Greeting mattress experts and lurkers, I am a once-a-decade mattress buyer in need of assistance. Can anyone provide input for the Serta Icomfort foam mattress line? Specifically, I'm interested in the Revolution model king size. My initial search led me towards the Tempurpdic Rhapsody. However, many reviews suggest Tempurpedic's sleep "hotter" than spring or other foam mattresses. My wife is furnace so I dare not bring a mattress home which amplifies that issue. So, my next focus was the Simmons ComforPedic. My wife laid on every model and said they were "too springy" compared to the Tempurpedic and the iComfort. So we are down to one option right now, the iComfort. What I'm asking for help with is advice and comparison. The iComfort line of Serta is very, very new and this is possibly why there is no data or opinions on the internet. My heart is not set on the Revolution for $2,000 and I am genuinely interested in hearing advice and comments even if that information leads away from iComfort completely. Thoughts? Much appreciated, |
This is classic Sears lack of customer service - you get a different answer depending on who you talk to. Classic. I've heard it many times before with Sears. They simply do not all know their policies. Delivery claims they are not responsible for setup of your mattress and base. Sad actually. Hope it gets worked out though. This message was modified Sep 9, 2011 by slpngoc
I find a regular Tempurpedic Cloud to be more comfortable than an insight although the TP costs somewhat more. Tempurpedic Cloud Supreme feels better than Revolution and the specs are better - TP - 2" support foam 2" super soft memory foam. Revolution - almost 6" of 2 layers of memory foam. No airflow channels in iComfort either. No comparison between the fixed foundations - the icomfort box spring has a tendency to sag (mine did). I can't imagine a TP reinforced MDF solid top foundation sagging. I had a Revolution for 4 weeks - it slept a little hot. I had a Sleep Innovations topper with gel memory foam for 1 night. Wow, that thing slept way hot. I suppose if one doesn't sink too much into an icomfort, they may not sleep too hot. I might have done ok on an Insight, but the floor model I tried early on had sag issues. |
We had a Genius king sized mattress and two twin XL Motion Perfect adjustable bases delivered Friday. It does appear that one of the adjustable bases just isn't functioning correctly -- sometimes it works, but often it doesn't. The other base works perfectly. I have been adjusting the switch settings and I was excited when I finally got the troublesome base to respond and go into 0G -- but like they say "be careful what you wish for" -- and then it ended up stuck in 0G for 2 nights despite numerous attempts to reset it. For those that haven't experienced it, 0G is an amazingly comforable position with the head slightly elevated and the feet elevated higher than the head, but not the best way to be forced to sleep an entire night ... and I had two nights like that. Finally and inexplicably, after the 2nd night I was trying the remote for what must have been the 100th time and stuck base responded again, and I was able to return both bases to a flat position and finally slept in a normal position last night. My husband returned from his business trip, so I had the help I needed to lift the heavy mattress and switch the malfunctioning base (which is also very heavy) from the left side of our sleighbed to the right, as we were wondering if interference from a nearby radio tower could be causing the problem. The result is still the same: one base that always worked continues to work reliably and flawlessly, and the other one mostly doesn't respond. Once I determined that it was set correctly and that it could respond but was still "acting up" I have mostly left it alone as it is better to be stuck in a flat position than in some other configuration. I've been working with the salesperson and Sears is delivering a replacement base tomorrow. I've got my fingers crossed that this will fix the issue once and for all. The Genius mattress still feels a bit hard to me but I haven't had any back pain and I am assuming that my experience will be similar to others here who found the mattress softened up after a bit. I do know that once that adjustable bases are working correctly that I am going to LOVE LOVE LOVE them. While I did get a bit too much of the 0G position, it is so very comfortable and I can totally see myself putting the bed in 0G to grab an afternoon nap in the future. It is a great position for easing strain on the back. I know I will also enjoy using the lounging and TV/PC settings, too. And the massage function -- wow! I had thought that the massage might be a bit cheesy because in the showroom it did remind me of the "magic fingers" from some of the motel rooms my family stayed in when I was a kid. The Motion Perfect massage has been a pleasant surprise as is it is actually very soothing (and without any more elaboration on the subject, I will also add that it was also so very,very nice for when hubby got back home ... blushing.) I know, TMI!!!! So, here's hoping that my struggles with getting the bases to work correctly will be over tomorrow when the new one arrives. I am feeling optimistic and am still happy about the purchase so far. |
Also, for others thinking the boxes are dipping, making sure you have a good solid frame. If you were sold a new one, make sure all connections are made and tightly done. Almost anytime we see a problem it's frame related. I realize there are a lot of dealers out there, and lots of information, some bad and some good, but our practice is to provide a very heavy duty frame for only $38, powder coated, and double support down the middle to ensure a long lasting great frame. Something so little in cost can damage the best of beds :)
From a dealers standpoint I will say that we still have not had one Icomfort returned. We have had comfort exchanges to go softer or firmer, but all have been thrilled with the overall performance and sleeping well. don't hesitate to ask me any questions. If it's any thought at all, I had a 7 month old Perfect Day luxury bed that I gave to my sister in law to get the Icomfort Prodigy :) yes I LOVE IT!!! (oh, and if you have never slept on an adjustible bed, you do not know what you are missing. I would even go as far as saying I would subsitute a bit of comfort and go with the Insight, and add the adjustible rather than getting the prodigy flat. Our price on that is $2574 for the queen. Thanks and sleep well. Doug |
My icomfort Stabl base box spring sagged. I had it on a $110 L&G heavy duty frame, 6 legs with heavy duty center rail on the twin setting. The problem is the vertical support rods in the twins have a 3 - 2 - 2 - 3 pattern. Between those two 2's, there is 8" gap between vertical support rods from head to toe. There are surface rods criss crossing, but with 8" gap, they sag down a bit. I wonder how much it would have sagged if there was no center rail on the frame. Those center slats from head to toe are just not meant to bear all that weight. I think they're only 1" thick wood, and wood bends. I think Serta (and Simmons) should use the Sealy / S&F box spring layout which as vertical rods every 4", from side to side. Not going to sag. This message was modified Sep 12, 2011 by slpngoc
We have been totally happy with the I Comfort,especially noting that there is no reverberation when someone moves or gets on or off the bed. . While she has a hard time getting out of bed or pushing up to a sitting position, I have ordered the adjustable lift and are looking forward to it. Will keep all updated, when it arrives. |
I have a Simmons Beautyrest that was supposed to be top of the line. It is now sagging in the middle, and I don't even sleep in the middle. I actually sleep on one side of the bed like if two people were in the bed, but I sleep alone. I had a car accident a few years ago and have had back trouble ever since. I am not sleeping well in my present bed, and it's not really that old. I sleep better when I am in a good hotel that has good-quality, firm mattresses than I do at home. Heck, I even sleep better on the couch than I do in my bed! So I have been looking. Someone suggested the Serta beds that were on sale at Big Lots. They said they bought one and loved it better than their much more expensive bed. I looked at them, but decided to look at others too. After looking around, I decided that the Big Lots beds were NOT what I wanted. I questioned the quality for one thing. I have looked at Tempur-Pedics several times. The Rhapsody bed seems to be the one I would want if I purchased one of those. But on a recent visit to a local furniture store, I also tried out the Serta iComfort Genius bed. I loved it! I sank in to the Tempur-Pedic enough that when I turned over I could still feel the indentions under me from where I had been positioned before, even on the Rhapsody. I did not like that. But on the iComfort Genius, that did not happen. I have been looking and looking and had no idea what I really wanted, but I was very impressed with the Genius bed. It was firm which is what I need, but it also felt wonderful. I really like the cover too. It looks very upscale, but very welcoming too. I started doing some research and found this forum. I have read every post in this thread (all 188 so far!) and really appreciate the information. It's a shame that mattress buying is such a confusing process. According to research, there's more confusion and more complaints over mattress purchases by consumers than nearly any other product! That shouldn't be. One store may have a model and call it by one name, while another store may have the exact same model and call it by another name. Or maybe only the covering is different, or the stitching. It's crazy! Try shopping online for a mattress that you see in one store, even on manufacturers' websites, even with big names like Serta! There's this veil of mystery that surrounds it all! That's one positive thing about Tempur-Pedic. A Rhapsody bed in one store is a Rhapsody bed in another store. On the flip side of that, the Rhapsody price in one store is the Rhapsody price in another store. I think Serta is going with that strategy as well with the iComfort. Only it seems from what I have found so far that there is a little more flexibility in pricing with the iComfort beds. And what a difference in pricing there is between TP and iC! The queen-size Rhapsody bed was around $3,200 compared with around $1,300 for the Genius! I don't know. I'm still undecided, but unless I find something I like better, I'm so far very impressed with the Genius iComfort. I guess I'm just as confused as everyone else! I don't plan to purchase right away, but hopefully by year's end. I will be very interested to read updates from purchasers of iComforts, particularly the Genius. Of all the complaints I've read, none have really been about the Genius in particular. Then again, not as many people have purchased the Genius. Perhaps it's a newer product in the line and not as many people have had opportunity to sample it long term. Or perhaps not as many people want a mattress quite that firm. I'm not sure. Anyway, I will be anxious to read your opinions. Keep 'em coming! And thanks for posting! Purchasing a mattress is a huge buying decision, not just in price, but in the quality of your life! I think we as consumers need to unite and have a mattress buying revolution in the marketplace! Vive les rêveurs! |
I've just purchased the IComfort Revolution for $2200+ last month and boy am I sorry! I wish to God I had bought the Sleep Numbers bed instead but now it's too late. Take your time with this decision and don't rush into like I did! |