Took apart Sealy Sterlingshire firm from Costco.
I knew it would come, but didn't know it would only take two months. A pillow top I had went quickly, but I thought this would be good six months or longer. This bed was $700, it has 782 coils. I really wanted 782, and couldn't find it cheaper to cut up, so I kept it. I cut it underneath, along the seam. I wanted to be able to put it back and have it look decent. Some layers are quality, some are cheap. I think the culprit was the 1" of quality memory, and another 1/2" of cheap sewn onto the cover. I have silver dollar shaped stitching every ten inches. Luckily I had a stitchripper. I had to "destitch" about a hundred of those circles. The memory was quality but bad idea sewing it like that, and at the top to boot. I know some like memory, it doesn't work for me. There are two 1/2" cheap layers that I'll take out. But there is one very rigid, small egg crate style, pu I think, that I'll keep. A 1.5" semi firm, pu I guess, that I'll keep for now. I'm rearranging the fimer to the bottom(it was second to the top after taking off sewn part) and putting my 1" latex on top(more on latex in new post). Might have to put my old memory topper on the very bottom for now if this is not enough. Will get 2" more of firm latex to replace what doesn't work, down the road. This bed has a very flat surface. I like it that way. I'm down to the basics and will be able to tell what layer is not working. Was not happy thinking I spent 700 on a coil base. But felt better knowing I won't be doing it again for another 15-20 years. |
Re: Took apart Sealy Sterlingshire firm from Costco. cloud9
(May 16, 2008 2:17 AM) -
Re: Took apart Sealy Sterlingshire firm from Costco. TheQuest
(May 18, 2008 11:36 AM) -
Re: Took apart Sealy Sterlingshire firm from Costco. TheQuest
(Jun 30, 2008 12:43 PM) -
Re: Took apart Sealy Sterlingshire firm from Costco. MequonJim
(Jul 1, 2008 4:15 AM) -
Re: Took apart Sealy Sterlingshire firm from Costco. Leo3
(Jul 1, 2008 10:25 AM) -
Re: Took apart Sealy Sterlingshire firm from Costco. TheQuest
(Jul 1, 2008 2:06 PM) -
Re: Took apart Sealy Sterlingshire firm from Costco. Leo3
(Jul 2, 2008 11:09 AM) -
Re: Took apart Sealy Sterlingshire firm from Costco. TheQuest
(Jul 2, 2008 7:19 PM) -
Re: Took apart Sealy Sterlingshire firm from Costco. Leo3
(Jul 3, 2008 10:56 AM) -
Re: Took apart Sealy Sterlingshire firm from Costco. Good_Sleep
(Jul 28, 2009 3:27 PM) -
Re: Took apart Sealy Sterlingshire firm from Costco. Sabra
(Aug 2, 2009 5:30 PM)