Twin latex mattress under $600 possible?? Help a mama
May 20, 2010 10:03 AM
Joined: May 20, 2010
Points: 3
I have been reading many of the posts on this forum but I am no closer to an answer.  My son is moving out of his crib into a twin bed.  For his 2nd birthday I am making over his nursery to be a big boy room.  I want to make this redo as "green" as possible and not be adding a bunch of chemicals to his room.  The mattress part of this project just has be stumped.  I believe I want a 100% natural latex mattress, firmer core and softer top, and wool or other natural cover.  No flame retardant chemicals!  However being a thrifty mama I am having a hard time with the prices I have seen from Flobeds and others recommended here.  I thought about foam by mail but I'm a little leary of them.  Anyone have a recommendation (even better a link!) for a twin size latex mattress hopefully under 600?  Or at least close to it?  Also it can't be a super mattress because it is going on a bottom bunk bed.  

Many thanks!  I need to purchase something asap because his birthday is in a couple weeks.

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