Apr 26, 2010 12:47 PM
Joined: Jan 22, 2010
Points: 12
Hello all,

yes I do have an S brand 2,000 dollar king bed,, firm... this thing is starting to sag after 3 months, just like the last one...

here is why I had to buy another  s brand,  1st... the last one after 4 months was killing us, of course I had them  come over and measure the sag.

It was not within the 1.5 inches, but the store I got it from called us , and said they would take care of it,, had to buy from them,, ok  very good customer service, we appreciated that for sure..  we never tried memory foam, and did not really like it, the time you get to lay on it , in the store.

anyway  We are thinking about tryin a topper... see if we can get some more support this way... I really would hate to tear open a 2,000 dollar bed..

what I have been reading,, this bed has the best springs in it... we are looking for any sugesstions on what to try next.. I am not taking this freakin bed back,,,,,,,  that is for sure....  this is a firm,,, guess what.... not any more....  how bout something that is not too expensive to try...

thanks for any help here.....

Reply #11 Apr 29, 2010 6:50 PM
Joined: Sep 11, 2009
Points: 62
As Kait mentioned, we got an additional 9 months of tolerable use out of our S&F mattress by carefully placing folded towels under the mattress where the body depressions had formed.
Reply #12 May 5, 2010 7:06 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
I just put a towel folded in thirds, on top of my springs and under my foam layers... Will report on that tomorrow... I also added my wool topper back on top which is why I am almost sure I'll need a little more support under my hips...

I ended up making it too thick and it kind of bothered me during the night. Am trying it tonight with thirds, and very flat, right next to the springs. Hopefully that will fare better. I have never had success with "zoning" but maybe this will work?

This message was modified May 7, 2010 by jimsocal

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