SleepEZ Dunlop topper / Upgrade to complete mattress
Jun 6, 2008 12:24 PM
Joined: May 22, 2008
Points: 171
OK, I mentioned in a few other threads that I had ordered a Dunlop topper from SleepEZ, with the plan to upgrade to their complete 3-layer mattress if I liked it. And I promised I would post when I got the topper, so here goes...

We ordered the Cal King topper split soft / medium; soft for my petite wife (who can sleep anywhere on anything), medium for "not quite as petite" (250 lb) me. We received the topper within a few days. I ordered Dunlop because Sean at SleepEZ said it would support me better than Talalay (because Dunlop has more rubber / less air). I had only tried Talalay, and expected there to be a big difference in the Dunlop, but honestly I couldn't tell a difference. I assume it sleeps a bit differently, but, to me, it looks, feels, and smells the same.

We put it on our (hated!) Tempurpedic a few nights ago. My wife likes her soft side fine, but she likes pretty much anything. To me, my medium side feels a little too firm (barely ok for back sleeping but too firm for side sleeping). I talked to Sean and he said the Tempurpedic combination of firm foam and unheated (because of the layer of latex on top) memory foam would likely be firmer than what he would suggest - maybe the same as 2 layers of extrafirm latex. Initially he had suggested I get a firm / extrafirm to go under my medium, but after talking he suggested I go with medium / firm to get a little softer feel. He didn't want me to go with a soft topper since he didn't think that would hold up well for me.

So I ordered the full mattress today. For those of you who don't know about the "upgrade" deal, here is how it works. You order the topper (and you get to try it out before you commit to a full mattress). Then you order the bed you want at the price of the next bed down. This ends up being cheaper than buying the mattress outright. For me that meant:

1) Order cal king topper for $395
2) Order cal king model 7000 mattress for $995 (they send 2 layers and the model 10000 mattress cover)
3) End up with 3-layer cal king mattress (model 10000) for about $1400 - as opposed to $1550 if you order the model 10000 straight away

So you get to try before you buy and you save money - win win! I will update again here when I get the mattress...


Re: SleepEZ Dunlop topper / Upgrade to complete mattress
Reply #5 Jun 15, 2008 2:18 AM
Joined: May 18, 2008
Points: 14
Uh oh, you got med/med/firm and it's too hard?  He recommended med/firm/xfirm for my husband and he's about your same weight!  The order won't actually be placed officially until tomorrow morning when they call me from the factory so it's not set in concrete (no pun intended).  We do like firm beds but not like a rock!  Did he say how much the 1.4" topper is?  Or what ILD?  Keep us posted on your saga.  Thanks!


Re: SleepEZ Dunlop topper / Upgrade to complete mattress
Reply #6 Jun 15, 2008 11:01 AM
Joined: May 22, 2008
Points: 171
Mimi wrote:
Uh oh, you got med/med/firm and it's too hard?  He recommended med/firm/xfirm for my husband and he's about your same weight!  The order won't actually be placed officially until tomorrow morning when they call me from the factory so it's not set in concrete (no pun intended).  We do like firm beds but not like a rock!  Did he say how much the 1.4" topper is?  Or what ILD?  Keep us posted on your saga.  Thanks!


Yes I feel its too firm for me, based on 2 nights now. But thats certainly subjective. I wouldn't say its like a rock - if you like firm you would prbably like it. I sleep mostly on my side and don't especially like firm mattresses, I only got this firmness because I was afraid that anything softer wouldn't last.

Are you not going to try the topper before you buy? I actually felt like my medium over my Tempurpedic was too firm but I ignored my concern because I figured the latex base would be softer than the Tempurpedic base. I dont think it is. In fact this stack of 3 latex layers feels pretty similar to the 1 layer over the Tempurpedic. So testing with 1 layer was probably a good idea, but I should have listened to my gut and ordered softer based on that test...

The 1.4" (Talalay) or 1.5" (Dunlop) toppers are half the price of the full toppers, so I think like $200 (king). You can buy soft or medium.

I am actually thinking of buying the FloBeds topper if I decide I need one - people seem to love that one in the bed; I don't know if its sold separately but I would guess it is...


Re: SleepEZ Dunlop topper / Upgrade to complete mattress
Reply #7 Jun 16, 2008 1:57 PM
Joined: May 18, 2008
Points: 14
Steve, I was going to try the topper first like you did, but decided it would probably be hard to judge with just the one layer anyway.  Plus I wanted to get the bed as soon as possible so I can be done with it and hopefully find comfort without going through too many exchanges (our daughter is about to have our first grandchild in 2 weeks and I just know I won't want to be dealing with all this then!).  So I went ahead with the med/firm/xfirm for my husband's side.  We'll see how that goes.  Another site that has 1,2, or3" layers with free shipping is:  I have never ordered from them so don't have any idea about them.  I'm not sure, but I think I've seen somewhere on this forum that flobeds won't sell just the layers but maybe I'm wrong on that.  I hope you can get your mattress comfortable as soon as possible.  I'll report on mine when it gets here - unless I'm busy with our other new addition!

Anybody else out there with Dunlop, feel free to jump in here with your comments!


Re: SleepEZ Dunlop topper / Upgrade to complete mattress
Reply #8 Jun 21, 2008 8:41 PM
Joined: May 22, 2008
Points: 171
I finally received the cover for my mattress. It is nice and soft and makes the latex a bit softer, but, even with my existing wool topper, I still feel like it needs another few inches of softness. I don't know if its because I got the Dunlop, but the latex to me does feel sort of jiggly and hard - as someone else said it feels like its pushing back. That doesn't surprise me, and I always felt that there was a good chance I would decide to add another top layer, to make the mattress more like what FloBeds offers. I checked with them and they do sell their convoluted latex topper, but its expensive ($350 for Cal King), so I decided to just try a poly foam convoluted topper (for about $90) to see how that works. I ordered that today from (2.5", 2.0 density, 30 ILD). I'm hoping that does the trick. I will report back when I get the new topper...

Mimi, let us know how your mattress experience is coming along!


Re: SleepEZ Dunlop topper / Upgrade to complete mattress
Reply #9 Jun 27, 2008 2:34 AM
Joined: May 18, 2008
Points: 14
Sorry to just now be reporting back.  Our grandbaby came 8 days early and I've been kinda busy getting to know her .  Don't worry, I won't post pictures.  Anyway, our SleepEZ 10,000 arrived a week ago (very fast shipping) and of course we set it up that night.  I guess it took us about an hour.  To review, we ordered the 100% natural Dunlop, as we like firm mattresses!  My side is soft/med/firm and my husband's is med/firm/xfirm.  I was afraid this might be TOO firm since Dunlop is a denser, firmer feel.  Well, we couldn't be happier!  I think we'll be able to stick with this configuration without having to do any swapping.  It's SO comfortable, not hard at all, just the right amount of "give".   I do want to get a solid or slatted foundation.  Right now it's just on our old (but not too old) box springs, and I don't care for the bouncing around feeling.  So as soon as possible I'll scout around and find just a plain wood foundation and try that.  I'll post a nice review in the review section as soon as I can.

Steve, did you ever get yours where you wanted it?


Re: SleepEZ Dunlop topper / Upgrade to complete mattress
Reply #10 Jun 27, 2008 11:28 AM
Joined: May 22, 2008
Points: 171
Mimi wrote:
Sorry to just now be reporting back.  Our grandbaby came 8 days early and I've been kinda busy getting to know her .  Don't worry, I won't post pictures.  Anyway, our SleepEZ 10,000 arrived a week ago (very fast shipping) and of course we set it up that night.  I guess it took us about an hour.  To review, we ordered the 100% natural Dunlop, as we like firm mattresses!  My side is soft/med/firm and my husband's is med/firm/xfirm.  I was afraid this might be TOO firm since Dunlop is a denser, firmer feel.  Well, we couldn't be happier!  I think we'll be able to stick with this configuration without having to do any swapping.  It's SO comfortable, not hard at all, just the right amount of "give".   I do want to get a solid or slatted foundation.  Right now it's just on our old (but not too old) box springs, and I don't care for the bouncing around feeling.  So as soon as possible I'll scout around and find just a plain wood foundation and try that.  I'll post a nice review in the review section as soon as I can.

Steve, did you ever get yours where you wanted it?


Yes, I received my convoluted foam topper a few nights ago. The SleepEZ mattress plus convoluted foam topper plus wool topper is feeling very good to my wife and me. Our bed is on a solid foundation, so I guess its possible that is why I thought it was too hard and you found it just right (on your box springs). At any rate, I am pretty happy. I've essentially built myself a "pillowtop" mattress with a very firm foundation that should last a long time (the SleepEZ mattress) and a softer top that I can change out as needed (for relatively cheap). I think its possible that as time goes on I will get more used to the latex and remove the pillowtop - for now its too big a change (coming from a Tempurpedic where you sink in to your eyeballs)...


Re: SleepEZ Dunlop topper / Upgrade to complete mattress
Reply #11 Jun 27, 2008 12:55 PM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
"Sinking into your eyeballs" made me laugh...  Been there with the 5" of memory foam myself.  You never want that sinking feeling again.  I bought a cheap Carpenter polyurethane topper that has a 3 year warranty (yeah right) and wondered what makes the topper you got more expensive and better?  I wonder if I will have to end up getting what you got so it will last, and perhaps feel better on the shoulders.  My hips don't have the pain I use to get.  How did you chose that topper.

Congratulations on your new bed and hope you will both be happy with it now.  What did you do with the old bed?  That is the problem of what do you do with the old one?
Re: SleepEZ Dunlop topper / Upgrade to complete mattress
Reply #12 Jun 29, 2008 7:05 PM
Joined: May 22, 2008
Points: 171
Leo3 wrote:
"Sinking into your eyeballs" made me laugh...  Been there with the 5" of memory foam myself.  You never want that sinking feeling again.  I bought a cheap Carpenter polyurethane topper that has a 3 year warranty (yeah right) and wondered what makes the topper you got more expensive and better?  I wonder if I will have to end up getting what you got so it will last, and perhaps feel better on the shoulders.  My hips don't have the pain I use to get.  How did you chose that topper.

Congratulations on your new bed and hope you will both be happy with it now.  What did you do with the old bed?  That is the problem of what do you do with the old one?

The topper I ordered (from was 2.5" thick convoluted poly foam, 30 ILD, and close to 2.0 density. I think the big difference is the density, cheaper foams are less dense and therefore don't last as long. But I don't think this will last more than a few years. I just wanted to test something for reasonably cheap (< $100).

I put the Tempurpedic in a guest room. I didn't like it but a lot of people do, and guests seem eager to try it...


Re: SleepEZ Dunlop topper / Upgrade to complete mattress
Reply #13 Jun 30, 2008 10:16 AM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
Do you have a mattress cover on it?  I have tried 3 different mattress covers and they change the toppers to being hard on my hips.  Does the poly topper have annoying bumps, or are they milder not aggravating bumps?  The one I got has little mounds and waves, not to annoying.

Overall you do like the mattress and the cover that it came with?  I know it all takes time to get use to something new to sleep on.
Re: SleepEZ Dunlop topper / Upgrade to complete mattress
Reply #14 Sep 27, 2008 4:45 PM
Joined: May 22, 2008
Points: 171
I thought I would post an update, as its now been a few months and I think I've got things about as good as they are going to get. You can read back thru this thread for details, but essentially I bought a SleepEz 10000, cal king, 3 split layers. The original config was all dunlop latex, Med over Med over Firm for my side, and Soft over Med over Firm on my wife's side. My inital impression was that the bed was way too hard; my wife thought her side was ok, maybe a little too firm. I bought a few toppers to experiment with, but eventually decided I needed to swap a layer. After talking to SleepEZ (Shawn) I decided to get 2 pieces (1 layer) of Talalay Medium. Initially I put the Talalay Medium on top, with the 2 Dunlop mediums underneath. I actually found that to be a bit too squishy, so then I changed to Dunlop Medium over Talalay Medium over Dunlop Medium. By this time, my wife's opinion had gone from "maybe a little too firm" to "definitely too firm", so she decided to try the Talalay Medium in her stack too, going Dunlop Soft over Talalay Medium over Dunlop Medium. We also added one of the toppers (1" of memory foam) into the cover on the top layer of latex, and put a 1" wool topper on top of the actual mattress. So, we both ended up getting rid of our Firm layer, and we are both finding our new configurations to be pretty comfortable.

One interesting thing to me was how much softer the Talalay was; I would say the Soft Dunlop and the Medium Talalay feel about the same. I would also say that, to me, latex just doesn't feel as comfortable as a really nice spring and foam bed. I would love to be able to recreate that cushy pillowtop feeling in a mattress that would last and provide proper support. But I suspect that I am about as close as I can get to that goal (knowing that most spring and foam mattresses and especially pillowtops just don't last very well).

Another thing I wanted to mention is how cooperative SleepEZ (Shawn) have been. I called several times before I decided to swap layers. In fact, I was officially beyond the swap period when I finally asked him to swap. His only concern was making me happy and comfortable - no grief at all about swapping after 60 days. He also encouraged me to keep all the layers for a while after getting the new ones, so that I could play around more and make sure I was happy before deciding which layers to return. So overall, I am pretty happy with the comfort of the bed, and very happy with SleepEz. If the bed lasts as long as its supposed to I will be very happy indeed...


This message was modified Sep 27, 2008 by st3v3k4hn

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