Side sleeper, need help picking latex topper
Oct 12, 2010 5:12 AM
Joined: Oct 12, 2010
Points: 6
Hello everyone,

I've been up since about 5am today, due to the usual inability to stay asleep. This has been going on for years. I've had a sleep study done (no apnea), make sure I'm in bed by 11pm every night, etc. I have no problem falling asleep but I wake up at least 10 times a night to reposition myself because my arm / shoulder or hips are falling asleep or aching. Yes, 10 times, minimum, wide awake, staring at the ceiling. My health and well being is deteriorating and I have a strong feeling it is due to my sleep issues.

Today I just decided to stay awake and try to dig around for what it is that is keeping me from sleeping. I didn't think it could be my mattress. I've got a relatively new Bergad/Isoform Luna bed... about 6 months old now. Prior to this I had a classic Bergad Isoform bed for about 6 years. I've had these sleep problems for just about as many years and never put 2+2 together! I'm excited to read about latex toppers and how they can potentially alleviate the type of problems I'm having as a side sleeper!! I was just about ready to chuck this mattress and buy a very soft pillow top mattress... 

I'm 5'11, 200lbs, athletic build.

I'm thinking of buying a 2" 32 ILD talatay pad but would like some input from someone with experience. Is this soft enough to give me the circulation I need? Is this thick enough?

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