Talatech vs. Natural - wow
Oct 7, 2007 5:17 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 132
We finally received our Talatech 44ILD cores the other day and after letting them air out for a couple days, we decided to throw them on the bed tonight.

Wow, what a difference in firmness between a 36ILD natural core and a 44ILD Talatech core. Now THIS is support. As some warned me, 3 of these cores is extremely firm. With a 2" 20ILD topper though I could actually sleep on it but I have always liked a pretty firm sleeping surface.

Anyway, the 44s also made a huge difference in how the 36ILDs felt when the 44s were put underneath. I knew it would make a difference but I didn't realize how much of a difference it would be. So the way we have it now is 36-44-44 on my side and 36-36-44 on my wife's side with the 2" 20ILD over it all. Yes that is the same topper I deemed "useless" with even 3 36ILD cores underneath. Now with the current configuration it seems viable.

We're going to have to spend some time on the new config testing it out but I mainly just wanted to suggest to anyone having "hammocking" issues (such as in the other post) to try Talatech's 44ILDs. 1 or 2 cores beneath a softer core really helps with the hammocking issue more than you can imagine.

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