Serta Icomfort request for advice
Apr 10, 2011 4:51 PM
Joined: Apr 10, 2011
Points: 4
Greeting mattress experts and lurkers,

I am a once-a-decade mattress buyer in need of assistance.  Can anyone provide input for the Serta Icomfort foam mattress line?  Specifically, I'm interested in the Revolution model king size.  My initial search led me towards the Tempurpdic Rhapsody.  However, many reviews suggest Tempurpedic's sleep "hotter" than spring or other foam mattresses.  My wife is furnace so I dare not bring a mattress home which amplifies that issue.  So, my next focus was the Simmons ComforPedic.  My wife laid on every model and said they were "too springy" compared to the Tempurpedic and the iComfort.  So we are down to one option right now, the iComfort.  What I'm asking for help with is advice and comparison.  The iComfort line of Serta is very, very new and this is possibly why there is no data or opinions on the internet.  My heart is not set on the Revolution for $2,000 and I am genuinely interested in hearing advice and comments even if that information leads away from iComfort completely. 


Much appreciated,

Re: Serta Icomfort request for advice
Reply #53 May 29, 2011 6:41 PM
Joined: May 28, 2011
Points: 2
Dear "daydreamer",

Sleep Innovations does not make the foam either.  As a reminder....I work for a foam manufacturer.  Show me evidence Serta makes ANY foam and you'll win me over.  They don't.  I make foam for them...and I make a LOT of it.  And I agree with gel and that it doesn't break down...that isn't my point.  Forgive my lack of articulation, but thank you for your sarcasm.

The gel "infused" claim simply means we are adding gel SCRAPS into the material as it is made.  No consistency to the gel particles or their distribution. There is ZERO evidence that gel provides additional benefits.  Where is the proof?  I make it and I know this.

No medical claims or 3rd party endorsements/backings to the warranty on this product.  I think tempurpedic appears to be the only ones with that.  I haven't seen any data online stating the Novaform is any different than iComfort material.  Possibly a different density...but I mean really...enough for a $1,000 difference?  Same warranty and everything.  Same story, same look, same manufacturer.

Gel doesn't make foam any more "open cell" structured.  That is a FACT.  ZERO data supports that claim.  Is it open cell?  Yes.  Is it MORE open cell than any other domestically-made visco product like ComforPedic, Tempurpedic, etc....absolutely not.  Now if you're talking about low-grade imported foam product...that you have a point.  Maybe that is what iComfort's statements are all compared to "ordinary memory foam" in the fine print.  Not sure what defines that, but maybe it is compared to cheap imports.

Reality is the bed looks great...but the proof is in the pudding as the saying goes.  We will continue to make the gel product with my company as long as people buy it.  No complaints!  But we have studied it and there is simply no benefit.  But the mattress people buy it and we make it.  That's how us foam manufacturers operate I guess.  Thank you for the business!  I just feel bad the consumers are being given poor information and half truth marketing.

That is just my experience as a foam manufacturing company.  I know what I know.  I see what I see.  The foams (not the gel) break down.  There is simply not enough gel to make it more durable.  Gotta admit though...a great story if you want to believe it!

Re: Serta Icomfort request for advice
Reply #54 May 30, 2011 5:53 AM
if your not poor and humble, then whats the point? - Terence Mckenna
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Dear, Danwhite?..                        That is only your opinion! See.. your tricky to make it SOUND like everything you say is true,.. but we all know its not.  Everything i read from you is just an opinion and NO facts once-so-ever. You might as well be preaching to me that the world is flat!  I'm done with arguing with you   Like i said  where is a link for your "research" or whatever you wanna call it mr. dan.       like i said do you have a link to prove what you say? or do we just have to trust your word aginst theirs?            No linkey? you stinky!
Re: Serta Icomfort request for advice
Reply #55 May 30, 2011 1:46 PM
Joined: May 30, 2011
Points: 11
Would somebody PLEASE post a review of their experience with Serta iComfort! I'm about to go out and buy one during Memorial Day sale. How is it possible no one is reviewing this bed on this site or anywhere else on the web?!? It's been out several months right?  (It's pretty clear that Danwhite has some other kind of agenda about bashing the iComfort gel foam so I'm disregarding his comments outright.) I'm debating between the iComfort or shelling out another $500 or so for a Tempurpedic of the same size. But being that I live in warm Southern CA, ideally I'd want something that will stay a little cooler than the Tempurpedic apparently does. If someone could shed some light on the Serta iComfort ASAP that would be very much appreciated. Thank you!
This message was modified May 31, 2011 by jblo
Re: Serta Icomfort request for advice
Reply #56 May 31, 2011 7:09 AM
Joined: May 31, 2011
Points: 1
A few months ago, I too was looking into memory foam mattresses.  From everything I read, the most important thing to look for is the density of the foam and the amount (thickness) that is in the mattress.  The density ranges from 1-5, with 1 being the least dense and 5 being the most.  The 1-5 rating is actually the weight in pounds of one cubic foot of foam material.  Why has no one mentioned density? 
Re: Serta Icomfort request for advice
Reply #57 May 31, 2011 8:19 AM
Joined: May 22, 2011
Points: 9
I would LOVE to find out the density of the foam in the iComfort mattresses. I am thinking about calling Serta CS to se if they can send me something on that. I doubt it. But like I said in an earlier post, the iComfort Insight mattress definitely felt more dense than the Novaform sample at Costco I tried out.
Re: Serta Icomfort request for advice
Reply #58 May 31, 2011 1:08 PM
Joined: May 30, 2011
Points: 11
phreaky_d wrote:


I would LOVE to find out the density of the foam in the iComfort mattresses. I am thinking about calling Serta CS to se if they can send me something on that. I doubt it. But like I said in an earlier post, the iComfort Insight mattress definitely felt more dense than the Novaform sample at Costco I tried out.

I just called a couple Sit 'N Sleep stores who are a major authorized retailer. They said the density of Serta iComfort mattreses are 5 lb's per cubic foot. Tempurapedic are 5.3. Seems like a neglibible difference. But from what I understand, the foam in the Novaform are no where near the quality of iComfort's.

This message was modified May 31, 2011 by jblo
Re: Serta Icomfort request for advice
Reply #59 May 31, 2011 2:16 PM
Joined: Mar 20, 2011
Points: 71
jblo wrote:




 But from what I understand, the foam in the Novaform are no where near the quality of iComfort's.

It would be great if you could provide links or other info that would confirm this, as it would really shed some light on this debate.

This message was modified May 31, 2011 by need2sleep636
Re: Serta Icomfort request for advice
Reply #60 May 31, 2011 7:46 PM
Joined: May 30, 2011
Points: 11
Need2Sleep - I spent 2 straight days going into stores talking to industry experts and that was the overwhelming opinion. Not everything is found on the web. But take it or leave it. If I find something online I'll post it. Though Costco carries some quality products, you should know that you pretty much get what you pay for. 
This message was modified May 31, 2011 by jblo
Re: Serta Icomfort request for advice
Reply #61 Jun 1, 2011 9:05 AM
Joined: Jun 1, 2011
Points: 2
Our iComfort (not sure which one we got, but the salesman did say it was the firmest one in their line) was delivered yesterday.

We were told that we would probably have to "air" it out or let it breathe, you pick for a day.  Well I'm here to tell you that there was very little odor to our new mattress.  Something I've read about in this thread.  I was surprised and pleased that we did not have this issue, the temps here are in the 90s, so the prospect of opening up the windows wasn't something I was looking forward to.  

It did seem that the bed was "firmer" than the one on the display floor, but that was to be expected.

I slept well my first night and am pleased, the hubby on the other hand is undecided.  I'll have to get back to you after a couple of weeks.  I just wanted to say I am happy so far with our new bed.

Re: Serta Icomfort request for advice
Reply #62 Jun 1, 2011 10:38 AM
Joined: Mar 20, 2011
Points: 71
jblo wrote:

Need2Sleep - I spent 2 straight days going into stores talking to industry experts and that was the overwhelming opinion. Not everything is found on the web. But take it or leave it. If I find something online I'll post it. Though Costco carries some quality products, you should know that you pretty much get what you pay for. 


Well this debate has sparked interest of many it seems and elaborating on your opinion would be helpful. What did these experts base their opinion on? Do they know who makes the foam for each of the two companies? Does Serta make their own foam?

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