Talalay latex - 2, 3, or 4 layers?
Oct 5, 2007 10:22 PM
Joined: Oct 6, 2007
Points: 13
I seem to remember a post some time ago which discussed how to decide how many layers to go with.  But I can't find it!  Anyone remember this?  Or can help me out now?  Me - 5'6", 160, side and stomach sleeper.  Husband - 5'10", 170, stomach sleeper.   I definitely like more cushion than my husband.   I'm thinking to put these latex layers on top of our current box spring, whcih seems to be in good condition (and is attached nicely to our iron bed :)  

Also, I'm thinking either Firm or X Firm core - any advice here? 


Re: Talalay latex - 2, 3, or 4 layers?
Reply #22 Oct 20, 2007 3:08 PM
Joined: Oct 6, 2007
Points: 13
I'm glad I asked because I was thinking the Dunlop was softer, so a x-firm Dunlop would be more like a firm or med Talalay. 

Hayes - Thanks for the info on Creative Ventures - this is one I have not come across before.  She lists a Talalay Cal King core as $650.  Is that not the one from LI?  Or did she special order an LI one for you?  After doing lots of research, I have this idea that the LI Talatech is the best, but I don't know why.  If all 3 manufacturers of Talalay are good, is there any reason why you wanted the LI Talalay?   Is SleepEZ talalay from LI?  SleepEZ does indeed have a great deal on 2 layer (or 3 layer if you want to look at the core split in 2).  I don't know why I passed them up before.

Cloud - Yeah, the Dunlop I saw in the store said it was a "no flipper", which I interpreted as that being a typical benefit of latex in general.  It may be made in China, as it is cheaper than the Talalay, and it's 100% natural, which I would guess should be more expensive, but no research done on that one.  The qualities of Dunlop sound nice, the fact that the layering isn't necessary, which is what I experienced at the store (granted, just 30 min or so).  But now I do worry about it disintegrating, or whatever, since I don't know the manufacturer.  This place does have a long warranty on this mattress,  but they're not known for the best customer service, as I've ready on epinions.  They have a very nice showroom tho, and the sales people seemed genuine, tho a bit uneducated on some things.

Now I don't know what to do.  These are the options I'm considering now:

  1. SleepEZ 8500 set - $1275.   
  2. Build my own from Talalay core from Creative Ventures for $650, + 3 inch topper ($536 natural dunlop I know feels good) + awesome case I know feels good ($599)= $1785.

The whole set from the store I visited would be $2300 - too much.  I could probably build my own cheaper, looking for a cheaper 3" topper and cheaper case.  This case was organic cotton, wool and even had some muslin in it.  And it was a terry or velour.  It was so comfy!  Can anyone recommend something similar?  Doesn't have to be organic.   

Re: Talalay latex - 2, 3, or 4 layers?
Reply #23 Oct 20, 2007 6:01 PM
Foam Nerd
Location: USA
Joined: Aug 30, 2007
Points: 605
suz312 wrote:
I'm glad I asked because I was thinking the Dunlop was softer, so a x-firm Dunlop would be more like a firm or med Talalay. 

Hays - Thanks for the info on Creative Ventures - this is one I have not come across before.  She lists a Talalay Cal King core as $650.  Is that not the one from LI?  Or did she special order an LI one for you?  After doing lots of research, I have this idea that the LI Talatech is the best, but I don't know why.  If all 3 manufacturers of Talalay are good, is there any reason why you wanted the LI Talalay?   Is SleepEZ talalay from LI?  SleepEZ does indeed have a great deal on 2 layer (or 3 layer if you want to look at the core split in 2).  I don't know why I passed them up before.

Cloud - Yeah, the Dunlop I saw in the store said it was a "no flipper", which I interpreted as that being a typical benefit of latex in general.  It may be made in China, as it is cheaper than the Talalay, and it's 100% natural, which I would guess should be more expensive, but no research done on that one.  The qualities of Dunlop sound nice, the fact that the layering isn't necessary, which is what I experienced at the store (granted, just 30 min or so).  But now I do worry about it disintegrating, or whatever, since I don't know the manufacturer.  This place does have a long warranty on this mattress,  but they're not known for the best customer service, as I've ready on epinions.  They have a very nice showroom tho, and the sales people seemed genuine, tho a bit uneducated on some things.

Now I don't know what to do.  These are the options I'm considering now:

  1. SleepEZ 8500 set - $1275.   
  2. Build my own from Talalay core from Creative Ventures for $650, + 3 inch topper ($536 natural dunlop I know feels good) + awesome case I know feels good ($599)= $1785.

The whole set from the store I visited would be $2300 - too much.  I could probably build my own cheaper, looking for a cheaper 3" topper and cheaper case.  This case was organic cotton, wool and even had some muslin in it.  And it was a terry or velour.  It was so comfy!  Can anyone recommend something similar?  Doesn't have to be organic.   

I do not believe the prices on Creative Ventures website are current, and yet they might be since that would be (in all likelihood) Vita Talalay from Radium. But do not assume they are current prices. Jackie did special order my core for me. I personally wanted LI Talatech because I believed (and still do) that it is the best quality, and I took a liking to the company after reading their history. Their factory burned down in 2001 but they arose from the ashes to build a new state-of-the-art manufacturing facility. And they are an American company.

I'm not positive whose latex SleepEZ is using. I think it's LI, but I can't swear to it and they don't specifically say on their website. Their prices seem awfully low for LI since I paid almost as much for a raw core as they charge for a core with a nice cover.

I really do not recommend you build your own mattress unless you are wanting to do something that is just so unique that nobody can accommodate you. You are unlikely to save any money over FloBeds or SleepEZ for equivalent quality materials.
Re: Talalay latex - 2, 3, or 4 layers?
Reply #24 Oct 21, 2007 1:21 AM
Joined: Sep 7, 2007
Points: 476
When I ordered my blended Talalay mattress from SleepEz I asked Shawn who the supplier was. He said LI. This was back in February. Things do change. Call him and ask.  SleepEz sells a very nice product at a really great price. The only drawback is the one comfort exchange limit and the 15% restocking fee if it doesn't work out.

On the blended vrs natural issue: On the one hand natural latex has a certain appeal-- it comes from trees. It's "real" foam rubber. On the other hand, like wine, natural latex has it's vintages. Sometimes it's a good year. Sometimes not. Talatech--LI's blended latex product, is said to be more consistent than natural latex since the synthetic component stablizes any impurities in the natural element. But LI has very exacting standards for its natural latex product and will stand behind it. As for natural Asian latex--who knows? If anyone knows a source for blended Dunlop latex made in the USA, I'd love to know about it.  My old Dunlop was blended American made. I think 20 years is more than acceptable for a mattress to last. Even when it starts to disintegrate it's not like it just falls apart. You just start to notice "sand" under the mattress when you make the bed. But it never sagged.

Now, as for those little sample pieces...  All they're really good for is to give you some idea of how pretty the latex is and what it smells and feels like. Just squeezing it in your hand doesn't give you a realistic idea of what it will be like to actually lie on an actual core, or even how it will feel when it's layered over other cores of different ILDs.

And Suz-- I'd think about buying a mattress from any merchant with an iffy customer service reputation very carefully. You may never need it, but if you do--and with latex that's a very real possibility--it's really good to know that it's there.

Re: Talalay latex - 2, 3, or 4 layers?
Reply #25 Oct 21, 2007 12:08 PM
Foam Nerd
Location: USA
Joined: Aug 30, 2007
Points: 605
Point takes about sample pieces, but this is a pretty big chunk of latex, and I have a lot of other samples to compare it with, and I stand by my claim that the two are just not THAT much different in feel, they really aren't. But maybe this is a particularly good quality of dunlop, I don't know. I'm not saying all dunlop feels like all talalay or that there aren't any differences, but what I am starting to question is just HOW different they are.

The natural dunlop "pushes back" just as hard as the talalay blend, i.e. the resilience of the two products is very similar.
Re: Talalay latex - 2, 3, or 4 layers?
Reply #26 Oct 22, 2007 12:43 PM
Joined: Oct 6, 2007
Points: 13
FYI, mattresses.net sells Talalay from VitaFoam - they said it comes from the Netherlands and they're the largest latex manufacturer in the world. 

Here's my "thinking out loud" research....comments welcome!

Cali King Talalay "core"

  • mattresses.net, from VitaFoam - $600 + $80 shipping for split core
  • centralplastic.com, from LI - $793 + $78 shipping (**medium density only)
  • bjventures.com (creative ventures), from Radium (Vita), $650 + shipping.  Or from LI, $900 + shipping
  • sleepez.com, from LI, $995 + $75 shipping 

Best "set" alternative - sleepez 8500, $1275 + $75 shipping.  With this I'm getting a core + 3" topper, but I'd have to buy another case anyway because I don't like the woven cases - I want a knit one.

A few of those manufacturers need to be confirmed. 

Centralplastic.com is running the best LI "core" deal, however they only have medium density.  Marie, their rep emailed me and said they've NEVER had a complaint about the medium density, and people rave about them.  Does anyone have any thoughts about a "medium" Talatech core?  I have it in my head that the core should be firm or x-firm (in typical ILDs).  Do you think I'd really notice a difference?

Mattresses.net is running the best Talalay "core" deal, $680 total.

If I go with that, then I just need a 3" "split" topper, and a case.  The topper will probably run about $400, and I need to shop further for a case. 

Re: Talalay latex - 2, 3, or 4 layers?
Reply #27 Oct 22, 2007 2:14 PM
Foam Nerd
Location: USA
Joined: Aug 30, 2007
Points: 605
Shawn at SleepEZ told me they were going to start offering stretch knit covers. In fact, I believe the last time I talked to him he said the first of them had arrived that day. That was maybe two weeks ago.

The mattress case is a problem. If you find a good source for cases, I'd sure like to hear about it. It seems they are either $35 on eBay or $600 if you can sweet talk one of the component mattress companies into selling you one ala carte. When I get home tonight I will give you a list of every company I have come across where you might buy a mattress cover. There aren't many. One trick is searching for the right terms. A "mattress cover" is more commonly a mattress protector, mattress pad, or allergen cover. Some other terms I have searched for are mattress case, casement, encasement, and ticking.

Here are a few on clearance from FoamSweetFoam. Very limited selection. These are "real" quilted covers but with foam quilted into the ticking, not wool or latex.

Re: Talalay latex - 2, 3, or 4 layers?
Reply #28 Oct 24, 2007 2:02 AM
Joined: Sep 7, 2007
Points: 476
Hays, trust me. As someone who has slept on both Dunlop (sucessfully) and Talalay (not at all), there is a HUGE difference in the way the two foams behave. I wish you could find a store that offered both kinds of mattressess and just have a lie down just to see what I'm talking about. You would feel the difference immediately.

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