Question for Budgy and other latex folks
Jan 18, 2010 5:24 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
It is coming down to a choice for me between rockymountainmattress's Dunlop or SleepEZ's Dunlop.
One thing that bugs me about RockyMountain's Dunlop is that the firmest Dunlop they offer is 26IFD, and I was thinking I would get 32ILD from SleepEZ.

My main question is: Do you think 26IFD is firm enough for a bottom layer just over my springs? I really don't know. I believe the HR foam I have been using is 32ILD though it might be 28ILD, I don't remember. They are calling 26IFD natural Dunlop "medium firm" but going by the numbers, I would think it would be more like medium soft.

SleepEZ offers the 32 ILD in the natural Dunlop though I don't know if it's as good as the Rockymountan natural Dunlop which someone said is made by Latex Green (?) which Budgy said was a good company as I recall.

I do like that SleepEZ offers 1.5" which might be a little better than 1" or 2" for me, and Rockymountain only offers 1" or 2" not 1.5".

Decisions, decisions! Yuk.

Opinions on which I should buy now that I have it down to these 2 companies' Dunlop? My main concern is that 26IFD might be too soft for a base layer over springs...?
And then, it becomes, "Do I need 1.5" instead of just 1"?"

I have used 1" before in HR foam and I do know that 2" of HR foam was too much foam for me. So maybe I should stick with 1" only , but then Budgy said that 1" will break down quicker than 2". And by the way, can you expand on that? I don't see why the thickness would cause it to break down earlier or later... but I'll take your word for it...
This message was modified Jan 18, 2010 by jimsocal