Whew! The Flobed arrived this afternoon in 3 boxes! I got all the pieces out and checked them to be sure I got everything ordered. I couldn't put it together right away because I was waiting on a foundation to be delivered. They finally brought the foundation around 6:30, so I got to work! Originally I intended to take pictures of the process, but then my DH came home and announced he wasn't helping, so I huffed all the pieces upstairs, laid out the cover as instructed, and began taking out the individual layers. Aside from each piece being heavy and unwieldly, it really wasn't too difficult to get the layers on the mattress cover. and adjust them. I did have to stop and take a 10 minute break after getting the first 2 layers on the bed (4 pieces). Layer 3 went on . . .and then the topper! That's where I ran into a little snag. I put the soft covoluted top layer on, and it's waaaay too big! It's marked a queen, but I'm pretty sure it's a king, lol. I get it lined up top to bottom and along one edge, and it overhangs the other side by about a foot! So . . .temporarily, I folded that piece up and set it aside and zipped up the other 3 layers into the cover. First impressions are, this bed is amazingly comfortable! I was worried about getting a firm/xfirm/xfirm, and I'll have to sleep on it a few nights, but oh la la! It's comfortable just to lie on. Very supportive, springy and bouncy, but not hard. Tomorrow I'll have to call Dewey and have a chat about the top layer. What I'd like is permission to just cut that piece to size without losing my 90 money back guarantee. I've been waiting so long for a comfortable mattress, I don't want to mail this one back and wait for another convoluted piece. If he says ok, I'll trim it down, unzip the cover, put the convoluted layer on . . . and ahhhhhh. I'll do as Eagle and report back on my experiences with my Flobed, though maybe not in the same precise detail. I can't wait to go to bed! |
I am giving it some time. My back problems are severe, and I don't expect them to be solved overnight by a new mattress :) Having said that, last night was comfortable and I woke up practically pain free, which is a huge improvement. Husband said again this morning (as he has every morning) that he loves the new Flobed mattress. I'm not sure about the firmness level. I am heavy, and I'm concerned that if I got a softer layer I'd start sinking into it and body wouldn't be in alignment. I think if anything I would order a firm layer and switch out one of the xfirm layers. But I'm going to give it a good week before I decide on trying a different layer. |
What is your sense when you are sleeping on it? Does it feel too firm? Or do you feel like you are sinking in too far? Or does it feel pretty much right, but you are still having back pain and not sure why? This message was modified Oct 22, 2009 by sandman
Hi Kimberly! Glad you had a better night! We've had our dunlop Savvy Rest set for a week now & our backs are doing just great! I have to say that neither of our backs had to "get used to" the firmer dunlop latex. It's firm, supportive, yet yields enough for comfort. Hard to explain, but no soreness or bruised bodies from day one... We decided on Savvy because they sell both talalay and dunlop (natural-no synthetic), so if dunlop proved to be too firm, we could mix it up or even switch to talalay. Turns out the dunlop is perfect . My side is firm/med/soft and DH has firm/med/med (mid layer was supposed to be firm, but Savvy sent med in error & we're testing it this way before returning) I asked for our firm layers to be as close to 40 ILD as possible, and upper ILD ranges for the mediums & soft. I'm wondering... if your soreness returns - can you request some firmer talalay from Flobeds? My hunch is that you need firmer, not softer, as some are suggesting. (I don't mean to toss a monkey-wrench in , but firmer usually works better for most back DH is proof - body impressions in our 6 yr old innerspring, (high quality) put him on the floor due to shooting nerve pain the inpression was causing. He was sleeping on the floor (on firm, 2" sunbrella chaise cushion) for 7 weeks by the time our latex bed arrived & so far, so good...still no shooting pain or usual stiffness & lower back pain. DH has degenerative disc disease. (the shooting pain, due to body impression, was something new & only went away with 30 mins of walking - a real negative at 3 am! Once he moved to floor-sleeping, the nerve pain disappeared) So, he's always needed a firmer mattress. (He is 5'11" tall and weighs 170 lbs - a lightweight) I have posted our experiences with our Savvy Rest under that specific topic here, and hope to post photos of our dunlop latex today if anyone wants to see what it looks like. As the wife of a fellow back sufferer of 38+ years, I only wish you the very best with your new FloBeds set! Sounds like you are getting there!! This message was modified Oct 25, 2009 by catlover
Well I've been sleeping on my completed Flobed for around a week. My husband just loves it . . . which is ironic because he complained so bitterly about getting rid of our 15 year old mattress and insisted that paying anything over $800 for a new mattress was a waste of money. I am not so thrilled. I don't know, it just doesn't have the feel I was looking for in a latex mattress. I guess I was looking for that sproingy feel where I'm lying on a bed of jello (to use the analogy that someone came up with recently). When I lie down, the bed compresses around me, and yet it feels firm. I think if I went softer I'd just end up in a crater (which was the problem with the Custom Comfort latex mattress I started out with), yet I would like a softer feel. I guess I'll call Flobeds today and see what they say. At the moment, I'm sort of regretting I didn't go with a trial period on the Tempurpedic first. I will say that my hip pain has about gone away, and there has been a vast improvement over the 15 year old mattress in that I'm not waking up in severe pain at night. But, I'm still experiencing bachache at night and in the morning when I get up. I didn't expect a mattress to solve my problems but I'm just not finding this heavenly to sleep in so far. My only problem is, if I decide a latex mattress isn't right for me, my husband has fallen in love with it :) and there's no way he'll put up with returning it for something different. |
Yes, I think you should call them and see what they say. If your husband would let you, you could give him 3 XF layers, and you try F/F/XF (for 1 night) and see how that feels. Or, you have nothing to lose by trying a different layer on the top. Maybe have them send 1/2 medium. That would give you several more options. M/XF/XF or M/F/XF or F/M/XF... etc. You can do that on your half, without changing your husbands. I would note the the ILD on medium is 28 and for firm it is 32. So, it is probably not as big of a difference as you think. It is 12.5% softer. So, if you sink in 3" with firm, you would sink in 3.4" with medium (assuming the same percentage holds with different weight levels). If you really like the Tempurpedic feel, you could also try 2" memory foam instead of the convoluted foam. I have done that it does feel different, I would say softer. It does sleep hotter though (perhaps depending on the type of MF). I think Flobeds has some memory foam as well, if you want to try that route. This message was modified Oct 27, 2009 by sandman
Yes indeed, give Dave a call at FlowBeds and tell them your problem. My guess is he very well may suggest there V-firm, I believe they call it, it's the bed that Dave sleeps on. The top layer is adjustable. You can have a firmer layer for your hips and a softer layer for your shoulders and so forth. So you just change the layers on the top around rather than whole layers of latex. They cost a little more but give you a great deal more flexibility. |
Kimberly, I know you have spent a great deal on your new bed and probably are not in the mood to spend more, but we found that a thick wool topper adds a very plush feel. It is, by no means, bouncy as you described, but more "cloudlike" for lack of a better term, while still retaining the latex's firm support. We purchased a Snugfleece original. I am not trying to push you in this direction, but do want to point out that Snugfleece allows purchasers a refund if not completely satisfied. I hope that this helps. Philip |
Kimberly: I had to call FlowBeds today regarding the return of a couple of sample layers. I spoke to Dave Turner about your difficulties with your bed, and how I had suggested the Vzone bed possibility. He said yes, he would be more than happy to work with you if that is what you determine might cure your problem. You can go to the website and read about the Vzone mattress. It is simply a regular bed with the top layer being sliced into segments, or zones, of varying firmness levels. I forget how many zones they can cut it into, but it would make it easy to change out a firmness, as a zone, on the top layer, rather than having to change the entire layer. This would allow a firmer area for your hips, softer areas for other parts of your body. It could be cut to work for a person of your height. And since you have a split mattress it would only have to be on your side of the bed. So it sounds like a perfect solution to what you're encountering with your FlowBeds. I encourage you to give Dave a call. He's a great man to work with. I have thoroughly enjoyed my purchasing experience working with these folks. I just wish all of my purchases in life had been this enjoyable. Good luck to you. ![]() |
I agree that you should call flobeds and see what they suggest. If that doesn't pan out, you could explore the marshmallow type top layer feel by getting 1-1/2" to 3" of high quality memory foam. That or try a wool topper. Perhaps in your case latex will be a good base but not the best comfort layer. Let us know what happens. |
I tried someone's suggestion and switched the layers around. Now my side is firm over firm over extra firm, hubby's side is 3 layers of extra firm. I'm finding this more comfortable than the two layers of extra firm. What is bothering me, is when Flobeds sent me a replacement convoluted topper for the king size they accidentally sent me, it's short, both in length and width. It's about an inch to an inch and a half short in both directions. I've worked and worked on it, and it just does not cover the cores, and the cores are snug against each other. Part of me says meh, it doesn't matter because I'm not sleeping on the edge, and part of me says, they sent the wrong thing the first time, the second time it should have been right! Also, when I got finished zipping up the cover after switching the cores around, I discovered the zipper was separating at the beginning point. So I'm not so sure about the quality of the zipper either . . . I suppose I'll call them to discuss these issues. |