SleepEZ -- a bad review ?
Dec 14, 2007 2:42 PM
Joined: Nov 15, 2007
Points: 157
Wow, this is the first time I have ever seen anything bad written about SleepEZ.

Do you guys think this is real?  Maybe this forum is just s sham front for Flobeds and Sleepez? :)

Link to bad review
Re: SleepEZ -- a bad review ?
Reply #7 Dec 15, 2007 3:17 PM
Joined: Nov 25, 2007
Points: 53
Even the best of companies drop the ball now and then.  I have no experience with SleepEZ, but they seem to offer a good product at a fair price.  My guess is that if everyone had as bad an experience as that poster, there would many more negative comments (think S-companies) on the internet.
Re: SleepEZ -- a bad review ?
Reply #8 Dec 16, 2007 12:59 AM
Joined: Sep 7, 2007
Points: 476
I don't know what's going on there either. I ordered a mattress from SleepEZ --which I also found to be too hard--but an exchange layer was promptly sent out.  Unfortunately I discovered I was one of those people who just couldn't sleep on a Talalay latex mattress at all and had to return it.

The only rough spot came when after three weeks I still had not received a credit on the return. When I called Shawn he said that a return had come in to the warehouse without any identifiers on it and he had been waiting for a call from whoever had sent it back. I did find this a little hard to believe since it was shipped back in three boxes with an address label (to and from) on both ends of the boxes as well as an additional label inside each box AND a letter inside one of the boxes explaining the reason for the return. Still, I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt in case the guys in the warehouse had removed the merchandise from the boxes and then tossed the containers without keeping track of where it had come from.

Shawn said it would take a few days to process the return, but a week later I still hadn't received a credit. I was starting to get a little anxious about what was beginning to seem like a run-around, so I called Shawn again. He apologized and asked me to give him my credit card number so he could put it through immediatedly. And that was exactly what he did.

SleepEZ is a family business and I get the impression that Shawn pretty much runs it by himself. I suppose it's possible for things to get a little back-logged or to slip through the cracks but totally ignored or blown off? That doesn't sound like the SleepEZ I and many others who  have contributed to this forum did business with. When a merchant engages in bad business practices you hear about it on this forum. This is the first totally negative thing I have read about SleepEz and it wasn't even actually in this forum. Makes me wonder about how legit that other forum is.

Re: SleepEZ -- a bad review ?
Reply #9 Dec 16, 2007 5:11 AM
Joined: Nov 27, 2007
Points: 8
I can only hope that my experience with SleepEZ is not considered a sham.  I have no connection with them whatsoever, other than being a customer. 
Re: SleepEZ -- a bad review ?
Reply #10 Dec 16, 2007 7:19 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
Cloud9 and Beergut, thank you both for sharing your expiences with SleepEZ. Cloud9, I am glad things worked out for you and you and your wife are happy with your Latex Kit.  I know I am just a customer also and my wonderful experiences with FloBeds is not a sham and I try to share to help others make educated decisions like others had helped me in the past.  I know others have shared their good experiences with other companies an their bad experiences with other companies. People just need to search the archives since this is a new forum and to check out the posts on this new forum and old forum on companies they are considering.

I know with FloBeds the first cover  I got had a little bit of a rip inside (could not see on the outside) and then also after changing so many latex cores and zippering it so much, the zipper still worked but the threads around it had come off in a few places, When I called Dave, I was told he would replace the cover under warranty but wanted to wait until all my latex cores were exchanged so I would not be unzipping it so much. Then I called again what was taking so long and was told he is getting new covers I will like better and are better made and I will be happy. He was right that as soon as the new covers arrived to his warehouse, he emailed me to let me know mine was shipping and sending me a postage paid label to return the other one.  It was an easy process since I just returned the old cover in the box and put the lable on it and could either call UPS for a pickup but I chose to drive 3 miles to the local UPS store that gave me a receipt that it was being returned and I was happy that it was so easy to do.

I love my new cover and sometimes continuing communication is the key to knowing what is happening. My new cover is made so well with the zipper never catching onto the latex since it has a flap and the top is more giving and so comfortable.

I like this forum since we can share the good and bad without having our posts deleted like other forums would do. I like how we all care and want to share to help others.

This message was modified Dec 16, 2007 by a moderator
Re: SleepEZ -- a bad review ?
Reply #11 Dec 16, 2007 10:20 AM
Joined: Aug 30, 2007
Points: 428
novahelp wrote:
I hope this site isn't a sham.

Nova - Trust me when I tell you that this site isn't a sham at all.  While the owners do make a very modest amount of income from advertising there is absolutely no connection to forum posts.  You may note that the forum guidelines state "The message board/reviews section are not a forum for advertising/marketing your products or services" and "Self-promotion of any form will be edited out of the forums."  There are other detailed limitations applied to industry representatives who would like to contribute here.  The administrator and moderators have always taken the integrity of this forum very seriously and have gone to great lengths in their effort to ferret out any hint commercial product promotion in the forum.

This message was modified Dec 16, 2007 by kbell
Re: SleepEZ -- a bad review ?
Reply #12 Dec 16, 2007 1:21 PM
Joined: Nov 15, 2007
Points: 157
kbell wrote:
Nova - Trust me when I tell you that this site isn't a sham at all.  While the owners do make a very modest amount of income from advertising there is absolutely no connection to forum posts.  You may note that the forum guidelines state "The message board/reviews section are not a forum for advertising/marketing your products or services" and "Self-promotion of any form will be edited out of the forums."  There are other detailed limitations applied to industry representatives who would like to contribute here.  The administrator and moderators have always taken the integrity of this forum very seriously and have gone to great lengths in their effort to ferret out any hint commercial product promotion in the forum.

Sounds great.  I sure hope so as this is such a tremendous resource for people! :)
Re: SleepEZ -- a bad review ?
Reply #13 May 29, 2011 5:50 PM
Joined: May 29, 2011
Points: 1
I saw this link in searching for a review when I was trying to decide on whether to order a mattress from Sleep EZ.  I had done price comparisons with other online mattress companies, and Sleep EZ was on top and had lots of good reviews.  I called them a couple times to find out what they would do in the event I didn't like the mattress.  They assured me that if I didn't like the mattress in the first 90 days I could return it for my money back (minus shipping back to them) with no questions asked.

I didn't know if I would like a latex mattress, but I liked what I read about them.  I decided to take them at their word and ordered the mattress from them.  Before they shipped anything, they called me back and made sure they had the exact combinations of layers I wanted.  I was able to straighten out the fact that the additional mattress cover I wanted did not appear on the web site in the long-twin, but it turned out they do sell it.

The mattress (a long-twin) came rolled up in two boxes.  The firm in one, the medium and soft in the other.  It was simple enough to unroll them and put the medium on top of the firm and the soft on top of the medium and then zip up the shell.  The mattress was pretty heavy to lift in place (I should have, in hind sight put them together on the bed), but with my adult son's help, we moved it to the bedroom.

Never having slept on a latex mattress before, this was a new experience for me.  It was reasonably comfortable, but just not what I was used to.  I can't explain why I didn't particularly like it, but I did decide to return it after trying it out for about three weeks.

It was an easy process to return it.  I called them and they very nicely gave me instructions that all I had to do was roll them up and put them back in their original boxes.  They printed out shipping labels and emailed them to me.  I taped the labels on the box and called UPS.

As soon as they received them, they credited back to my credit card the full amount minus the cost of shipping it back from CA to AZ ($55).  It couldn't have been easier.  All the while the person on the phone was incredibly nice and helpful, and they were true to their word--they didn't even ask why I was sending it back.

Ordinarily I wouldn't take the time to write a review like this, but I was so impressed by their customer service; and it was so contrary to the "bad review" mentioned on this site, that I felt I owed it to them for being so nice and helpful.

Mark K.
Santee, CA

Re: SleepEZ -- a bad review ?
Reply #14 May 29, 2011 6:09 PM
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
Joined: May 13, 2011
Points: 170
Thanks for the good review of SleepEZ the company.  You probably would not have liked ANY latex mattress.  It does feel different than either springs or memory foam.  A reminder to people purchasing latex for the first time that they should try to find a latex mattress at a local store to see if they like the feel of latex.  Shipping seems pretty reasonable and they didn't rip you off.

Just out of curiosity, what mattress did you end up purchasing?

Re: SleepEZ -- a bad review ?
Reply #15 May 30, 2011 11:29 AM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
sleepswithcats wrote:

Thanks for the good review of SleepEZ the company.  You probably would not have liked ANY latex mattress.  It does feel different than either springs or memory foam.  A reminder to people purchasing latex for the first time that they should try to find a latex mattress at a local store to see if they like the feel of latex.  Shipping seems pretty reasonable and they didn't rip you off.


Just out of curiosity, what mattress did you end up purchasing?

It was my understanding that the original post was asking if the forum the review (where he posted) was a sham, not this one. That one I know nothing about. But this one I have posted at as far back as 10-12 years ago (my profile says different but I did post here way before my profile says I did), and THIS forum is not a sham. The fact is, myself as well as many others have bought from Flobeds and SleepEZ and we've had positive experiences with them.

I agree with the poster re SleepEZ, that it's a small business and because of that sometimes they screw up. But I believe them to be honorable based on my own experience.

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