Tempurpedic Cloud Luxe vs Contour Signature
Sep 4, 2011 6:08 AM
Joined: Jul 21, 2011
Points: 4
Folks, we had a Tempurpedic Cloud Luxe for about 90 days, the wife and I liked it but I felt that it softened too much and I had slight lower back pain in the morning.  I got her to agree to send it back, VERY reluctantly as she said it was the best mattress we have ever had.  She is about 135 5 4 and I am 190  5'9.


We have since gotten the Contour Signature.  But, I am not happy at all and hope I didnt make a mistake.  It feels so hard to me, harder than it felt in 2 different stores.  I wake up with more intense mid and lower back pain, more so than I ever did with the Cloude Luxe.  My hands are tingling if I dont change position constantly.  I spent over an hour on the store mattress and didnt have this kind of sensation.  

I am hoping this mattress will soften but I am a bit worried as the CL felt great from day 1.  Anyone try the signature or have feedback on it?

If we ultimately give it back, can someone suggest which cloud to go with?  I dont really want the CL again as i think the cloud layer was too thick and too quick to break down.  My feeling is that maybe the Cloud Supreme might be the next logical step as it has a slightly thinner Cloud layer but unfortunately it lacks the HD layer and opts for the regular Tempur material.  Is this a negative?

Here's to hoping I dont have to give back the signature.

Re: Tempurpedic Cloud Luxe vs Contour Signature
Reply #2 Sep 6, 2011 9:56 AM
Joined: Jul 21, 2011
Points: 4
You make an excellent point. I agree with you mostly.  I did try the Allura, but to me it felt so hard.  Once you squish through that top tiny pillow top layer it felt like hitting a concrete block.  For that reason I ruled out the Allura.  We got the CS replaced with another CS due to a delivery issue (stain) they put on the bed and the 2nd CS seems softer to me than the other one.  I think I will get used to it as it is a bit better than before. I am hoping I can convince my wife to give it at least 30 days, but she says she cant be expected to not sleep for 30 days.  Sigh.. Now I need to find out which cloud will be good for the both of us as I do not want to have separate beds as the groove in between is incredibly unromantic!


Thanks for your feedback.

Re: Tempurpedic Cloud Luxe vs Contour Signature
Reply #3 Sep 6, 2011 10:41 AM
Joined: Jun 22, 2011
Points: 19
The split is unromantic but there are ways around it..haha... So you're opinion is then that the CS is softer than the Rhapsody, I think it is also but Tempurpedic has them as equal. You may like the feel of the Rhapsody then, after all, it's the most popular tempurpedic bed for a reason. For your wife's sake, if you didn't like the Allura, your best bet may be the regular cloud. It's a lot cheaper too.
Re: Tempurpedic Cloud Luxe vs Contour Signature
Reply #4 Sep 13, 2011 10:47 AM
Joined: Sep 13, 2011
Points: 2
I suggest sleeping on the bed for at least a few weeks.  It takes time for your body to adjust and you don't want to change beds if the bed turns out to be ok.  I would also suggest looking at your sleeping positions on the bed too.  The majority of people that sleep the best are back sleepers.  There's a reason for that and it's because your weight is evenly distributed on the bed.  The key is to have a bed that provides support to your lower back and you do.  You may need a pillow under your knees, but it's by far the healthiest way to sleep.  You may have to move to your side, but try to sleep mostly on your back.  Your hips and lower back will be happy you did I promise. 

The contour signature has plenty of 5lb foam that relieves pressure and supports and it's a great bed.  It will breakdown faster than the 7lb foam, but it will still last many years.  Look more at how you are sleeping on the bed and not the bed itself.  The memory foam will also soften in time (A few weeks) and your body will adjust and before you know it you will be getting the best sleep of your life!  Your bed is state of the art and is far better than the old box spring style.  

Re: Tempurpedic Cloud Luxe vs Contour Signature
Reply #5 Sep 13, 2011 3:23 PM
Joined: Jun 2, 2011
Points: 481
to the poster above ... for back sleeping, adjustable base is the way to go.  very hard to mimick that position with wedges and pillows.  Putting the feet and head up even a little feels much better than laying on a flat bed with pillow under knees.  'Course adjustables don't come cheap.

As for the Luxe and Sig.  my caution is to make sure you're not sinking too much into the mattress.  Luxe is 2.75" ES over 2" TP HD, and that's a load of memory foam.  So, don't sink in too much.  You may not be happy if you do.

Re: Tempurpedic Cloud Luxe vs Contour Signature
Reply #6 Sep 13, 2011 3:44 PM
Joined: Sep 13, 2011
Points: 2
Th whole purpose of tempurpedic is that it supports you.  You don't need an adjustable bed to get support with these great mattresses.  When you lie down they will provide support in your lower back.  You don't have to put a pillow under your knees, but many back sleepers do for added comfort.  I do suggest a tempurpedic pillow for the head.  I prefer the Cloud because it's soft, but not too soft.  There are some that prefer an adjustable bed and that's great too.  I just prefer the standard platform foundation that comes with tempurpedic.   
Re: Tempurpedic Cloud Luxe vs Contour Signature
Reply #7 Sep 26, 2011 5:52 PM
Joined: Sep 26, 2011
Points: 1
 I am so curious as to what moolman & Robster will find with your new choices.

Because reading this string of comments between you two was exactly my same predicament.  We Purchased the Cloud-Luxe first.  I am 6'2" 200lb and my wife 5'2" and light frame.  She loved loved that bed.  I loved it at the store and the first night.  Yet I was very confused the following weeks as to how I would wake up with such pain in my lower back, yet at the same time, I slept great.  The pain was getting worse and my wife could see it was not working for me and even she had noticed some back pain by the 30th day.  So after 35 days, we took it back.  She still swears it was the most comfortable bed though.  I have never awoken with back pain, so I knew at least one thing: me & this bed don't match.  My belief is that when it comes to Tempur-pedic, the ratios of comfort layer to support layer is the MAJOR key. Also what makes up that comfort layer has a lot to do with it. Have you felt the HD Foam? While it is more dense, it feels more like moosh.  The problem with the Cloud-Luxe for me was that it had 2.75" of that mooshy ES foam, and then, all you get for support for your back, is more mooshy foam because it was only 2" of HD.  Increasing the thickness of the HD ($$$)  or just choosing Tempur as the support foam may have made this bed better.

Then, still ensnared by the belief that one could possibly have both a good night's sleep & not waking with pains, we kept searching within the Tempur-Pedic line up.  SO, if soft beds gave me pain, then "surely firm is what WE need."    We chose the Rhapsody, since it felt soft enough at that warm store we were in, while still firm.   It is now 6 weeks into the Rhapsody. 6 weeks of stepping on the bed, trying it without the bed cover, etc. to make it feel softer.  Man, we still sleep well,  BUT we wake up every so often to move because of pain somewhere. Pain in the back again, although in a slightly different area of the lower back.  Pain in the hips from sleeping on our sides. Pain in the shoulders.  

SO,  after feeling that we might not have given the Cloud-luxe a fair enough break-in time, we want to give this bed at least 60 days.  But, I am pretty sure it is going back to the store.

The ONLY possible runners up are the Contour-Signature, The Cloud-Supreme,  and maybe the Allura (not too sure though about that one).

 I originally wanted the Allura from the start because of the reviews.  All the reviews said it was softer than the Rhapsody.  BUT , in all the tests we did in the stores, laying down for 15 min times, it felt like a soft layer on top of a a really hard layer.  They should have a store that let's you stay the night and sleep in these beds.  You can't know anything until you wake up the next day it seems.


ANYWAY,  I really want to know the outcome of you (Robster & Moolman)'s selection of the Contour-Signature and the Allura.  You've experienced the anguish.  Help! Brochures don't help.    

Re: Tempurpedic Cloud Luxe vs Contour Signature
Reply #8 Sep 27, 2011 6:26 AM
Joined: Jun 2, 2011
Points: 481
My suggestion with memory foam beds is this - be very careful choosing those really plush beds (i.e. Cloud Luxe, iComfort Revolution).

If I sit on a bed and it's got that siiiiiiiiiink reaction, my butt just keeps going down, that bed is going to end up hurting my spine.  I had an iComfort Revolution for 4 weeks and that mattress reminds me quite a bit of the Cloud Luxe.  Too much sink into the bed, pillow seems too high when sleeping on side.  It got me in the neck after a week or so, and my lower back was starting to tweak after 4 weeks.

I'm on the regular Cloud and I sink enough into that mattress.  It's just about right.  I might even sink too much into a Supreme.  I'll bet a lot of people walk by the regular Cloud and pass it off because it's only 8" height.  I only have 2 1/2 weeks to speak of, but if it stays the same, should be set.

As for the Rhapsody, that bed seemed awesome because it doesn't allow much sink into it that I could tell, but the conformance was off the hook.  The more the mattress conforms, the more it distributes weight and relieves pressure, I believe.

Re: Tempurpedic Cloud Luxe vs Contour Signature
Reply #9 Sep 27, 2011 11:02 PM
Joined: Jun 22, 2011
Points: 19
I'm posting an early reponse since Zanzabar asked, I got the Allura only a couple of days ago and I want to give it a full 2-3 weeks before I say it's bad or good but I'll post again in 2-3 weeks if someone reminds me.

So far, I've slept about a month in the Cloud Luxe and a month in the Rhapsody, only about 4 days on the Allura. In terms of feel, there's nothing like the Cloud Series, it's just the softest period, my opinion is that the Luxe and Supreme have the same exact feel. The Allura is definitly softer than the Rhapsody by a good amount. I have them side by side in a Split King and it's very noticeable. I didn't think that extra 2 inch topper made that much of a difference in feel but it does. My preference is for a really soft bed, hence, I love the feel of the Cloud Luxe but like I stated, my body did not agree. Mostly lower back pain. After 4 days, I have to say the Allura has a really nice soft feel to it too. It's not that very soft feel of the Cloud beds but it's pretty close with much better support.

The jury is still out for me on the Allura though since it's too early, the first day I had just as bad back pain as before but on day 4, way less pain and it seems to be going away. I'll know by the end of the week. Even though I have an adjustable bed, I'm using the bed flat since I want to make sure I like the bed as is, with no help.


The Allura for me has that soft feel with really good support but I suspect the regular Cloud may also, I'm really torn on this bed because of the price. It's just crazy to charge an extra $900 over the Rhapsody for a 2 inch topper in the Twin XL size. If you read my other posts, you know I did not pay full retail for my Tempurpedics, that's the only thing that let's me sleep at night in comfort. Please don't PM me asking where I bought my bed, up to you to negotiate, and this is America, everything is negotiable...haha... regardless of what tempurpedic tells you.

Re: Tempurpedic Cloud Luxe vs Contour Signature
Reply #10 Oct 7, 2011 10:38 AM
Joined: Jun 22, 2011
Points: 19
I think I'm just screwed, the Allura is not working out for me too. Just keep having this lower back pain when I wake up. It's been about 2 weeks and on some mornings it's been a slight pain but today, it was pretty bad. I guess maybe I should of just gone with the classic Tempurbed, I slept on the original Tempurpedic bed for years back in the day in college and beyond.

My wife loves her Rhapsody and will not give it up, it took her about 2 weeks to get used to it, but now she swears you have to pry the bed out of her dead hands. She says she has no more join pain anywhere and she likes that the bed is supportive and lets you sink in but feels very firm.

I will give the Allura another 2 weeks and see how it goes. I can exchange it again but no refunds for me. So far I have tried the Cloud Luxe, too soft, Rhaposdy, too hard, and now Allura, I think too soft. What the heck is in between? I guess I'll just have to get a sleep number bed or something, even with the bad reviews because I may need the adjustablility...haha.. my body is getting old.

Re: Tempurpedic Cloud Luxe vs Contour Signature
Reply #11 Oct 8, 2011 7:08 AM
Joined: Jun 8, 2011
Points: 100
Hi Moolman,

I wish you the best of luck and I'm sorry your having such a rough time with it :( I went through the same thing for a year with back pain, but mine was always middle back. But I could never put my finger quite on the issue to correct it, just knew it was my mattress. Well, mattresses. We're on our fifth in 2.5 years unfortunately. Westin Heavenly bed twice, latex from SleepEZ, super cheapo firm from Sam's club just to hold us over, and now the Embody Introspection memory foam. I will say that we've had the Embody now for over a month and I dont think I've had back pain a single morning since. So, I'd say I am pretty happy with that. I do think that we're slowing getting some sinking on each side and the middle of our king is definitely firmer, but it's not been a problem yet. Although it irks me a bit. But, it's not causing any issues or pain. The other bed I am truly entrigued with is the Termpurpedic Bellafina. But, it's pretty darn firm. I also love the Deluxe- seems pretty middle of the road. They stopped making Deluxe, but many stores still have their twin XL floor models and will sell them at a discount.

Have you tried the Sleep Number out yet? I did go to the store and try it. Of course, the only one I liked was the $3,000+ memory foam one. But- just a note from my own personal opinion on sleep number. I have never had one. But, when I was in the store, I didn't really feel like the support of the bed was so adjustable. If you have it full of air, it's pretty firm. If you let air out, the mattress is not really any softer, your bottom just sinks more b/c the air is moving out from under you literally like an air mattress. A weird feeling and  I wasn't a fan. But, you'll have to try it out for yourself and see what you think!

Best of luck!!!

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