Latexco latex and the slatted frame
I just found part of the answer to my question, but still who are they? I think Sleep Comp was made in Europe. Has anyone bought from them? Here is the website for them, from the website "Sleep Comp West, now known as Latexco West, was established in Buena Park, CA. on January 2, 2002. It is a full service latex and polyurethane foam distributor and fabricator serving the western U.S. and Canada. In February of 2006, Sleep Comp West became part of the Latexco family." But look at the second picture (down below now), I want that flex slat foundation. I am not having any luck finding any sellers for those, other than Flobeds. But Flobed doesn't adjust like this one does (the head part goes up).
This message was modified Mar 23, 2010 by Leo3
Re: Latexco latex and the slatted frame
Any other places that sell the flex slats other than Flobed? Anywhere else? This message was modified Mar 24, 2010 by Leo3