Just bought a new Flobeds
Sep 21, 2009 11:31 AM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
I just purchased a new FloBeds. It is the 100% natural Talalay 4 layer mattresses. The top most layer being a soft egg crate 2" piece of Talalay.  

I purchased the following configuration. On the left side of the bed I have a median top layer, firm middle layer, and extra firm bottom layer. On the right side the top layer is firm, the second layer is extra firm, and the bottom layer is extra firm.

I felt that this should give me an opportunity to switch the layers around and come up with the configuration that will work the best for my 6' 2"  210 pound frame. It has been quite a wrestling match, reading all the different descriptions that various people like, when it comes to firmness layers. You also run into this with some of the websites. No two people seem to consider this the same way. So I'm just going to have to experiment.

This is one of the main reasons that I went with FloBeds. They have the most liberal exchange policy coupled with a generous return policy. They definitely get more money than some of the other sites. But when you're purchasing something this expensive from the Internet, and cannot lay on it, feel it, look at it, and even smell it, it's good to have a situation where you can make corrections at a nominal expense. Given the fact that FloBeds has an excellent reputation with the BBB, and Dave and Dewey Turner are excellent people to do business with, it just seemed to make good sense to me to consider the extra cost as an insurance policy.

One last point I would like to make. I just realize that I have been misspelling FloBeds name. I had been misspelling it "FlowBeds." Wrong!    It is spelled FloBeds.com. I hope I have not misdirected anyone.

It will probably take about a week to get this bed in my home, set up, and slept on. When I have had an opportunity to do this I will be sure to post back and let you know what my experiences are, as I know how confusing this kind of a purchase can be.

This message was modified Sep 21, 2009 by eagle2
Re: Just bought a new Flobeds
Reply #125 Dec 29, 2009 3:16 PM
Joined: Dec 29, 2009
Points: 57
Thanks for replying so quickly eagle2!

I spoke to Dewey so I guess I will ask for Dave when I call back.  As far as firmness goes, I am the same exact height and weight as your daughter.  Interesting that she liked the F/F/XF since Dewey originally wanted to put me in a med/medmed and then upped it to med/firm/med when I insisted I liked a firm bed.  I think that he might have only heard that I am a side sleeper when in fact, I like side and back sleeping.  Since we are going with an adjustable base I suspect that I will be doing a lot more back sleeping because the feeling of having your legs elevated is pretty amazing when you have a good mattress under you.  It also takes a lot of the pressure off of your lower back.  So, I will see what Dave says and about the VZone as well...I definitely hear ya when you mention it's a lot to manage and since I alread obsessively compulse on perfection, perhaps it's a dangerous option for me!  As far as worrying about the quality..yes, I do fully believe the latex will last a long time... it's just that I got so frustrated at having the top two dealers giving me completely different stories on this subject.  Doesn't make it any easier to make a decision!

I'll let you know what I find out this time...

Again, thank you!

(P.S.  Are you sure you don't work for Flo?!  You definitely are such a great supporter...they should be paying you a referral fee!   Just kidding!

Re: Just bought a new Flobeds
Reply #126 Dec 29, 2009 3:37 PM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
"(P.S.  Are you sure you don't work for Flo?!  You definitely are such a great supporter...they should be paying you a referral fee!   Just kidding!"

No I sure don't work for FlowBeds. I have been accused of that by someone who was not being complementary, but rather accusatory.

I am just an old retired guy living on social security and Medicare, an ex-salesman. I was in sales for over 30 years and had a territory covering the central part of the United States. The last 15 of those years I was a traveling factory representative for industrial containers to the petrochemical industry . My approach to selling was very simple. Sell something you believe in and tell the truth about it. Therefore the product had to be a good product and one that I would be willing to purchase myself. This certainly applies to FloBeds because that's exactly what I did, I bought their mattress. I can appreciate this company because it is run by the man who started it 30 years ago. David Turner is a throwback to the way business used to be run.

I will add this. If the FloBeds did not exist I would probably purchased from SleepEZ as I feel they make a good bed and have the next best exchange and return policy.

I grew up in the 40s and 50s and to some extent the 60s, although by then I was married and had children. I was raised in a small Midwestern town where there were a lot of companies like FloBeds. But they're pretty hard to find today. Today we rely on 24/7 TV advertising where the little man comes marching out on the screen dragging a banner ad behind him, while you're trying to watch the regular program that you're paying the cable or satellite provider $60 to $100 per month for. Disgusting!  I hate it.

Yes talk to Dave, while Dewey is an excellent young man, and will certainly help you in a professional manner and is quite knowledgeable, Dave has more experience. But how many companies do you call today and get a live human being, let alone the person who actually started the company many years ago. This is the only one that I have found.
This message was modified Dec 29, 2009 by eagle2
Re: Just bought a new Flobeds
Reply #127 Dec 29, 2009 4:54 PM
Joined: Dec 29, 2009
Points: 57
It was only meant as a compliment!

As far as your background, that explains why I was so drawn to your advice.  I, too, am in sales and unlike others who are, I am 100% honest and ethical (I also have a legal background, so ethics is so important to me).  I get berated by my peers because I spend so much time trying to understand all the little details (which I feel I need to do more so because I sell technology) so that I can better explain and represent to my customers, while others just want to get it over with.  Like you however, I cannot sell something that I do not think is a good product.  And although I grew up in the 60's, I am right with you when it comes to sales, commercials and the way it used to be!  Yeah, I guess it's a sign.. :)...I keep saying I am ready to retire!  I wish!  As far as Dewey, I think you hit the nail on the head..very polite and helpful...but not quite as detailed or interested in developing the best solution as we would have liked him to be.  More so, because I think we might have some limitations to consider with an adjustable bed (sheets staying on mattresses, finding good quality twin XL fitted sheets that stay on, etc.) and then...just the old aches and pains that we need to address individually to make sure we are getting as close to the right solution as possible.

One question you didn't answer...what made you go for the 4 layer v. the 3?  With the natural Talalay, that's a 12" mattress...I would imagine you might have some sheet challenges too...even without adjustable issues.


Re: Just bought a new Flobeds
Reply #128 Dec 29, 2009 5:12 PM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
TJ12 wrote:
It was only meant as a compliment!

As far as your background, that explains why I was so drawn to your advice.  I, too, am in sales and unlike others who are, I am 100% honest and ethical (I also have a legal background, so ethics is so important to me).  I get berated by my peers because I spend so much time trying to understand all the little details (which I feel I need to do more so because I sell technology) so that I can better explain and represent to my customers, while others just want to get it over with.  Like you however, I cannot sell something that I do not think is a good product.  And although I grew up in the 60's, I am right with you when it comes to sales, commercials and the way it used to be!  Yeah, I guess it's a sign.. :)...I keep saying I am ready to retire!  I wish!  As far as Dewey, I think you hit the nail on the head..very polite and helpful...but not quite as detailed or interested in developing the best solution as we would have liked him to be.  More so, because I think we might have some limitations to consider with an adjustable bed (sheets staying on mattresses, finding good quality twin XL fitted sheets that stay on, etc.) and then...just the old aches and pains that we need to address individually to make sure we are getting as close to the right solution as possible.

One question you didn't answer...what made you go for the 4 layer v. the 3?  With the natural Talalay, that's a 12" mattress...I would imagine you might have some sheet challenges too...even without adjustable issues.


TJ said: "It was only meant as a compliment!" Yes I know.

"One question you didn't answer...what made you go for the 4 layer v. the 3?  With the natural Talalay, that's a 12" mattress...I would imagine you might have some sheet challenges too...even without adjustable issues."

The reason for the four layer, versus the three, was the fact that I wanted the greater flexibility to change my mattress configuration without having to resort to an exchange. Even with this many layers I still had several exchanges, since like you, I tend to be rather picky. I have not had any sheet problems since the three bottom layers are  3 inches tall, and the top layer is a convoluted layer that is 2 inches of soft Talalay that is quite malleable and adaptable to sheets.

FlowBeds is somewhat more expensive than SleepEZ, but they have a more liberal exchange policy, so I consider the additional price to be an insurance policy. Another thing about SleepEZ that troubled me somewhat, was the fact that they seem to be more inclined to promote the blended product. Now there's nothing wrong with the blended product. It is less expensive, and it may prove to be more durable in the long run. But the natural product just appealed to me and given the limited experiment that I performed I believe I will be more satisfied with it over the long haul.

There are three principal companies that seem to get the most attention on this site. FloBeds, SleepEZ, and Savvy Rest. there is also Foam Sweet Foam and Habitat. They all have somewhat different approaches to latex mattresses and different exchange and return policies. As I have stated over and over again, as far as I know, FloBeds has the best exchange policy, and an equal return policy, except for Habitat, who has no exchange policy but a six month return policy. And you have a very limited choice of configurations with this company. But they do have an excellent website with videos for explaining natural 100% botanically grown latex.

The top three that I have mentioned have many satisfied customers on this form. You will just have to read their websites, their various limitations, their costs, and make your choice.
This message was modified Dec 29, 2009 by eagle2
Re: Just bought a new Flobeds
Reply #129 Dec 29, 2009 6:10 PM
Joined: Aug 28, 2009
Points: 53
Hello TJ12,

I don't visit this forum as often as others do, so I may have missed some of your posts (and those of others) so hopefully I'm not repeating what you already know.  Anyway, I've had a natural talalay latex Flobed bed since June and am happy with it; it's the 4 layer one, with the top layer being a very thin convoluted layer. I would probably have gone with dunlop for the bottom 2 layeres if they had offered it, but they didnt'; and for other reasons I chose Flobeds over others I considered.  You could do a search for my previous threads for further info re all this.

I am about  5'6" and 130 lbs, and I have soft over firm over firm on one side and med over med over X-firm on the other.  I have written in other posts what I need (due to pain and other health issues, i.e. soft on top but very supportive underneath) and what I like about each of those combinations.  In figuring how soft or firm to go as Eagle said, it depends so much on one's individual needs and preferences. However, I will say that I think the "firmness advisor" on the Flobeds website perhaps errs on the side of softness, at least for my height and weight. Whether I put in that I slept on my back or side and whether I put soft or firm as a prefernce, it advised me to get some combination of soft and medium layer.s That would have been disasterously soft for my needs. Dewey did advise me to go firmer than this, but even that suggestion, which was soft, medium, firm was too soft for me in terms of support with talalay (I've slept on both talalay and dunlop, and dunlop feels much firmer due to it's higher density). I cannot comment on mixed talalay as I was only in the market for all natural, and that's all I have ever slept on. Previous latex beds have lasted ages for me.  My 12+ old one is still fine (now in the second bedroom) but it was much too firm for my current needs, and was not reconfigurable. Older dunlop beds (when I was very young) never seemed to wear out.  So I'm not so worried about the longevity issues.  There's no comaprison between latex and innerspring or futons IMO, the latter not lasting nearly as long.

Anyway, the great thing about Flobeds is that you can do exchanges easily and their customer service is exceptional.  I'm sure they will work with you to get the best combination for you.  Personally I did not liek the V-zone (one reason being that I do toss and turn quite a bit and did not want to feel concerned with being in the "right " place of the zone), but have heard others say that they really do....just goes to show how individual we all are. I think that there would be less need for it if you have an adjustable foundation, but that is just my opinion. Speaking of that, I first tried my new Flobed on my European slat foundation (mine is quite different form the one Flobeds sells, and I think may be springier as it is 2 layers; hence it is hard to compare) I had from my old bed, but found it made it too bouncy for my taste (but that was also when I was trying the softer layeres, i.e. soft, medium, firm).  I switched to a firm slat foundation. 

At any rate, if you have an adjustable slat foundation, and prefer a firm feel, you may want to go firmer than someone else might.  But please keep in my that these are my opinions only.  I know Dave (and Dewey) have much more experience with various configurations (although each of us knows our own body best; trust you instincts!) As to 3 vs 4 layeres, I wrote about this in another post.  Most companies told me that with my height and weight that I could get by with just 2 core layers (not inc top layer, sch as Flobeds, though not all companies have this additional top layer).  However, I have tried the bed both ways and find a prefer it with the 3 cores, i.e. 4 layers, even thugh there is no way I can actually directly feel the bottom layer (whereas someone heavier might sink in to the extent that they could bottom out on a thinner bed). I do feel the added support though (and I would never want to go softer than firm on the bottom layer; I actually prefer the X-firm bottom layer, with med as the top 2 layers as long as I can sleep on my back. However, I prefer sleeping on my side, and then need a soft layer on top to alleviate a lot of nerve pain I have. The I sleep on the side with soft, firm, firm. If my husband sleep in the same bed, he's happy to sleep on whatever side I don't want!  He can sleep on most anything.Also if ther are 2 poerople regularly sharing the bed, I think one has to go firmer thatn if you are on your own.  This is also evident in their website  "firmness advisor", and also makes good sense.  Also depends on the other person's size.

Hope this helps.
Re: Just bought a new Flobeds
Reply #130 Dec 30, 2009 9:53 PM
Joined: Dec 29, 2009
Points: 57
Thank you Linda and eagle2 (again!).  Both of your last posts helped tremendously.  I called Dave today (and by the way eagle2, he said to say hi to you!  :)  That was hysterical...I made mention of the fact that I heard the natural Talalay was denser and more supportive, a comment which he let slip by the first time but by our second call we were old buddies and he slipped in the "hi to eagle2" comment!  He said that the moment I had made that remark, it was a giveaway that I had been in touch with you....as you were the only one who had presented that feedback to him.

Anyway, you were right to recommend that I speak with him...he was tremendously helpful..and yes, he does have a VZone and loves it, as well as an adjustable bed so he was able to help with the questions I had there.  With my hip and shoulder issues, he also recommended that I try the VZone, which of course, he said I could always change later if I don't like it.  Linda, your input helped as well, because I decided that I did truly want to go firmer so instead of the normal med/medium, Dave recommended the medium/firm...not as firm as your daughter's eagle2 but I decided to give it a try based on another mattress I had tried locally and the feedback I shared with him....and the VZone as well. 

So, the order is in....and I will have to be patient for a week until I receive it so I can see for myself how wonderful these mattresses really are.

And you're right, they were a true pleasure to deal with.  Definitely a throwback to better times of customer service.

Thanks again!


Re: Just bought a new Flobeds
Reply #131 Dec 30, 2009 10:01 PM
Joined: Dec 29, 2009
Points: 57
P.S.  Forgot to say, I did go with the Natural Talalay.   I hope to not to have to do this too often so we went for what we hope is the best although I realize it may be subjective.
Re: Just bought a new Flobeds
Reply #132 Dec 31, 2009 12:10 PM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
TJ12 wrote:
P.S.  Forgot to say, I did go with the Natural Talalay.   I hope to not to have to do this too often so we went for what we hope is the best although I realize it may be subjective.

I'm glad to hear that you made your decision. Based on my own personal experience I believe you will be satisfied with your choice.

Talalay has proven to be quite adequate for me. I am of the type, and it sounds from your description of yourself that you are to, that will never be completely satisfied because I never did get to sleep on Dunlop. But from my experiences so far, and from everything that I have read, I do not believe that I have made a wrong choice.

In the end, what is most important, is how well you sleep on your bed. As I have stated many times, for me at least, the gold standard is, "Do you look forward to going to bed, and do you hate to get out of the bed in the morning because you are so comfortable?" If you get up feeling refreshed and without any aches or pains due to the sleeping process, then you have a good bed.

Keep us posted about your experiences. I am assuming that you bought a VZone bed. I am curious how it will work out for you. It is reassuring to know that you can exchange it for a standard bed if you do not like it.
This message was modified Dec 31, 2009 by eagle2
Re: Just bought a new Flobeds
Reply #133 Jan 1, 2010 11:28 AM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542

Friday, January 01, 2010

 Installed the new firm piece of latex that I received from FloBeds today.

 I now have the left side of my bed configured this way. F/XF/XF  right side of my bed is still configured F/F/XF. We'll see how this sleeps.

 One thing that I have noticed is that with the medium piece on the left side of the bed, as a top 3 inch layer, that the bed had a propensity for this top 3 inch layer to hang up on the edge of the other piece of latex. This was caused by rolling back and forth from side to side of the bed. With one piece hanging up on the other piece it caused a ridge down the middle of the bed. I am curious to see if having two pieces, edge to edge of the same firmness, if the same characteristic will develop.

 I will keep you posted as to this ridge phenomenon, and how well this firmer configuration sleeps for me.

This message was modified Jan 1, 2010 by eagle2
Re: Just bought a new Flobeds
Reply #134 Jan 1, 2010 7:43 PM
Joined: Dec 31, 2009
Points: 35
For those viewing this thread to learn more about Flobeds, I wanted to echo Eagle and everyone else who has spoken so highly of the company and Dewey and David's customer service. I ordered and tried a 100% all natural talalay latex bed with the v-Zone, and while it was easily the most comfortable bed I've ever slept on, I ultimately had to return it because it didn't suit my back (I have major back problems). I really wanted to keep it, so held on to it until the very end of my trial period hoping my body would adjust. Flobeds credited me for the full amount I paid minus shipping and pillows, (pillows are nonrefundable) -- even credited the custom frame they built for me and the v-Zone which they made to my specs. As you can imagine, I felt really badly about this particularly since they had spent so much time with me at the front end during the ordering process. In any event, as Flobeds continues to expand its fan base and maintain its flawless BBB record, its in the company's best interest to continue this virtual cycle, even from a purely practical perspective. So for anyone considering ordering from them, the risks are minimal and I could not recommend them more highly. I ended up going back to an innerspring -- am on a Shifman firm cotton mattress with low-gauge offset coils, which is super supportive but not very comfortable!

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