Our Hastens Experience
Mar 24, 2008 7:43 AM
Joined: Mar 23, 2008
Points: 17
I have not been on here in some time, but I used to be a regular poster. 15 months ago my wife and I purchased a Hastens Excelsior in medium. It was by far the best bed we have ever slept in bar none. We have taken very good care of our investment. But something has gone wrong, and the bed has developed a slight hammocking effect that is problematic. The Hastens company was very quick to respond, and sent a company rep immediately. We live in New York City. Within days they determined that something unusual has gone wrong with the springs and have ordered us a brand new mattress. The price has gone up and they are not charging us the difference. We tested the new ones and to me they are even better than the one we had. The sides have been reinforced, and they are amazingly comfortable. I am amazed at the level of service we have received from the Hastens company. They insist that this problem is very rare and I believe it.  I have friends who own this bed and they report no such problem. I have not lost faith in the Hastens product. Their commitment to satisfaction shows me just what kind of company this is. Even Rolls Royce or Ferrari produce a lemon occasionally.

There has been a lot of talk about Hastens here lately. Unless you have owned or experienced this bed it is quite ridiculous to comment on it. So much has been said about how overrated Hastens is. How poorly they are made. How they are not worth the money. So many negative comments. But few of the negative comments seem to come from Hastens owners. Yes, this bed is expensive. It is not for everyone. I know I am fortunate to be able to have one.  I find much of the negativity about this bed to be unfounded and a bit ignorant. Unless you own one you just don't know. And this is coming from someone who just had a problem with one. That is how much I love and believe in this bed. There is nothing like a Hastens in my opinion, and they are worth every penny. And I know many agree with me.

Re: Our Hastens Experience
Reply #13 Mar 25, 2008 6:19 AM
Joined: Mar 23, 2008
Points: 17
Then you should not buy a Rolex Need4sleep. You clearly have all the information you require.
Re: Our Hastens Experience
Reply #14 Mar 25, 2008 6:20 AM
Joined: Mar 23, 2008
Points: 17
Sales Pitch??? Give me a break.
Re: Our Hastens Experience
Reply #15 Mar 25, 2008 4:54 PM
Joined: Sep 10, 2007
Points: 395
"15 months ago my wife and I purchased a Hastens Excelsior. It was by far the best bed we have ever slept in bar none. We have taken very good care of our investment. But something has gone wrong, and the bed has developed a slight hammocking effect that is problematic. [S]omething unusual has gone wrong with the springs and have ordered us a brand new mattress. The price has gone up and they are not charging us the difference. We tested the new ones and to me they are even better than the one we had. The sides have been reinforced."

What's wrong with this picture? The best bed ever, well taken care of, develops an "extremely rare" problem, and is quickly replaced by a new one, which just happens to now have reinforced sides, which makes it even better than the best bed ever.

And BTW, IMO a Rolex is a huge waste of money. I had a nice one, a "family" piece, and it was a beautiful, "impressive" (if you're into that), but otherwise just a somewhat fragile, overpriced, not overly accurate timepiece, which required an expensive cleaning every couple of years. I put the money to better use. Life is too short to be overly attached to your possessions.
Re: Our Hastens Experience
Reply #16 Mar 26, 2008 5:26 AM
Joined: Mar 23, 2008
Points: 17

Clearly your financial situation does not afford you the luxury of owning a Hastens or a Rolex. But please do not berate those who can. It is not appreciated.  Life is also too short to hang out on a mattress forum. 383 posts MCC?  WOW.  Now that must have taken some time. Sleeptight over and out!!!!!!!! 

This message was modified Mar 26, 2008 by sleeptight
Re: Our Hastens Experience
Reply #17 Mar 26, 2008 6:06 AM
Location: NC
Joined: Feb 21, 2008
Points: 72
"Life is also too short to hang out on a mattress forum. 383 posts MCC?  WOW.  Now that must have taken some time."


Mccldwll's comments may lack some tact, but he has probably helped hundreds of people over the years he's been posting. Who knows how many have read his posts on this and the original forum and learned exactly what they needed to get a good  night's rest and  now have an improved quality of life as a result. Those who post their experiences here as well as answer other people's questions do more good than you or any of us can realize. They choose to take their time (a valuable commodity) to educate and help others and they're to be commended.

Re: Our Hastens Experience
Reply #18 Mar 26, 2008 6:38 AM
Joined: Mar 23, 2008
Points: 17
I can appreciate that Sasha. And I used to be and would like to be a valuable contributor. But every forum has one loud mouth who has been around for awhile and thinks they own the forum. They are almost always sarcastic with an acid tongue. On this board it is Mccldwll. His tact is not acceptable, and I am sick and tired of it. So as a result I am leaving, which is a shame. It's a good forum. Maybe the moderators can learn something here. No doubt he'll be on here soon defending himself and saying what a fool I am and good riddance. That would be text book. Too bad I won't be here to read it. Best of luck to everyone.
This message was modified Mar 26, 2008 by sleeptight
Re: Our Hastens Experience
Reply #19 Mar 26, 2008 10:17 AM
Joined: Sep 10, 2007
Points: 395
Sorry you're missing this, but nobody is a fool for buying whatever is necessary to get a good night's sleep. And I'm sure that for some, that means a Hastens; but for most, a Hastens isn't necessary, and perhaps not even the best choice. Most here didn't just fall off turnip trucks and your pitch appears all too familiar. I've also heard it used with vacuums, air purifiers, cars (safety), tires (safety), and cookware:
"I believe in quality, and I always buy the best I can afford. Considering how important sleep is to our lives, how could one not get the best bed they can afford? To me it is one of the most important purchases we can ever make."

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