Results of Dream Coil Topper and CuddleBed
Apr 20, 2008 4:24 PM
Joined: Mar 31, 2008
Points: 17
Well I am sorry to say that using both the Dream Coil Topper and Cuddlebed and each separately didn't help my husband with his back and neck fusion to be able to have a restful sleep in bed instead of the recliner.  So off they go back but I do want to Thank you Beddybye for the suggestions.  I will have to still have to keep looking for that perfect combination that will help him with the pressure points that he has to deal with if there is anything out there.  He has to sleep on his back for the most part and I am hoping that there is something out there for him that will work.

Thank you and if anyone has found a mattress that is perfect for pressure point please don't hesitate to let me know.  I will always read the board in hopes that there is something either now or in the future.


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