Has anyone bought the Westin Heavenly mattress or Simmons Dakar Pillowtop Classic? (its clone)
Sep 15, 2007 10:42 PM
Joined: Sep 10, 2007
Points: 690
My sister-in-law slept on a Westin Heavenly Bed for a week and absolutely fell in love with the mattress! Now she wants one. So, she talked to someone who sells Simmons and he said that the Dakar Pillowtop Classic is the exact same one as the Heavenly only less expensive. It's a medium firm and the pillowtop isn't as thick and fluffy as some you see out there.<BR>I know what my sister-in-law means about how comfortable that bed felt! I slept in one in Seattle and it was...well, it was HEAVENLY!&nbsp; BUT, I chose not to buy one because first of all, I'm leary of pillowstops, even low profile ones. Especially on no-flip mattresses. Also, even though it might feel wonderful for a few nights or a week in a hotel...I always get the feeling they change these mattresses a lot more than the average person would. Sure, if money wasn't a factor, I'd buy one and order a new one every year just to keep that "ahhhhh factor" everynight. I told my sister-in-law that I would ask if anyone has bought the Westin Heavenly mattress or the Simmon Dakar Pillowtop Classic. if so, is it lasting?<BR><BR>Thanks!
Re: Has anyone bought the Westin Heavenly mattress or Simmons Dakar Pillowtop Classic? (its clone)
Reply #5 Mar 30, 2009 11:45 AM
Location: Yosemite area
Joined: Sep 10, 2008
Points: 249
You can look at the tag on the mattress in the hotel to find out when it was manufactured.  I always do!!!  Oddly the two I've slept in that were lovely(one at the Brown Hotel and Spa in Denver, one at the Awahnee hotel in Yosemite Nat'l Park) were five years old!  No, they don't seem to replace them that frequently!

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