 AM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
jimsocal wrote:
Long time ago, Leo3. I don't even remember!

Basically I think it boils down to this: my body (and my wife's) prefers springs underneath it! I'm guessing ours was the 9" one based on the fact we didn't want to spend a lot of money and we bought a King size. Felt too springy, too much like it was "pushing back" against my back, wouldn't let my back relax (much like I recently experienced with the Dunlop layer, curiously enough). We exchanged several layers and kept it for around 90 days. Finally we gave up and got a refund. Flobeds was very nice about it.

I put the 1" layer of HR foam back underneath my 2 layers of Talalay (but no 1/2" layer of super firm HR foam underneath that). Will see how that feels tonight. It wasn't TOO bad with only the 1.75" of Talalay on top of the springs, but I liked it better with a bit more.

Thanks Jim, was it blended talalay or natural?  Dunlop should be firm, can't understand why it would hurt so much, it doesn't bounce.

Maybe you need to just keep replacing the firm HR foam when it wears out in 6 months?

I removed my 24ILD 1 1/2" and my 20ILD 1" last night, so I just have 3" of ???ILD that I believe is 32ILD.  My back was started to spasm by 5 am, and I laid there and slept for a hour each time, woke up, repeat until 8am  a Javalina woke me he was playing with a watering plastic can on the patio!  I couldn't believe it, until I saw he came back later to play some more.  I can't make this stuff up.  What a treat, I enjoyed watching him.  Back to my mattress... Within a month or so I am going to have to ditch this bed and start over.  I just can't make it work.

I think I may add my 1" brylane topper back in tonight, I can't take another night of back spasms.
Re: Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Reply #55 Feb 28, 2010 2:42 PM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
Jim, one other thing I have noticed is that when I lay on top of the 3 blankets on top of my mattress, it seems firmer than when I lay directly on the top sheet.  This is along the lines of Eagle saying that his new mattress pad, when pulled tight, made his mattress seem firmer.

I am not sure if this adds any real support or  would hold up over 8 hours, but maybe you should try a tight fitting mattress pad or a couple of blankets under you top sheet to see if that would make a difference..

Re: Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Reply #56 Feb 28, 2010 7:35 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
Leo3 wrote:
Thanks Jim, was it blended talalay or natural?  Dunlop should be firm, can't understand why it would hurt so much, it doesn't bounce.

Maybe you need to just keep replacing the firm HR foam when it wears out in 6 months?

I removed my 24ILD 1 1/2" and my 20ILD 1" last night, so I just have 3" of ???ILD that I believe is 32ILD.  My back was started to spasm by 5 am, and I laid there and slept for a hour each time, woke up, repeat until 8am  a Javalina woke me he was playing with a watering plastic can on the patio!  I couldn't believe it, until I saw he came back later to play some more.  I can't make this stuff up.  What a treat, I enjoyed watching him.  Back to my mattress... Within a month or so I am going to have to ditch this bed and start over.  I just can't make it work.

I think I may add my 1" brylane topper back in tonight, I can't take another night of back spasms.

I never heard of a javalina. So I looked it up on google images. Does it look anything like this?

That's a pretty ugly varmint!

Maybe that's why you couldn't sleep! I'm not sure I could sleep with this image in my head!

Again, I'm only guessing... because it was so long ago... but I think my Flobeds was Blended Talalay.
Re: Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Reply #57 Feb 28, 2010 7:41 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
sandman wrote:
Jim, one other thing I have noticed is that when I lay on top of the 3 blankets on top of my mattress, it seems firmer than when I lay directly on the top sheet.  This is along the lines of Eagle saying that his new mattress pad, when pulled tight, made his mattress seem firmer.

I am not sure if this adds any real support or  would hold up over 8 hours, but maybe you should try a tight fitting mattress pad or a couple of blankets under you top sheet to see if that would make a difference..

Some day I'm going to try "tightening up" my mattress as if it had a tight cover over it. Maybe put a cover with velcro attached across it. But it sounds like a hassle so I'll have to get desperate before I try it. Not sure a normal pad would fit tight enough to make a difference. I have a CuddleBed from CostCo but it really doesn't fit that tight. I could probably attach some velcro to the sides of it to make it tighter, but then it always seemed to add too much extra non-supportive foam for my liking (I know - only 1/2" or so, but you know how that goes...)

Anyway, last night I had no pain, after putting the 1" HR foam back into the mix. I turned it over so maybe I'll get some life out of it. If I find it works well this way, then I'll buy another piece of latex to approximate and replace the 1" HR foam layer. So this is ALMOST back to my original configuration, when I first did my Englander surgery. The only difference is that I now have one layer of Talalay replacing one layer of HR, and I got rid of the 1/2" VERY FIRM HR foam on the bottom (just took it out, didn't replace it).

Problem is I am still not sleeping well. But I don't think it's because of the mattress, I think it's just worrying over some personal issues and what not... I'll see how it goes with this configuration over the next couple days...
Re: Discouraged... Does latex break in a lot after a week or two?
Reply #58 Feb 28, 2010 8:20 PM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
No that Javelina is not cute like this one was Jim. 

He was actually using his nose and teeth to try to move that 1 gallon watering can (plastic) and moving it around and crashing it into the wall.  It was so loud I thought what are the neighbors doing now???  LOL.  He was playing like a dog, I never have seen anything like it.

Then he went and ate some of my cactus, LOL, and who knows what else.  Poor hungry thing.

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