Talatech vs. Natural - wow
Oct 7, 2007 5:17 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 132
We finally received our Talatech 44ILD cores the other day and after letting them air out for a couple days, we decided to throw them on the bed tonight.

Wow, what a difference in firmness between a 36ILD natural core and a 44ILD Talatech core. Now THIS is support. As some warned me, 3 of these cores is extremely firm. With a 2" 20ILD topper though I could actually sleep on it but I have always liked a pretty firm sleeping surface.

Anyway, the 44s also made a huge difference in how the 36ILDs felt when the 44s were put underneath. I knew it would make a difference but I didn't realize how much of a difference it would be. So the way we have it now is 36-44-44 on my side and 36-36-44 on my wife's side with the 2" 20ILD over it all. Yes that is the same topper I deemed "useless" with even 3 36ILD cores underneath. Now with the current configuration it seems viable.

We're going to have to spend some time on the new config testing it out but I mainly just wanted to suggest to anyone having "hammocking" issues (such as in the other post) to try Talatech's 44ILDs. 1 or 2 cores beneath a softer core really helps with the hammocking issue more than you can imagine.

Re: Talatech vs. Natural - wow
Reply #2 Oct 7, 2007 8:39 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
D3Fi, I am so happy that you found the same effect as me when you tried the 44 ILD. It is amazingly so firm and wonderful and really gives the support I needed also. 

You discussing your configurations and your wife's configurations and knowing how firm you like a bed but are liking the topper now, has me thinking again if I should try one more configuration to have perfection despite being happier with my bed than any other bed in years since I was 22. 

I currently have a 1" topper (a little small for my bed) over a 36 ILD latex coore over a 44 ILD latex core over a 36 ILD latex core right now over a slat box with 10" legs.

I am still thinking of trying Dave's offer (it is past the 90 days but when he heard of my car accident, he told me I could try out th 1.5" latex topper again if I wished at a later time when I was a little healed from the car accident) of sending me the 1.5" latex topper again to put over a 44 over a 36 over a 36 or a 36 over a 44 over a 36. Since I have two 44 ILD's on my bed (one on the other side right now and one on my side), I can even try a 36 over a 44 over a 44 with the 1.5" latex topper on top.

I am sleeping now very firm (I love firm beds) since I am only on a 1" topper over the 36 over the 44 over the 36 over my slat box.  I like my configuration a lot but since I am a side sleeper and since the 1" topper is from Overstock is not of the greatest quality and a little small for my bed and since I really liked the 1.5" Dave sent me (that I sent back since I felt it was too soft for me when it was over the two 36 ILD's over the 44 ILD), I keep wondering now that I have the 44 ILD in the middle if the 1.5" topper would feel great.

Thank you for sharing this with all of us. I know any of my configurations with at least one 44 ILD made me happy so far. 

Dave also has a 1.5" topper also if you want a little less cushion.  But I am much lighter at less than 5 feet so too much cushion has me not sink in enough to feel the support underneath.  Hence, the 2" topper may feel on you like the 1" topper feels for me I am guessing. I did love the silky feeling and quality of the 1.5" latex topper that was similar in feeling to the 2" topper but not convoluted.  The1" Overstock topper is very cheap and tears easily and very light weight so I wonder how long it will last for me.  I am glad I found this topper since it helped me deal with sleeping on the floor for a few months before ording my Latex bed from FloBeds.com. I am so glad my clients told me about how wonderful a latex bed was and how wonderful the try out and return policy for FloBeds was to get me to have the courage to try out latex that I ended up loving.

Re: Talatech vs. Natural - wow
Reply #3 Oct 8, 2007 6:33 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
Suz312, He bought the 44 Talatech Latex  Cores from FloBeds as part of their 90 day exchange policy. You can exchange latex cores as many times as you want up until 90 days to find the best comfort level.  I was also amazed at how firm they were and that I was not bothered by the smell after airing them out despite the blended latex but I was bothered by the smell of 100% synthetic latex that was not Talalay processed from a pillow I bought last year and had to give away.  Hence, I like the Talalay Process a lot and feel blended is good product and I do not have to go with all natural like I originally thought.  The 44 ILD does not come in Natural Latex so that is why I caved in and went with blended which I am happy with the mix I have now.
Re: Talatech vs. Natural - wow
Reply #4 Oct 8, 2007 8:19 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 132
Lynn2006 wrote:
Suz312, He bought the 44 Talatech Latex  Cores from FloBeds as part of their 90 day exchange policy. You can exchange latex cores as many times as you want up until 90 days to find the best comfort level.  I was also amazed at how firm they were and that I was not bothered by the smell after airing them out despite the blended latex but I was bothered by the smell of 100% synthetic latex that was not Talalay processed from a pillow I bought last year and had to give away.  Hence, I like the Talalay Process a lot and feel blended is good product and I do not have to go with all natural like I originally thought.  The 44 ILD does not come in Natural Latex so that is why I caved in and went with blended which I am happy with the mix I have now.

Yeah the blended do have quite a strong oder when you 1st get them but it dissipates quickly - we left them in the bags and just opened the bags and left them in the garage for about 4 days. The smell isn't unpleasant though - it seriously smells like a Dunkin Donuts "Old Fashioned". It is however very strong so I would recommend airing them out if you have a sensitive nose. I am a little wary of what's in those donuts now though. ;)

You are right also about the difference in smell Lynn. All natural or blended latex (LI's anyway) has a sweet smell to it whereas synthetic has the smell people usually associate with latex, such as the smell of latex gloves.

Re: Talatech vs. Natural - wow
Reply #5 Oct 8, 2007 9:48 AM
Foam Nerd
Location: USA
Joined: Aug 30, 2007
Points: 605
suz312 wrote:
Thanks for the report.  May I ask where you got your 44 ILD Talatech cores?   Are they 3.5" thick?

What is often referred to as a "core" around here is actually a half core. Talalay latex cores come out of a mold that is 5.6" thick [1]. FloBeds and SleepEZ have these cores sliced into two 2.8" layers. You will see latex in 1", 1.5", 2", and 3" (2.8") layers. Rarely if ever 3.5" or 4".

[1] Latex International also has some full 6" cores.
This message was modified Oct 8, 2007 by haysdb
Re: Talatech vs. Natural - wow
Reply #6 Oct 8, 2007 10:03 AM
Joined: Oct 6, 2007
Points: 13
Thanks Hays, that's what I was wondering!  It's all coming together now, making more sense. 
Re: Talatech vs. Natural - wow
Reply #7 Oct 8, 2007 10:48 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
D3FI, I found the best way to air out the latex cores was to open them up and hang them on the banister for several days until there was not much of a smell left.  I am very pleased now that I have the latex cores aired out and the smell never made me sick like the outgassign from Memory foam does or from Polyurethane. I just did not want to put the latex inside my zipped up mattress cover until it was aired out with the least amount of smell.  I had also aired out the natural latex since I felt plastic outgasses and they were in plastic bags and also even natural will have a smell that needs to be aired out just a slightly different smell.
Re: Talatech vs. Natural - wow
Reply #8 Oct 9, 2007 11:39 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 132
My wife and I each spent 1 night on each site of the bed. Even after only 1 night we both like the 36-44-44 side better. (as opposed to the 36-36-44 side). Anyway, we're going to make both sides 36-44-44 and play with the topper a bit (no topper, convolute up, convolute down) and see where we end up.
Re: Talatech vs. Natural - wow
Reply #9 Oct 9, 2007 4:01 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
D3FI, Thanks for letting me know. Maybe I will call Dave and ask for the 1.5" latex topper again to try over a 36 over a 44 over a 44.   Please keep us updated.  I am interested to know your final set up for your latex kit since I also like my bed very firm like you and your wife do.

I like my 1" topper but I can see it is not going to last long since it is so lightweight and already has a few rips in it. I had gotten the topper from Overstock before buying my latex bed. The 2" topper was sent back since I was trying it over three 36 ILD cores and could not imagine anyone sleeping on anything so soft.  I like a little cushion over very firm. Right now  I am sleeping on the 1" latex topper over the 36 ILD over a 44 ILD over a 36 ILD over the slat box.  I have the same combination on the other side of the bed so I can still move things around. I like my combination but I know I want a sturdier topper that Dave was willing to send me again when I was ready.  The 1.5" one he has is not convoluted since that is what I requested from Dave. He told me he ordered a few for others who would want a little less cushion but some cushion.

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