I am between two mattresses, both feel comfortable, both same price, but I am not sure which is best for the long term?
1. Stearns and Fosters, Pocket Coil, Firm, with a Pillowtop which has layers of regular foam, latex, and Memory Foam... 2. The other one is a Sealy, with Postropedic Springs, PLUS, Pocket Coils on top (3 inch), then ZONED sections of Memory Foam and Latex. I think there's Latex in mid-section (harder), and Memory Foam for your shoulder, and legs. I however don't feel the difference when I tried it... but it's there for sure.
So, question is... in general (theory), is Zoned sections of Memory Foam/Latex better... or layers (Memory Foam on top of Latex, and vice versa). I do NOT have enough information on thickness of each layer of Latex/Memory foam... so can't really rely on that to make a call.
Anyone knows what's the best way of doing Pillowtop?
Thanks |
Re: Zoned Latex/Memory Foam, or Layers of each? Which is best? shovel99
(Sep 14, 2010 6:37 PM)