Results of Dream Coil Topper and CuddleBed
Apr 20, 2008 4:24 PM
Joined: Mar 31, 2008
Points: 17
Well I am sorry to say that using both the Dream Coil Topper and Cuddlebed and each separately didn't help my husband with his back and neck fusion to be able to have a restful sleep in bed instead of the recliner.  So off they go back but I do want to Thank you Beddybye for the suggestions.  I will have to still have to keep looking for that perfect combination that will help him with the pressure points that he has to deal with if there is anything out there.  He has to sleep on his back for the most part and I am hoping that there is something out there for him that will work.

Thank you and if anyone has found a mattress that is perfect for pressure point please don't hesitate to let me know.  I will always read the board in hopes that there is something either now or in the future.


Re: Results of Dream Coil Topper and CuddleBed
Reply #1 Apr 20, 2008 8:43 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
How about a very very firm mattress surface (either with springs or very high ILD latex not less than 38 ILD... one of my 36 ILD latex cores averaged 39 ILD and I can not sleep on my 1" topper on anything less than this... I will be calling Dave tomorrow to see if he will exchange my other 2 ILD latex cores that average 35 ILD on the other side of the bed for those that average at least 38 ILD but preferrable 39 ILD.... my side of the bed is nice now but I want the other side of my bed to be the same) with a 1" latex topper.  I returned my Flobed 2" soft latex topper and bought a Brylane Latex 1" topper since I am petite (not quite 5 feet and now about 104 lbs... tax season weight gain) and the thicker topper hurt my back since I like cushion for pressure points but I like to sink down to a very firm surface especially now since the car accident where I ended up with 5 herniated disks especially in my neck and lumber support area.  My set up works for me plus a latex foam pillow.  Anything less than 38 ILD now hurts my back. I also needed a 44 to 46 ILD under the two 39 ILD latex cores to give me the firmness that my back now required. Before the accident I was comfortable with my 3/4" Overstock topper over the two 36 ILD's over the 44 ILD latex core. But now this is too soft for me. Amazingly I can feel the difference between 39 ILD and 36 ILD. My back knows the difference since I wake up in pain if the bed is too soft. I also have a slight scoliosis. 

If you have a fairly new bed and if it is very very firm, then I suggest you find a 1" soft latex topper that has a good return policy.  My pillows are from  Flobed sells pillows also that are latex and nice and you can buy them in softer or firmer feels but I think my Overstock Pillow was not as high but I may be wrong since I have two Queen Flobed pillows that were wonderful in feel but too high for me so I am using them as pillows for my shams and they look and feel wonderful using them this way. I wish they were standard size pillows since I am finding out standard size pillows are not as high as queen size pillows.

Re: Results of Dream Coil Topper and CuddleBed
Reply #2 Apr 21, 2008 5:26 AM
Joined: Mar 31, 2008
Points: 17

Thank you for the information.  Excuse my ignorance but I have never understood what ILD means and what the numbers mean.  I read them in posts but it just goes over my head.  My husbands problems are also due to a car accident.  He thinks a spring mattress would be uncomfortable.  We have tried some Land and Sky mattresses but haven't found one yet.  I think he has a mind set that there isn't anything out there, however there has to be something.  I am going to post a question about waterbeds to hopefull find out the good and bad about those mattresses
Thanks for the information I will look at 1 inch toppers.
Re: Results of Dream Coil Topper and CuddleBed
Reply #3 Apr 21, 2008 8:16 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
EmiJ, the higher the ILD number the firmer the surface.  I think the number means, how many pounds of pressure is needed to indent the mattress.  I could never go back to a spring mattress once I got my Latex Mattress in May 2007. But I know each person's back is different.  was almost going to get the neck fusion but I put off the operation since I want to talk to some more doctors. When I have car rides, my lower back starts to hurt and I come home in pain fro hours also. My problems all are from the car accident I had last year.  I love my Latex bed since I am able to unzip the cover and move the latex cores around to put all the firmest ones on my side of the bed with the thin soft latex topper that adds more than enough cushion for me. In fact, I wish it was only 3/4" thick.  I no longer move from side to side to get off my pressure points like I did when I had a spring matttress. 

I am sorry about your husband's pain still despite the surgeries. Thank you for sharing this since I am trying to figure out myself what I should do.

Re: Results of Dream Coil Topper and CuddleBed
Reply #4 May 2, 2008 6:14 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
My best suggestion for a problem such as your husband's would be one of 2 things:

Try a reputable adjustable air + foam bed. Or just air and add your own foam topper.

OR take an Extra Firm good Spring mattress and do surgery on it, take out ALL the cheap foam (that is all the foam the mattress co. put in it) and buy your own HD foam, latex foam and/or memory foam to build up your own foam-over-inner-spring mattress.

Cutting open the mattress really is quite easy. The hard part is changing it and changing it and changing it (the combination of ILD's and types of foams) until you get it right.

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