Zoned Latex/Memory Foam, or Layers of each? Which is best?
Sep 13, 2010 7:24 PM
Joined: Jun 21, 2010
Points: 15
I am between two mattresses, both feel comfortable, both same price, but I am not sure which is best for the long term?


1. Stearns and Fosters, Pocket Coil, Firm, with a Pillowtop which has layers of regular foam, latex, and Memory Foam...

2. The other one is a Sealy, with Postropedic Springs, PLUS, Pocket Coils on top (3 inch), then ZONED sections of Memory Foam and Latex. I think there's Latex in mid-section (harder), and Memory Foam for your shoulder, and legs. I however don't feel the difference when I tried it... but it's there for sure.


So, question is... in general (theory), is Zoned sections of Memory Foam/Latex better... or layers (Memory Foam on top of Latex, and vice versa). I do NOT have enough information on thickness of each layer of Latex/Memory foam... so can't really rely on that to make a call.


Anyone knows what's the best way of doing Pillowtop?



Re: Zoned Latex/Memory Foam, or Layers of each? Which is best?
Reply #1 Sep 14, 2010 6:37 PM
Joined: Dec 11, 2009
Points: 113
There is a wide range of "pillowtop" from a modest amount of just the right stuff.. to a really thick and soft one that will go flat, way too soon.

Most of us here are against pillowtops because many are too soft.. mostly pu foam, and will go flat with impressions in a year or less, ruining your sleep experience.  But today I lay on a Stearns Estate firm PT that felt pretty darn good.  It was more money than a Simmons World Class that felt almost the same, and I wanted the cheaper of the two because I expect to do surgery on it some time.

I just posted about surgery and particularly zoning to support hips.. search shovel99 or find my recent post. I am a huge believer that zoning is absolutely necessary to support the heavier hip region especially those of us with lower back strain/issues.

Next issue is memory foam.  Some of us really hate it in large quanties like 2 inches or more... hot.. nonsupportive.. shorter life expectancy than latex... sleeps hot... hard to roll over once you have sunk in.  In small quantities it can accommodate well.. especially the foams doped with other materials like the ones available from  Generally I can beneifit from 1 inch max in spots.

In my 23 mattresses over the past 5 years. several had memory foam in them.. which I did not know until I slept on them at home.  They felt great in the showroom for a few minutes.   Went to sleep OK and woke up 3 hours later deep in a hole.. .screaming from back pain... hot.  Terrible.

My guess is the ones your are looking at have small amounts... try to look them up on the internet.. or ask the dealers.. who probably don[t know and may not tell you if they think it is a deal killer.

Do you know you like memory foam?  Tried it for any lenght of time?

Be sure you have a sleep guarantee, and for more than one exchange.. because I guarantee it will take at least three tries or more.

They may require an extra delivery fee or restocking, or whatever. but be sure you can exchange.




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