Took apart Sealy Sterlingshire firm from Costco.
May 14, 2008 7:31 AM
Joined: Apr 15, 2008
Points: 25
I knew it would come, but didn't know it would only take two months.  A pillow top I had went quickly, but I thought this would be good six months or longer.  This bed was $700, it has 782 coils.  I really wanted 782, and couldn't find it cheaper to cut up, so I kept it.  I cut it underneath, along the seam.  I wanted to be able to put it back and have it look decent.  Some layers are quality, some are cheap.  I think the culprit was the 1" of quality memory, and another 1/2" of cheap sewn onto the cover.  I have silver dollar shaped stitching every ten inches.  Luckily I had a stitchripper.  I had to "destitch" about a hundred of those circles.  The memory was quality but bad idea sewing it like that, and at the top to boot.  I know some like memory, it doesn't work for me.  There are two 1/2" cheap layers that I'll take out.  But there is  one very rigid, small egg crate style, pu I think, that I'll keep.  A 1.5" semi firm, pu I guess, that I'll keep for now.  I'm rearranging the fimer to the bottom(it was second to the top after taking off sewn part) and putting my 1" latex on top(more on latex in new post).  Might have to put my old memory topper on the very bottom for now if this is not enough.  Will get 2" more of firm latex to replace what doesn't work, down the road.  This bed has a very flat surface.  I like it that way.  I'm down to the basics and will be able to tell what layer is not working.  Was not happy thinking I spent 700 on a coil base.  But felt better knowing I won't be doing it again for another 15-20 years. 
Re: Took apart Sealy Sterlingshire firm from Costco.
Reply #3 Jun 30, 2008 12:43 PM
Joined: Apr 15, 2008
Points: 25
This is my update on the frankenbed.  It's been three weeks with the end result, so I think that's enough to be confident of my post.  I like my finished product.  I posted on the "toppers you like" thread but wanted to add it here for anyone desperate but scared to cut open your bed.  I have

springs                     then some fiber material that came with bed, they come incased in hard plastic siding, over boxspring

1" strip of mf                that i had a long time ago from macys, cut it a foot from each side so it would bring up the middle a little cos I think the edge of the springs keeps the sides a little higher

1" of pu                         not very firm, came with bed, kept it cos seemed like just the latex was a wee bit too firm.

2" latex                    dunlop, medium firm

1" latex                    soft,  talalay I guess, from foam by mail, has big holes, thought that meant it was dunlop....

mattress top          that came with the mattress, it's still attached to the sides, it's very thin, stretchy,  but durable

a sheet

cons, not being able to have the mattress cover stay down totally over the unit.  I am getting strips of velcro to see if that will help.  The bottom of the mattress cover  is still attached by one side, so will use the velcro as a zipper.  Don't let that stop you though.  Technically, I don't really need it.  I could leave it off and use a deep sheet to cover everything.   Doing it more for looks I guess.  I think I would of liked the mattress from Sleepcountry that had almost zero padding, and then put my toppers on, but they wanted 900, not worth it.

Pros,   I got what I wanted d*mn it!  For a total of $950.   $700 for the mattress, and 250 for the toppers.  I am sleeping well.  I have easy access to change things.  I can replace layers in years to come when need be.  This thing is flat as a board, just the way I like it. 

Sometimes I think I "blame" the bed when it could be eating lots of sugar(dessert) at night, or caffeine, or using muscles I don't normally use (home improvement), or sleeping in too late (night owl)etc.  So I'm signing out.  I hope this helps someone.  If don't hear from me again, you can assume all is well.

Re: Took apart Sealy Sterlingshire firm from Costco.
Reply #4 Jul 1, 2008 4:15 AM
Location: Mequon, WI
Joined: Aug 30, 2007
Points: 363
Thanks for the update.  I'm glad it worked out.  I may go that route in the future.
Re: Took apart Sealy Sterlingshire firm from Costco.
Reply #5 Jul 1, 2008 10:25 AM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
I would like to see your pictures.  Can you post them to  Not sure but I thought that is what someone used to show their pictures.
Re: Took apart Sealy Sterlingshire firm from Costco.
Reply #6 Jul 1, 2008 2:06 PM
Joined: Apr 15, 2008
Points: 25
i think they're there.
Re: Took apart Sealy Sterlingshire firm from Costco.
Reply #7 Jul 2, 2008 11:09 AM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
Thanks for posting the pics.  Very interesting.  Did you take pics of the mattress before, you know with the old layers, and with the memory foam stitched in the top?  I hadn't seen the material they put directly on the springs, what do you think it is?  Some type of cotton fabric?  Is the top latex topper you used a very soft ILD?  I think the fact the stitched the memory foam to the cover had an impact on the feel of the mattress.  I am real sensitive to what is on the top of the bed, i.e. mattress covers that have tight stitching and polyester backing.  Nice job, keep us posted if you are still happy with it.
Re: Took apart Sealy Sterlingshire firm from Costco.
Reply #8 Jul 2, 2008 7:19 PM
Joined: Apr 15, 2008
Points: 25
Hey Leo,

the 1" latex I have now is from foambymail soft 20ild.  I think the fiber material is cotton, my best guess.  I added two more pics to the flickr that show a small view of some of the original layers.  I don't have a pic of the original top.  But it had what looked like 50cent piece size circle  sewn every nine inches.  It had the 1" and 1/2" MF sewn on.  Very weird for a mattress top I thought.  Check out my new thread.

Re: Took apart Sealy Sterlingshire firm from Costco.
Reply #9 Jul 3, 2008 10:56 AM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
I had a Europa mattress that had memory foam on the top and I think it was sewn in too.  I couldn't sleep on it, after a year got rid of that one too.

The original layers with polyurethane baffling or whatever it is called are something I haven't seen either.  Of course I haven't seen the insides of a mattress, it is very interesting.  Does the PU seem soft and resilient still?
Re: Took apart Sealy Sterlingshire firm from Costco.
Reply #10 Jul 28, 2009 3:27 PM
Joined: Sep 11, 2007
Points: 116
Really, people do this?  And really, people actually are interested in what the outcome is.  Really?  I thought it was bad enough I read through this.  Please don't tell me you told anyone else except this forum what you do in your spare time.  No offense, but seriously.
Re: Took apart Sealy Sterlingshire firm from Costco.
Reply #11 Aug 2, 2009 5:30 PM
Location: NC
Joined: Feb 21, 2008
Points: 72
"Really, people do this? And really, people actually are interested in what the outcome is. Really? I thought it was bad enough I read through this. Please don't tell me you told anyone else except this forum what you do in your spare time. No offense, but seriously."

Yes, people do this and talk about it because they have limited funds to spend on mattresses and they value a good nights sleep and less back aches upon awakening. My king mattress started having a small crater on each side where my husband and I slept. WITH THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF THE EXAMPLE OF MEMBERS IN THIS FORUM, I cut open my Sealy Latex recently and removed the top layers of PU padding...about 5 in all with the top one sewn into the nice mattress cover. I then placed two egg crates purchased from a foam dealer which are very dense on top. On top of that I placed my 2" latex topper from Foam by Mail. I covered it with the cuddle bed and fitted sheet. No more craters...totally flat on top with the right amount of cushion and firmness. We are sleeping great!

Thanks to all who led the way and gave me the courage to experiment with my mattress. Now I'm not out the big bucks I paid for it and it should work well for many years to come.

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