In need of a good mattress - please help
Mar 8, 2010 4:56 AM
Joined: Mar 8, 2010
Points: 65
Hi all, I've been reading this forum since about 4:30 am (which is the time I wake up and start fighting the sagging hole in the center of my King Coil Eurotop - yuck.

I see that a lot of you are going towards latex and some towards memory foam.  I'm afraid to make the jumpt to "the dark side" but what do you think of this Sleep Science Celeste bed from Costco?|93|1924|78455|67414&N=4034765&pos=1&Nr=P_CatalogName:BC&cat=67414&Ns=P_Price|0||P_SignDesc1&lang=en-US&ec=BC-EC25093-Cat78455&topnav=

Is there anywhere I can get one for that cheap that's as good or even better where there's not 4-6week delivery?

One last question:  I may stay with inner spring beds, and know that I want to go firm and build upon it if necessary rather than get one with all this cheap padding that sags.  I've learned about heavy coil gauge and don't know if should go with latex or visco on top.  I found a SpringAir for $999 (queen set) at a small retailer here in Boston which is 980 coil count with 2.5" of visco on top.  What do you think of that, even though SpringAir supposedly sucks?

I'm 44, have a major problem with sleeping and need a good mattress to help, am a stomach and side sleeper and like a firmer feel.

Thank you!

Re: In need of a good mattress - please help
Reply #8 Mar 10, 2010 10:47 AM
Joined: Oct 13, 2009
Points: 156
Agreed, you can't change out the layers in a Gardner mattress.  BUT, they also have many other innerspring mattresses that are very well made (including one with a latex pillow top).  Plus, you can try out several latex matresses to see what the LI latex feels like.   I was also reluctant to order a latex matress online, but in handsight, wish that I had!   I ended up buying another 3 inch layer online to add to the top of my Gardner latex mattress, but now I have a nice setup for a good price overall. 
Re: In need of a good mattress - please help
Reply #9 Mar 10, 2010 11:07 AM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
I think you should re-consider ordering online. Unless you have no atm or credit card to do so, there is really no good reason not to. It's completely safe nowadays. Also, I am almost positive if you order from Flobeds or SleepEZ you can order on the phone. In fact I recommend doing so because then you can talk to the experts there who can help you decide what firmness and configuration is best for you.

If the local company mentioned makes good spring mattresses without much pu or poly foam in them, that might well be a good choice. However, how is their exchange/return policy? If they have a good exchange or return policy and make good mattresses with quality materials I would look at that.

Also, the CostCo Emma or whatever it's called sounds like a winner and they have a great return policy so that might work for you as well.

For the most part I believe in avoiding memory foam in thicknesses more than just 1" or, maximum 2" at or near the top of your mattress. Anything more than that, you're going to end up with lower back pain from a lack of support after it breaks down.
Re: In need of a good mattress - please help
Reply #10 Mar 13, 2010 2:45 AM
Joined: Mar 8, 2010
Points: 65
Thanks, folks!  This all really helps.  I've learned so much and REFUSE to get foiled again by cheaply made mattresses with PU Foam!  I am going to check out Gardner Mattress in Salem and also consider buying online.  Thank goodness for the info on the web!  You've all helped me a lot.  I'll post an update.
Re: In need of a good mattress - please help
Reply #11 Mar 13, 2010 9:23 AM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
For my money you can't beat FloBeds. Order  by phone and talk to either Dave Turner, the father, or Dewey the son, and talk to the people who own the company that has been in business for over 30 years. They have an excelent BBB record, and many satified custermers on this forum.

I purchased a king-size all natural latex mattress from them back in September. I could not be happier.

 You can go to the thread I started entitled "Just bought a new FloBeds" it is quite extensive and if you want to read it all,( unless they have changed this feature with their new redo of his website) and hit the "ALL". I believe it is over 180 posts by now.

They have the best exchange and return policy on the Internet that I'm aware.


Good luck with your purchase.

This message was modified Mar 13, 2010 by eagle2

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