Why does latex cause a severely aching back?
Jul 8, 2009 12:17 PM
Joined: Jul 6, 2009
Points: 3
I have had some issues with finding the right bed.  I have tried various types of latex ILD's and while things feel great, after about 3.5 hours in bed I wake up in agony.  I think my body does not like latex but want to understand why this may be the case (I am not allergic to it)?  At this point I am considering a traditional box spring purchase from a local mattress manufacturer, ParkLane (in Portland, OR), but have never heard of them and am skeptical about their products.  I know they have a flippable, offset coil mattress.
Advice appreciated please.
Re: Why does latex cause a severely aching back?
Reply #2 Jul 8, 2009 6:36 PM
Location: Oregon
Joined: Oct 25, 2008
Points: 130
There are some people who just don't take to latex. Kait and Cloud9 are two that stand out to me. For whatever reason, there is just not enough support for the lower back area and it just doesn't work for them. Read through their posts and find out what they have done to alleviate the back pain.   I guess I'm lucky - I like my latex bed. I bought mine for a very reasonable price from Foambymail, a company that has lately been a target on this forum.  They seem to be a target because they are selling their latex mattresses far less than anyone else.  Originally, I bought an S brand so-called latex mattress and had an aching back after two or three weeks.  It was too soft for me with the pillow top that was on it.  Was able to send it back to the store, not for full credit, but for furniture exchange so it wasn't a complete disaster.  Then I came on here and spent a few months reading and learning and then ended up buying the mattress from FBM - it has been the very best bed I've ever had. I learned about pillowtops  on here too - stay away from them.

I read your other post about Mulligan Mattress in Portland... I live downstate in Oregon.  We also visited him and he is absolutely a straight shooter and has tremendous knowledge about mattresses. He quoted us somewhere in the range of $1700 for a King size 6" dunlop core topped with a 2" talalay piece, with the slatted foundation and delivered and setup.  Thought this was a great price but I ended up paying about $1000 for my do-it-yourself setup that is fairly close in specs.  He does have a mattress cover machine and puts a very nice cover on it, to me the downside of that was that I couldn't change anything comfort wise - no zipper. He laughed when I asked about putting a zipper in the bed.  Too bad that didn't work for you. I think you can tell he's very good to deal with though - you did say you got your money back when it just didn't work for you. He's a good option for anyone in the Portland area that wants to see a master bed maker who is reasonably priced  with a good product.

ParkLane Mattress I have never heard of.  Please let us know how this goes for you. The prices on the website look very encouraging.  I see they have a showroom next to Trader Joe's on I-5 so I will stop in the next time I go by to see what they are offering.  My suggestion to you is to look, but don't buy anything for awhile.  Sometimes its worth putting up with your current situation for a time while gathering more information. Stay on here and read back through many posts and search and find some other folks that have had your situation and see what they did. 


Re: Why does latex cause a severely aching back?
Reply #3 Jul 11, 2009 9:54 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
My latex bed does not cause my back to ache despite the herniated disk I now have there from the car accident as well as the cervical herniated disks. It doesn't ache since I kept my bed very firm so I do not sink in much at all.

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