Has anyone ever got a straight answer from Overstock.com customer service?
Apr 28, 2010 4:53 PM
Joined: Feb 8, 2010
Points: 72
I am still tempted by the ECO latex toppers sold by overstock.com. I contacted them to try and get some more info, but keep getting automated replies saying my question cannot be answered because I have offended their mail system by forgetting to dot an i or cross a t. 

r they reply asking for more details, even though the info was already in an earlier email.


Just curious, am I having a bad run of luck, or are they one of those companies that will do anything to avoid actually answering a customer inquiry?

Re: Has anyone ever got a straight answer from Overstock.com customer service?
Reply #5 May 20, 2010 10:42 PM
Joined: May 18, 2010
Points: 49
wow, I'm glad I read this. and I'm glad you tried calling. I also read in one of the online reviews that it felt more like Dunlop. In the description, it says it is from Sri lanka. I think that is fine from there, I mean that is where all those trees are where they get it from. But I would hate to get a topper too firm for my daughtes bed. As for Foambymail, I was looking there too, but they said their latex is from Europe? mmmm

I got my mattress from SleepEz, I feel good about it's safety for my health at least, even if it does make my lower back sore some nights.

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