Question for Budgy and other latex folks
Jan 18, 2010 12:24 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
It is coming down to a choice for me between rockymountainmattress's Dunlop or SleepEZ's Dunlop.
One thing that bugs me about RockyMountain's Dunlop is that the firmest Dunlop they offer is 26IFD, and I was thinking I would get 32ILD from SleepEZ.

My main question is: Do you think 26IFD is firm enough for a bottom layer just over my springs? I really don't know. I believe the HR foam I have been using is 32ILD though it might be 28ILD, I don't remember. They are calling 26IFD natural Dunlop "medium firm" but going by the numbers, I would think it would be more like medium soft.

SleepEZ offers the 32 ILD in the natural Dunlop though I don't know if it's as good as the Rockymountan natural Dunlop which someone said is made by Latex Green (?) which Budgy said was a good company as I recall.

I do like that SleepEZ offers 1.5" which might be a little better than 1" or 2" for me, and Rockymountain only offers 1" or 2" not 1.5".

Decisions, decisions! Yuk.

Opinions on which I should buy now that I have it down to these 2 companies' Dunlop? My main concern is that 26IFD might be too soft for a base layer over springs...?
And then, it becomes, "Do I need 1.5" instead of just 1"?"

I have used 1" before in HR foam and I do know that 2" of HR foam was too much foam for me. So maybe I should stick with 1" only , but then Budgy said that 1" will break down quicker than 2". And by the way, can you expand on that? I don't see why the thickness would cause it to break down earlier or later... but I'll take your word for it...
This message was modified Jan 18, 2010 by jimsocal
Re: Question for Budgy and other latex folks
Reply #5 Jan 19, 2010 6:35 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
eagle2 wrote:
Jim: I did not check what the local UPS charge from the middle of the US to California was, since I got my return shipping label from Flobeds. But I was able to ship two 3" half sheets of natural latex back to flobeds for $35.00. It makes you wonder dosn't it. I know Savvy Rest wanted about $170.00 to ship round trip a layer (from/to) Virginia.

I do not think there is any doubt that some of these companys see there shipping department as a profit center.

Thanks, Eagle2. Yeah, I always avoid ebay sellers who do that (it's common on there) and I generally dislike companies that charge a lot on top of the actual cost of shipping. Even if you factor in the cost of the box, the plastic wrap to keep it clean and the tape etc. to ship it, I just don't think $49 for one OR two 1" layers is fair.

Glad I'm not the only one who sees this as a bit exorbitant and a questionable practice.

As Sandman points out, though, their overall price isn't that high. Basically it comes down to SleepEZ deciding to follow this business model, of offering cheap prices and then adding it back for the shipping part of the equation. I guess there's nothing really wrong with that; I just don't care for it as a business model. Though, I guess if I were regularly ordering 3" latex pads or several at once, then I would like it! In fact I'm sure I would. So I really shouldn't blame them, right? It works out for some people, it just isn't working out for me at this time.

I guess the other thing about it that I don't like is that it encourages me to spend more than I planned to spend, in order to "make use" of the one-price-shipping charge. But oh well... what counts is what I will probably find out soon: Is there latex any good, and how is their service?
Re: Question for Budgy and other latex folks
Reply #6 Jan 20, 2010 10:51 AM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
Budgy, on your suggestion I did order the 1.5" Dunlop, and I also ordered a 1" Talalay layer - both natural latex.
I ordered from SleepEZ because they were the only ones who had the 1.5" Dunlop. When I talked to Rockymountain they said they could not get me the 1.5" Dunlop.
They were very nice, though, and if I were ordering just 1" I probably would have ordered from them instead. But I decided that as Philip said, I did want to compare the Dunlop and Talalay and though one is 1" and the other is 1.5" I still think I'll be able to get an idea of the different feel. Mainly I just hope some configuration of one or both of these 2 layers will help me sleep and wake up without back pain!

They won't be able to ship them until Monday as they had to wait for a shipment to get the 1.5" Dunlop. So I'll post after I get them in a week or two. Not sure what kind of shipping service I get, whether it's a quick type of slow boat to China type, I didn't ask, as I had made my decision to buy these 2 layers, either way.

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