Twin latex mattress under $600 possible?? Help a mama
May 20, 2010 10:03 AM
Joined: May 20, 2010
Points: 3
I have been reading many of the posts on this forum but I am no closer to an answer.  My son is moving out of his crib into a twin bed.  For his 2nd birthday I am making over his nursery to be a big boy room.  I want to make this redo as "green" as possible and not be adding a bunch of chemicals to his room.  The mattress part of this project just has be stumped.  I believe I want a 100% natural latex mattress, firmer core and softer top, and wool or other natural cover.  No flame retardant chemicals!  However being a thrifty mama I am having a hard time with the prices I have seen from Flobeds and others recommended here.  I thought about foam by mail but I'm a little leary of them.  Anyone have a recommendation (even better a link!) for a twin size latex mattress hopefully under 600?  Or at least close to it?  Also it can't be a super mattress because it is going on a bottom bunk bed.  

Many thanks!  I need to purchase something asap because his birthday is in a couple weeks.

Re: Twin latex mattress under $600 possible?? Help a mama
Reply #2 May 20, 2010 12:01 PM
Joined: May 11, 2010
Points: 29
And you won't get 100% natural latex for that $950 either.  Blended latex is cheaper.

For the price you are looking for, Foam by Mail is about your only option...imo

Hopefully, I will get my shipment from Foam by Mail tomorrow, and I will let you know how "terrible" it is. smiley

This message was modified May 20, 2010 by laredo7mm
Re: Twin latex mattress under $600 possible?? Help a mama
Reply #3 May 20, 2010 12:47 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
laredo7mm wrote:

And you won't get 100% natural latex for that $950 either.  Blended latex is cheaper.

For the price you are looking for, Foam by Mail is about your only option...imo

Hopefully, I will get my shipment from Foam by Mail tomorrow, and I will let you know how "terrible" it is. smiley

I agree roy, you're asking for the world and don't want to pay for it. I understand that, but I don't think it's practical/possible.

You can get cheaper twin mattresses by building it yourself but it still will cost a pretty penny. The only way to really get the price you want is to buy used (if you can find it) or buy something that is NOT "green". For example you could get a PU foam core at and add latex on top of it (get the one without the memory foam on it. more and more I read that memory foam may be toxic.)

Put it in an allergy proof cover and that should solve any problems from dust mites in the foam. I don't think PU foam is that much of an issue with off-gassing.

Otherwise you're just going to have to pay more than you want.

Re: Twin latex mattress under $600 possible?? Help a mama
Reply #4 May 20, 2010 2:04 PM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850
It might be possible to get a latex and wool mattress for less than that....actually I am sure it is.  Although getting 100% natural might be an issue.  Keep in mind for a child (and even most teenagers) even a 6" latex core is plenty of support (really even a 4" right now would be more than adequate). 
Re: Twin latex mattress under $600 possible?? Help a mama
Reply #5 May 20, 2010 2:24 PM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
Budgy raises a good point.  For a very young child, he could probably get by with less latex - 4" or so should be adequate to support his light weight.  As he gets older, though, you would want to add additional layers of latex to support the extra weight, and eventually you'd end up with somewhere between 8-10" of latex.

So you may very well be able to do what you want within your budget.  Look at Sleepez and Sleeplikeabear, they sell LI Talalay latex layers (they call them "toppers") and covers separately.

For example, at Sleepez you can look at this page and see that a 6" 100% natural Talalay latex core is $460, a 6" zippered cover is $60, and shipping is $49, for a total of $569!

Then as he gets older and heavier, buy additional toppers and new zippered covers to accomodate the new thickness of the mattress.

This message was modified May 20, 2010 by KimberlyH
Re: Twin latex mattress under $600 possible?? Help a mama
Reply #6 May 20, 2010 2:33 PM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850
Im actually gonna have to endorse that SleepEZ twin 6" core mattress.  I didn't think you could do natural for that price....but there it is right ones gonna beat that for the quality you get. 

I assure you that unless you have a really picky kid down the road that 6" will be adequate for a long time.

Re: Twin latex mattress under $600 possible?? Help a mama
Reply #7 May 20, 2010 4:44 PM
Joined: Aug 30, 2007
Points: 464
Re: Twin latex mattress under $600 possible?? Help a mama
Reply #8 May 20, 2010 4:54 PM
Joined: May 20, 2010
Points: 3

See I knew if I asked the right people I could find what I am looking for!  I want quality latex for my son but it was hard stomaching 1K price tags for a two year old!

Ok I really want to order this tomorrow to make sure its here in time for his birthday room makeover.  Last questions and I promise I will leave you guys alone.  Any thoughts on whether I should do dunlop or talalay?  Seems more people on this forum go for the talalay.  Also what firmness do I want?  I know with adults you take into account sleep position and weight.  My kid sleeps every which way and only weighs 23 lbs.  Bless his heart he is such a peanut for his age. But I know he will get much bigger over the years. 

I've read alot of posts about people buying for adults but not toddlers.  Any help is appreciated!  Thank you again!

Re: Twin latex mattress under $600 possible?? Help a mama
Reply #9 May 20, 2010 5:11 PM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850
personally I don't usually make recommendations for one over the other as it is more preference than anything.  however with a 6" might want to get a dunlop.....only reason being it will be plenty supportive enough for a while.  and then if you need it softer down the road you can add a talalay process topper to it. 
Re: Twin latex mattress under $600 possible?? Help a mama
Reply #10 May 20, 2010 5:58 PM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
LOL I was going to say just the opposite and say stay away from Dunlop!  I have tried it and did not like it at all!  It has a dead, lifeless feeling compared to talalay, to my mind.  But some people like it so it's a personal thing.

If you went the Talalay route, I think a 32-ish ILD would give plenty of support and still be soft enough for comfort.

Maybe you should phone Sleepez and ask what they think.

Re: Twin latex mattress under $600 possible?? Help a mama
Reply #11 May 20, 2010 9:10 PM
Joined: May 18, 2010
Points: 49
I was gonna say Foambymail, but I'm on the fence with them too. They told me their latex is from Europe, not china, and it is as natural as possible, whatever that means. Anways what if you were to just buy a cheap firm twinn, and then get him a topper from Overstock for $113?. the online reviews look good there. Their latex is from Sri Lanka I think. I'm looking there too. (Please do not let him sleep on the top bunk, even when he is older, I read a very sad story about a boy that fell off the top bunk, and it messed him up so bad, his mother had to send him away to be taken care of. It broke her heart.) Some people don't realize the danger of bunkbeds. That is very good you are wanting a very clean green room for him. He will love the feel of latex, and with his light weight, it won't take much to make the difference. My kids love how latex feels to sleep on.

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