Serta iComfort Revolution memory foam set - my experience
Jul 15, 2011 11:40 AM
Joined: Jun 2, 2011
Points: 481
I just wanted to start another thread because there are some claims in the 'request for advice' thread that I have not found to be the case.


My iComfort Revolution is on the matching box spring, not adjustable base. I've tried the Revolution in 3 Sears stores for quite some time before purchasing.  Mine feels virtually the same as all 3 in the stores.

The Revolution is not a 'firm' bed.  Even Serta lists it as a Plush.  It is a very plush bed with quite of bit of give in the top layers of memory foam.

There were some comments of a 'strong odor' coming from new iComforts.  I can tell you for sure, there is no strong odor whatsoever from mine.  I smelled the slightest whisp of smell from the mattress, I think.  It's that faint. Less than two days after getting it, I cannot smell a thing from it.

As for 'sleeping hot' issues.  I have slept 2 nights in the bed.  I've been wearing shorts with sheet and comforter in the bed.  The house is about  65 at night.  I'm not too hot in the bed (edit - see below).  It might be a little warmer than the S&F conventional I just had, but I do mean only a little.

Only time will tell about durability - whether or not the foam keeps its support, but so far, the support is fine.

There was a claim that iComfort had something to do with Sleep Innovations.  Although it may use a similar foam to a Costco/Novaform/Sleep Innovations product, the iComfort law tag states the mattress is mfrd. by Serta in Moreno Valley, CA.

This message was modified Jul 19, 2011 by slpngoc
Re: Serta iComfort Revolution memory foam set - my experience
Reply #36 Aug 11, 2011 5:48 PM
Joined: Aug 5, 2011
Points: 5
"2. In the case of these major bed companies with their insanely high profit margins and lack of transparency contributing to customer confusion, the last 40 years has not been about making the best possible product, its been about charging the most possible for a product that is not worth the asking price. "


Customers and their demands help create the industry and products most commonly available.  They don't just appear out of no where and become the "norm" for no reason.  In this industry specifically, customers claim to want one thing, but go for the other.  The best example is markup/discounts.  OF COURSE we all say we want low prices and no-haggling.  But who wins time and time again?  The shady store that tells a customer they are getting a "$2,000 bed for only $800!!".  As with Tempurpedic, who controls their pricing.....customers ALWAYS demand an extra discount.  Getting the same low-price isn't enough.

So customers want quality.  Low prices.  Durability.  Made in America.  Huge warranties.  Green products/manufacturing.  Free delivery (yeah, we'll pay 2 guys $13 per hour to bring it to your home.  Plus the $50 in gas for the big truck, and we'll also insure your home.  And it'll be free.  No, we won't work it in the price anywhere......).  Free financing.  Free 10+ return policy.  Etc.  Etc.


I don't like the industry either.  I WISH I could see the same prices everywhere on all products.  I wish I didn't have to "haggle" to get a sale.  But who does want to?  You do.  The customer does.  You want everything, for nothing, just like most fat, lazy 'Mericans.  Not saying I'm innocent either.  Sure I've only been selling mattresses for 5 months, but that doesn't negate the YEARS of furniture management experience I've also had.  (Yeah, you don't know me just from a forum post, but thanks for being so quick to judge!!)


I have no agenda here.  I just wanted to share my experience as a revolution customer, as well as some insight from my perspective.  As with most forums, this has turned into an internet tough-guy shouting match, and I will no longer partake.  I'll check back to see what the deal is with that broken box, but I'm not taking part in the shouting match that this has become.  Especially since so many here have the ONLY CORRECT answer to how memory foam beds hold/dissipate heat.  Seriously, read the comment flow above.....I never stated to be ALL-KNOWING, or correct.  I simply stated my view and experience, which was promptly mis-understood.  And Wee, I did mis-understand what circulation you were referring to (blood vs air).  But before trying to make me sound like an ass whilst patting yourself on the back amidst your HIGH horse, remember that most people use the term "air-flow" when dealing with beds, and not "air-circulation".  But alas, I'm not alone in using "Glib Insults and patronizing comments", am I then? 


I must say that despite some aggression, the utter "know-it-all" responses to my opinions ("unfortunately I've encountered numerous salesmen of your type"), and people putting words in my mouth..... the original poster here has been very cordial and professional.  I at no time meant for my "overlapping" comments (such as "customers claim to want one thing, but go for the other"....) to apply directly to you.  It has been a pleasure reading your original opinions, and the experiences thereafter.  Anyone considering buying a Revolution will benefit greatly from this post and the interactions within.  I'm still curious to see if a new foundation helps your lack of support issue.  But the Revolution will always be quite plush.


And Wee.....  way to attack me personally without any real info or insight on the situation.  I'm obviously a vindictive salesman (I repeat your words "unfortunately I've encountered numerous salesmen of your type"), and most likely a liar and a theif as well.  I'm not a musician, an artist, a lover, nor do I enjoy spending my free time and energy working with non-profit organizations to better my community.  I just register as a new user to a bed-forum and spread lies all day for no money.  Yep.  Well, enjoy your time on the forums, as I'm betting you don't get much time outside in the real world.  But that's just my guess, I won't pretend to know. 


And once again.....much respect to slpngoc for an un-biased look into his/her sleep experience.  

Re: Serta iComfort Revolution memory foam set - my experience
Reply #37 Aug 11, 2011 6:05 PM
Joined: Apr 15, 2011
Points: 163
audioinjection wrote

And Wee.....  way to attack me personally without any real info or insight on the situation.  I'm obviously a vindictive salesman (I repeat your words "unfortunately I've encountered numerous salesmen of your type"), and most likely a liar and a theif as well.  I'm not a musician, an artist, a lover, nor do I enjoy spending my free time and energy working with non-profit organizations to better my community.  I just register as a new user to a bed-forum and spread lies all day for no money.  Yep.  Well, enjoy your time on the forums, as I'm betting you don't get much time outside in the real world.  But that's just my guess, I won't pretend to know. 


And once again.....much respect to slpngoc for an un-biased look into his/her sleep experience.  

Likewise. Your personal attacks on me and putting words in my mouth required a response.

Re: Serta iComfort Revolution memory foam set - my experience
Reply #38 Aug 11, 2011 9:07 PM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850
The whole deep discounting thing was not always this way. Customers didn't ask for the industry to run this way, the retailers created the expectation that people should get 50% off on everything by illegitimately marking up prices only to mark them down and 'save' people a lot of money.  I agree people sometimes want to much and expect too much, but as the old saying goes, you give someone an inch, they will want a mile.

The problem with opinions on how things work is that even though people feel they have a right to their opinions, they do not have the right to express them without criticism.  If they feel they have the right to say them that is okay, but we also have to accept the fact that with expressing opinions (especially in a discussion forum) it will also inevitably open up those opinions to criticism and or praise.  I am sorry if i upset you in anyway, however it is a well known fact that perspiring is how we cool our selves off, there is a reason the humidex plays a big role in how hot we 'feel', this is the same in the bedroom.  When humidity levels become high, perspiring becomes useless as the air is already saturated.  There probably is a modicum of truth about circulation or even just being on a soft mattress that has more contact with the body will make someone feel cosier.  I repeatedly bring this up because perhaps the OP would not have had an issue with heat if they had a woolen mattress protector instead of a plastic one.  However this is a moot point as clearly it is not supportive enough for them anyway and the mattress will only get softer with use. 

This is not an internet tough guy match, but you are the one spouting your credentials and you quite literally said "I'm just like you, but with a bit more mattress knowledge and a better discount!! "  If it feels like a yelling match maybe its because you use a lot of exclimation points.  No one is attacking you, but clearly you did something to make others feel defensive.

You are extremely wrong to assume that you have more mattress knowledge than posters on this forum.  The vast majority of posters here are on the consumer front but their are a lot of bright people here who know far more than the average consumer and the average salesperson.

Re: Serta iComfort Revolution memory foam set - my experience
Reply #39 Aug 12, 2011 2:25 AM
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
Joined: May 13, 2011
Points: 170
I'm sorry Mr. A, but your first two posts were so much like an advertisement that I immediately had no interest in hearing anything else you had to contribute.  Your bias was obvious. While I know that budgy is in the mattress business, he brings to this forum facts and wisdom learned over the years.  I have no idea what mattresses he sells or what he sleeps on. Mattress comfort is very subjective and budgy does an excellent job trying to help match people to a style of mattress that might work best for their stated needs.  He rarely says "THIS ONE THIS ONE BUY IT" like you have done.  If you just shut up and read, you could learn a lot that might actually help you become an informed mattress salesman.  
Re: Serta iComfort Revolution memory foam set - my experience
Reply #40 Aug 12, 2011 8:53 AM
Joined: Jun 2, 2011
Points: 481
Budgy, Wee, 

As to Audio, I read Audio's original post.  To his defense, I don't see too much out of line.  except I disagree one sleeps hot 3 weeks due increased circulation. That iComfort was having me hotter for good, but I was sunk pretty far into it.

Sounds to me like he's into mattresses like any enthused new salesperson would be.  I agree with his opinions comparing iComfort and TP's.  I also appreciated his suggestion for an adjustable bed as I've checked those out too.

Can't say I would want to be in mattress sales getting beaten up on price and priviledges.   I've seen customers walk into Sleep Train here and start beating on a salesperson for 1/2 off the posted price.  It must be brutal.  Especially the long hours one must be at the store and it is very slow.  I've met a lot of nice local mattress salespeople.  Some of them seem misinformed, but some salespeople don't care too awfully much about technical details. 


audioinjection wrote:

I just wanted to respond to a few of the original posters issues, but first I should mention a bit about my background.

I am in mattress sales.  Only for about 5 months, but I have learned quite a bit in that time.  I work for a nice local company, and am not high-pressure etc.  I also just received MY iComfort Revolution today.  Can't wait to sleep on it, and I'll probably report back to let you know how it's going. 

I mainly wanted to respond to a few points that were brought up throughout this entire thread.....

Heat:  With aTempurpedic/iComfort you WILL SLEEP HOT for approx 3 weeks or so.  This is due to the severe increase in bloodflow/ciculation due to the pressure relief (in men, mainly in the shoulder areas).  That said, your body should adjust after that period.  I have yet to have an iComfort OR Tempurpedic returned for heat.  Tempurpedic reports only 4% of returns due to heat, and only 3% within our company.  Beds in general will be returned for heat issues at about 10%.

BUT, I have heard from a salesperson in our company that he wishes he had went with an icomfort over his cloud supreme because it is slightly hot.  I won't be able to compare, because I've never owned a tempurpedic.

iComfort mattresses "cool" you with their gel-infused memory foam, or so they claim.  Tempurpedic uses an "airflow" system, and also claims that their tempur material cell-structure is more uniform, thus allowing more air to flow through.  I think both are bs.

A wool or latex topper could help perhaps.  Wool may cool you slightly, while a latex topper may help cool AND provide some additional support.  The iComfort Prodigy has this, and sounds like it would have been a better choice for the OP in this case.  But you don't know until you try.

Firmness:  The info given above is correct.  The Revolution compares most closely to the Cloud Luxe.  The Supreme is a bit more firm than both.  The Genius is the most firm, and the Insight is the "medium" firmness.   HD Rhapsody is different, and a bit more firm than Rev/Clouds.  May have been a better choice for OP, but hindsight is 20/20.  Also, the brand new tempurpedic Countour series (which replaces the classic and deluxe) may be a good middle ground of softness/support.

Possible Solutions for backpain:  OP was good to try some diff pillows.  It's all about proper spinal alignment for your particular sleeping habits.  I may need a thinner pillow for my new revolution since it is rathar "plush".  Our bodies are all different, but getting that spine as straight as possible with mattress AND pillow ensures that your muscles can relax properly.

As mentioned, a latex topper may give you the support you need PLUS cool you down.  It MAY be the cheapest fix.  Or you need a more firm mattress. 

Also, an adjustable base would probably work also, but it more expensive.  OP have you tried an adjustable base?  It can really work wonders for back pain.  It may be your missing puzzle-piece, and why virtually NO MATTRESS has worked for you yet.


Returns:  I can understand the company sticking you with that mattress.  As much as I appreciate the thorough play-by-play on your mattress, in my sales may NEVER find the perfect mattress.  Usually anyone "over-thinking" their issues this much is destined to endure an endless hunt for "perfection" which doesn't exist.  Perhaps more excersize and stretching on a regular basis is the real answer, yet the mattress will always take the blame.  I hope this isn't the case with you.  Your review seemed much more "informative" than "neurotic" in my opinion.  Regardless, the company only has so much "room" built into their retail markup to allow for returns, which is why they have a specific policy, and ALSO why the mattress "game" is so shady!  Customers want low prices, free delivery and unlimited exchanges, yet complain when they find out how much their mattress was marked up from the get-go.  Nothing is free, and you always get what you pay for. 


I hope this may have helped a bit.  I don't intend to frequent this formu, but perhaps I'll give some feedback on my revolution experience over the next few weeks.  I'm pretty sure I'll love it.  My old mattress sucked.

This message was modified Aug 12, 2011 by slpngoc
Re: Serta iComfort Revolution memory foam set - my experience
Reply #41 Aug 12, 2011 11:02 AM
Joined: Jun 16, 2011
Points: 171
"So customers want quality.  Low prices.  Durability.  Made in America.  Huge warranties.  Green products/manufacturing.  Free delivery (yeah, we'll pay 2 guys $13 per hour to bring it to your home" 

I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm really not that demanding at all. All I expected was a comfortable product that would hold up longer than 5 weeks, after I paid nearly $1200 for  it. It did not, and all the cozy friendliness of the salesman changed drastically when I went to return it. They tried to talk me out of exchanging it, and insisted I didn't know what I knew and saw with my own eyes, namely that this very expensive bed was sagging in the middle.

I also resented the scripted replies, which all the salesmen were obviously ordered to spout, "Oh we all have that bed and we love it".  Nods all around. I sent my sister-in-law in to look at another type of bed, and surprise! Suddenly all the SAME sales people owned THAT brand and loved it. Did they all change beds overnight?  I know people have to sell things, and may fudge or fluff a bit (or a lot) but boldfaced lying and deception is another matter. It's insulting to be perceived as an idiot.

I really doubt anyone would buy any other type of $1200 item (big screen TV, etc) then just swallow it when the item stops working after 5 weeks. I doubt anyone would tolerate having a repairman sent who tells you, "Well, the TV only stops working a few times a day, so the problem is not severe enough for us  to honour our warranty and we won't give you a refund either. Tough luck, right?".

I don't mind paying whatever price for a quality item, after all, you get what you pay for. It's NOT getting what I paid for that irked me. And yes, I did expect free delivery of such a pricey item that was 15 minutes from my home. The exchange bed cost me $50 delivery, so I got nothing free.

Re: Serta iComfort Revolution memory foam set - my experience
Reply #42 Aug 12, 2011 12:36 PM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850
Anyway, to get back onto what really matters.... slpngoc - heres hoping that you have a better experience with your latex mattress :)  

I think lots of people are looking forward to seeing your feedback over the coming weeks.

Re: Serta iComfort Revolution memory foam set - my experience
Reply #43 Aug 12, 2011 12:48 PM
Joined: Jun 2, 2011
Points: 481
budgy wrote:



Anyway, to get back onto what really matters.... slpngoc - heres hoping that you have a better experience with your latex mattress :)  


I think lots of people are looking forward to seeing your feedback over the coming weeks.

Thank you.  I'll do my best.  And I can assure you I'm just a regular guy.  No employment with any mattress business.  Nor anyone in our family.

This message was modified Aug 12, 2011 by slpngoc
Re: Serta iComfort Revolution memory foam set - my experience
Reply #44 Aug 12, 2011 1:00 PM
Joined: Jun 2, 2011
Points: 481
budgy wrote:


Anyway, to get back onto what really matters.... slpngoc - heres hoping that you have a better experience with your latex mattress :)  


I think lots of people are looking forward to seeing your feedback over the coming weeks.

btw, did you see thread how I measured 5.75" of memory foam within iComfort Revolution? 

I have photos of the Sears / iComfort ad board that clearly states  2.75" gel , 2" Kool memory foam, that's 4.75"

Maybe nobody cares, cause feel matters, but it struck me funny.

This message was modified Aug 12, 2011 by slpngoc
Re: Serta iComfort Revolution memory foam set - my experience
Reply #45 Aug 12, 2011 1:28 PM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850
slpngoc wrote:



btw, did you see thread how I measured 5.75" of memory foam within iComfort Revolution? 

I have photos of the Sears / iComfort ad board that clearly states  2.75" gel , 2" Kool memory foam, that's 4.75"

Maybe nobody cares, cause feel matters, but it struck me funny.

Yeah I did notice that, not sure why that there supposed to be any latex in the Revolution? What is the next model above it supposed to be and total height?  

If you think about it the GrandBed from Tempur has like 7.2" total memory maybe it isn't the quantity that is the issue...I have yet to see a density rating on the icomforts though...if we really think about it, the total depth of memory foam doesn't really tell us how much material there is, its the total mass of the material that effects the price the most, and the density effects the performance of the material the most as the density determines how easily you sink into the mattress based on body weight vs body heat. 

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