Tempurpedic Cloud Luxe vs Contour Signature
Sep 4, 2011 6:08 AM
Joined: Jul 21, 2011
Points: 4
Folks, we had a Tempurpedic Cloud Luxe for about 90 days, the wife and I liked it but I felt that it softened too much and I had slight lower back pain in the morning.  I got her to agree to send it back, VERY reluctantly as she said it was the best mattress we have ever had.  She is about 135 5 4 and I am 190  5'9.


We have since gotten the Contour Signature.  But, I am not happy at all and hope I didnt make a mistake.  It feels so hard to me, harder than it felt in 2 different stores.  I wake up with more intense mid and lower back pain, more so than I ever did with the Cloude Luxe.  My hands are tingling if I dont change position constantly.  I spent over an hour on the store mattress and didnt have this kind of sensation.  

I am hoping this mattress will soften but I am a bit worried as the CL felt great from day 1.  Anyone try the signature or have feedback on it?

If we ultimately give it back, can someone suggest which cloud to go with?  I dont really want the CL again as i think the cloud layer was too thick and too quick to break down.  My feeling is that maybe the Cloud Supreme might be the next logical step as it has a slightly thinner Cloud layer but unfortunately it lacks the HD layer and opts for the regular Tempur material.  Is this a negative?

Here's to hoping I dont have to give back the signature.

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