I just purchased a new FloBeds. It is the 100% natural Talalay 4 layer mattresses. The top most layer being a soft egg crate 2" piece of Talalay. I purchased the following configuration. On the left side of the bed I have a median top layer, firm middle layer, and extra firm bottom layer. On the right side the top layer is firm, the second layer is extra firm, and the bottom layer is extra firm. I felt that this should give me an opportunity to switch the layers around and come up with the configuration that will work the best for my 6' 2" 210 pound frame. It has been quite a wrestling match, reading all the different descriptions that various people like, when it comes to firmness layers. You also run into this with some of the websites. No two people seem to consider this the same way. So I'm just going to have to experiment. This is one of the main reasons that I went with FloBeds. They have the most liberal exchange policy coupled with a generous return policy. They definitely get more money than some of the other sites. But when you're purchasing something this expensive from the Internet, and cannot lay on it, feel it, look at it, and even smell it, it's good to have a situation where you can make corrections at a nominal expense. Given the fact that FloBeds has an excellent reputation with the BBB, and Dave and Dewey Turner are excellent people to do business with, it just seemed to make good sense to me to consider the extra cost as an insurance policy. One last point I would like to make. I just realize that I have been misspelling FloBeds name. I had been misspelling it "FlowBeds." Wrong! It is spelled FloBeds.com. I hope I have not misdirected anyone. It will probably take about a week to get this bed in my home, set up, and slept on. When I have had an opportunity to do this I will be sure to post back and let you know what my experiences are, as I know how confusing this kind of a purchase can be. This message was modified Sep 21, 2009 by eagle2
My first impression of latex was that it was a bit bouncy/spongy. In fact, I noted to Eagle once that I accidently dropped a weight on it and it bounced several inches. At first that bothered me a little, but I got use to it. It is a different feel from an innerspring, if that is what you are use to. I would not focus on that for now, since you will probably get use to that factor. As far as the vzone, I would probably not go with the medium unless you like a fairly soft bed. With the medium (at least the way they sent it to me), they put a soft piece under the hip area. I found that too soft. I even found medium too soft there, and shifted to a firm piece under the hips. I do like the fact that the vzone is softer under the shoulders. The trend seems for most people is that they end up liking a firmer configuration than they originally think. However, I think 100% natural XF on top for you (based on your weight) would probably be too firm. Lately I have been using XF/vzone (mainly firm)/XF. That is with blended latex though, which seems to have a lower support level from 100% natural. |
Thanks Sandman. Yes, I am used to coils but have hated them at the same time for years. Many years ago when I was really young and poor :), I slept on a high density foam mattress and really liked that. I haven't been able to find a innerspring mattress since (tried two) that maintained their cushy feeling for any length of time after that. As far as bouncy, yes, I believe I came up with that term because I had read about your barbell test! I did change my config last night to M/F/XF and that was better. I thought it would get less firm moving that XF to the bottom but it got firmer which is good. And I actually like a firmer mattress, contrary to what most expect for my size, but Dave recommended I start a little less firm so I went with his recommendation. I like your comments about the VZone though...they were going to ship me a medium but I'm pretty sure I want a firm ...the question is whether I need a softer piece in the shoulders and hips. (My problem areas.) Part of the problem I don't like now is the feeling that my hips are sinking into the "bouncy" :) mattress. It's better now but still has some room to go. I'm thinking of getting rid of the medium all together. So, why did you put your VZone in the middle? I'm wondering if I did that if I could handle a completely firm VZone v. customining some parts to be medium. Any chance you can tell me the differences you noticed between having it as the 2nd layer v. the 3rd (counting the convoluted as the top layer)? Thanks for your input! |
I put the vzone in the middle to try a firmer feel. I believe that XF over F over XF will be firmer than F over XF over XF. It does mute the benefit of the vzone, so that is a negative. If you get a firm vzone layer, they will put a medium piece under the hips. If you don't like you hips sinking in too much, you might find even that too soft (I did). However, you can switch the firm piece under you legs with the medium piece under the hips to get a firmer feel under the hips. I don't think the firmness under the legs matters that much. I like have a softer piece under the shoulders, because that is the one part that get undercomfortable (for me) with a firm bed. You can look at this chart to see how they structure the vzone. It is a bit confusing, but I think you will understand it you study it for a while. http://www.flobeds.com/pdf/vZoneSpecs.pdf |
Good info Sandman! I did see the chart before but am studying it more carefully now...I think I want to custom pick how this goes. I will keep you posted. |
It has been a while since I reported in on my FloBeds experience. So I thoughtI would post this experience and observation. I purchased a new protective cover for my mattress. My old one was over 10 years old and was wearing out. It was a very thin cover but did a good job. The new one I acquired is 100% cotton and slightly thicker and of better quality than what I previously had. One thing of note is it had a longer skirt that allowed me to pull the cover quite tight and tuck in the skirt on the bottom of the mattress. I was trying to smooth out any wrinkles from the storage that the cover had endured. The point is that this new cover gave me a new sleep experience. I thought this information might be helpful to those who are dealing with firmness levels in their mattress. I found it quite interesting that even this slight difference in top layer made quite a difference in the way my mattress felt. It felt quite a bit firmer. It was as if I had increased the density of the latex. I thought this might be helpful to those who are fighting to get the proper feel from their latex bed, or any other bed for that matter. Just this slight change made a considerable difference in the way the bed felt. In fact it's going to take a little bit to get used to it, as I appreciated the old cover. I actually felt like I was sleeping more on top of the mattress with the new cover than the way I felt with the old cover. There was less sinking into the latex it seemed to me. I am assuming this is due to the fact that I was able to stretch the cover quite tightly over the mattress. As a side note for those who are fighting their cheap P/U foam on their innerspring mattresses. I had an occasion this afternoon to have a rather lengthy telephone conversation setting in a chair that normally does not get used that much. It is a very solid wood chair with some cheap P/U foam for a cushion. I would say that the foam is not more than 2 inches thick and probably less, possibly an inch to an inch and a half. The point being that my butt went totally to sleep on me and I had a tough time standing up. So I guess the point I'm trying to make to folks regarding their mattresses is..... it does not take very much of a top later change to make a significant difference in how a mattress sleeps, and cheap P/U foam (as JimSoCal is constantly pointing out) is a terrible material to use for cushioning. I am still sleeping on the left side of my FlowBeds configured F/XF/XF, right side of bed F/F/XF. And the bed is sleeping quite well. The more I sleep on my latex bed the better I like it. This message was modified Jan 27, 2010 by eagle2
Thanks for that update eagle2. Funny I have said my mattress cover made my latex topper unpleasant, I would get welts from them (very senstive). I would like to see the mattress covers you are talking about. Is there a link? Not sure what they are like. But I am finding with sheets even make a big difference. I tried jersey sheets (stretch) over a polyester plush blannket and am more comfortable that way. No it is not hot. I am not sure why, but it isn't. I tried every mattress cover the stores had to offer, they felt like concrete. Every time I try different sheets, like I tried cotton flannel the mattress felt totally different. Jersey sheets wear out in months though, but that is the price I am willing and have to pay. I am glad you figured your Flobeds and covers out. What sheets do you use? |
Leo: The wife did not purchase this cover online and I had a hard time trying to find something just like it. As close as I was able to come is this cover at Sears. All I know is that mine is 100% cotton fill, it has 100% cotton Expand- A- Grip, and the top and bottom are 100% cotton. So you could say this is an all 100% cotton mattress pad. It's machine washable and dryable. http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_09606644000P?vName=Bed+&psid=FROOGLE01&sName=Various+Coordinates&cName=BeddingEssentials&aff=Y&sid=I0084400010000100600 I also sleep on all 100% cotton sheets. 200 or 300 thread count as I recall. I will know more after I have slept on it for several nights. One thing that Sandman might be interested in. At least initially the first hour or so that I lay on it it seems cooler than the old mattress pad. I am attributing this to the hundred percent cotton construction. Now, like I said, I have only slept on it for one night, so any conclusive perspective will have to wait until I've had more time sleeping on it. Any changes in my perspective I will certainly report. One other thing, this pad has a 10 year warranty This message was modified Jan 27, 2010 by eagle2
Eagle, I have a 100% cotton mattress pad that I bought from Flobeds. It might be the same as the Sears one, because I think it is a Beautyrest. I did not find it made a significant difference in temperature (after a few hours), but it is not real thick. Lately I have been using the cotton one over a wool filled one by Natura. That might be slightly better temperature wise. I think the main factor is the thickness. To have a significant impact, there has to be enough thickness create a bit of a buffer. Less dense materials like cotton and wool will not hold as much heat as the latex itself (at least that is my opinion). It is a bit surprising that it seems firmer. Yes, a firmer top will make a mattress firmer - the latex will squish less sideways. Hard to see how a stretchable mattress pad would make it that much tighter, but maybe it does. It could also be that it is taking longer for the latex to warm up with a thicker pad. I think it does get a bit softer when warmer. |
Sandman: I'm just guessing, since I've only slept on it one night, but I think that possibly the firmer feel comes from the fact that I stretched the pad as tight as I could and tucked in the skirt of the pad under the mattress. This was all in an attempt to straighten out any wrinkles that had developed due to being stored in its plastic bag. This did stretched the top somewhat and make it tight across the mattress. It is somewhat thicker than the old pad, but not by much. I must interject that the old pad was really thin and really wearing out ( as in used up). It's amazing how things like this can become quite comfortable as we have become so used to them, 10 years after all is a fairly long time. I should also add that the old pad was not 100% cotton. The bottom of the pad was some kind of synthetic material. The new pad is entirely 100% cotton. I will report back on the experience that I'm having with this pad when I've had more time to test it. |
I wonder where did your wife find a 100% cotton mattress pad? I looked all over for one, we use to have one many years ago too. They just stopped making them where I live, and I couldn't find one online either. They always use polyester fiberfill now. That was why I though why not just the plush blanket I saw at Ross. So it is easier to wash than a stiff mattress pad too. If I were you I would either not pull the mattress pad so tight, or use the old one. Maybe you could iron the mattress pad (over the ironing board of course) to get those wrinkles out and put back on instead of pulling it so tight. I am sooooo picky, that I want to sink into the latex, not sleep over a mattress pad and sheet that pulls so tight you don't even know you have toppers to soften the hard mattress. I wondered how the Flobed mattress cover was, apparently it is such that you can still feel the latex. |