I'm going to be getting this latex mattress, with Latex International foam....
Jan 17, 2012 6:18 PM
Joined: Jan 17, 2012
Points: 18

Does it look like good quality? How about the company, how does that look as well? Just looking for your input! Thanks

Re: I'm going to be getting this latex mattress, with Latex International foam....
Reply #26 Jan 26, 2012 11:45 AM
Joined: Aug 30, 2011
Points: 55
megalops wrote:


I just noticed on that webpage the manufacturer's warranty on their Talatech Natural v.s. the Classic Talatech. They give a 20 year on their blended product, yet only a 10 year on their natural.

This leads me to believe budgy's theory even more about the LI making more money off their blended product vs. the all natural. They try to sway consumers and bedding manufacturers to buy their more profitable product by offering a much longer warranty which will almost certainly never be honored.

Two things with the warranty.

1st THe warranty has nothing to do with the life of the porduct. It only protects you against Defects in material and manufacturing. Anything that is considered normal wear and tear is not covered under waranty.

2nd. The 20 year waranty is 10yrs non prorated and 10yrs prorated.


They will honor the waranty just fine, but if the mattress is 15 yrs old it is going to be hard to prove that is was defect and not normal wear and tear.

Re: I'm going to be getting this latex mattress, with Latex International foam....
Reply #27 Jan 26, 2012 11:57 AM
Joined: Aug 30, 2011
Points: 55
tjstogner wrote:

Hey guys- I called the assembly company that healthy choice uses, restopedic, (they put the mattresses together) and they confirmed that it's the 100% natural blend from LI, rather than the natural/synthetic blend. Mattress is being custom made and will arrive in approx 3 weeks! 25 year Warranty covers 3/4 of an inch of an impression.

The Natural Blended it 100% Natural Latex blended with Synthetic, which is still a great product. It done this way just to bring cost down a bit.

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