Why does latex cause a severely aching back?
I have had some issues with finding the right bed. I have tried various types of latex ILD's and while things feel great, after about 3.5 hours in bed I wake up in agony. I think my body does not like latex but want to understand why this may be the case (I am not allergic to it)? At this point I am considering a traditional box spring purchase from a local mattress manufacturer, ParkLane (in Portland, OR), but have never heard of them and am skeptical about their products. I know they have a flippable, offset coil mattress. Advice appreciated please. |
Re: Why does latex cause a severely aching back? Kait
(Jul 8, 2009 2:37 PM) -
Re: Why does latex cause a severely aching back? BillB
(Jul 8, 2009 6:36 PM) -
Re: Why does latex cause a severely aching back? Lynn2006
(Jul 11, 2009 9:54 PM)