Sleepez vs. Flobeds and other more expensive brands..
Apr 19, 2010 8:41 AM
Joined: Apr 6, 2010
Points: 3
I  have seen several postings on why Sleepez seem to offer the same products at lower prices than the competitors, and I just wanted to offer my observations.

1st, I have been sleeping on Sleepez's Organic Select 10000 with matching foundation for about a week and I absolutely love it! I highly recommend it to anyone who is "on the fence" or thinking that the more expensive brand is better quality.

2nd. For anyone considering purchasing a Flobed or other higher priced bed because they think that it will be a higher quality product, please do your research first. I believe Sleepez mentions on their website that they use the exact same manufacturers as the big S brands. This means almost identical mattresses!

Also, look at Latex International's website. They have a product page where they list all the companies that they manufacture for, and Flobeds as well as a number of other companies are LI's clients. There is no difference in the latex being used in Sleepez's much cheaper beds than Flobeds or any of the others!

Save your money, buy a Sleepez! I've slept better in the last week than I have my entire life!

Re: Sleepez vs. Flobeds and other more expensive brands..
Reply #7 Apr 19, 2010 1:55 PM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
Philip wrote:

Hi Eagle.  I hope you enjoyed your "vacation". 

I enjoyed it very much Philip. Thank you for your concern.

You don't have to worry, because the forum has been more than fair towards flobeds.

Can I take that as some kind of endorsement for Flobeds?

Since you have asked what sleepeze does with their returns, you obviously feel that this is an important issue.

It seems to me Philip, from your previous posts, that you're the one who seems to really care about what companies do with their returns. I think you have a problem with FloBeds returns because Savvy Rest wouldn't take back any of your returns without charging a very large return shipping fee.

I don't think that all you flobed "homies" satisfactorily responded to Natalie's husband's statement about the old off colored piece of foam sent as a replacment, nor has anyone commented about Lynn's replacment piece that smelled so bad that she was embarrassed  that her guests might smell it. 

What is your problem Philipt! Resorting to name-calling such as "homies" isn't going to put enough icing on your sarcasm to make any sales here.

We both have every right to be happy about our respective purchases, but since neither of us really knows anything about sleepeze, don't you think we should let those with at least SOME information be the ones to comment. 

SOME Information!, Come on Philip, that kind of sideways logic is not going to impress me, or anybody else who does a halfway decent job of thinking.

If your sarcastic gland suddenly shrank and withered away, what would you do for entertainment?



Re: Sleepez vs. Flobeds and other more expensive brands..
Reply #8 Apr 19, 2010 2:28 PM
Joined: Jul 14, 2008
Points: 64

I'm glad you enjoyed your "time away". 

Just because, for some reason, you like flobeds doesn't make me feel the need to like them, as well.  Of course, it doesn't make me feel the need to dislike them either. 

There were no Savvyrest returns because, with their help, we got it right the first time, but, if there had been any returns necessary, at least we can be certain that the new pieces would, in fact, be new. 

Even though you commented on my "homies" remark, you still chose to not respond to the fact that on at least two occasions flobeds did not send out pristine replacements as their "return policy" stated they would do. 

As to my "sideways logic", isn't is obvious my intent is not to impress you but to, in some way, get you to be more fair. 

As to my "sarcastic gland", Eagle, after reading literally hundreds of your pro flobed/anti everyone else posts, I just can't seem to contain myself. 


Re: Sleepez vs. Flobeds and other more expensive brands..
Reply #9 Apr 19, 2010 3:55 PM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
Philip wrote:



I'm glad you enjoyed your "time away".

I am glad you are enjoying yourself.

Just because, for some reason, you like flobeds doesn't make me feel the need to like them, as well.  Of course, it doesn't make me feel the need to dislike them either.

Quite frankly Philip, I do not care wheater you like or dislike Flobeds.

There were no Savvyrest returns because, with their help, we got it right the first time, but, if there had been any returns necessary, at least we can be certain that the new pieces would, in fact, be new. 

As I've told you before Philip I'm glad you're happy.

Even though you commented on my "homies" remark, you still chose to not respond to the fact that on at least two occasions flobeds did not send out pristine replacements as their "return policy" stated they would do. 

What Flowbeds does or does not do is no concern of mine. I only cared how they treated me. And they did a fine job.

As to my "sideways logic", isn't is obvious my intent is not to impress you but to, in some way, get you to be more fair. 

Now that does make me smile. I know your prime reason for visiting this board is to make sure I am fair. I can only shake my head at that one. What disingenuous hyperbole.

As to my "sarcastic gland", Eagle, after reading literally hundreds of your pro flobed/anti everyone else posts, I just can't seem to contain myself. 

The fact that you cannot contain yourself has to be obvious to everyone by now. And you're slanted observation that all my comments are pro-Flow Bed, and anti-everyone else, is beyond the pale. You seem to make an occupation out of reading my threads and my various posts in an effort to dilute the validity of my remarks. One has to wonder why. Are you the thought police? Are is there a more realistic reason.

In any event Philip, I find your observations tiring and trite. But all of your negative comments will not stop me from stating what I believe to be true. I will continue to post my beliefs.

Evidently you have had some success in the past with ridiculing those board members that you disagreed with and causing them to cease and desist from further remarks. It will not work with me!


Re: Sleepez vs. Flobeds and other more expensive brands..
Reply #10 Apr 19, 2010 4:00 PM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
Would you two please stop your spat, or carry it to a private channel :)

This is doing nothing to further the comparative discussion of what Flobeds and Sleepez have to offer.

Re: Sleepez vs. Flobeds and other more expensive brands..
Reply #11 Apr 19, 2010 4:15 PM
Joined: Mar 14, 2010
Points: 185
KimberlyH wrote:

Yes, Sleepez does advocate blended Talalay latex over natural blended latex.  They state on their website that blended Talalay latex combines the best qualities of natural latex (softness) with synthetic latex (strength and durability).  They believe that blended latex will have a longer life than natural latex.

So, Flobeds has a slightly different slant.  They tip their hats to 100% natural.

In reality, we both know that there is little to no documented evidence that one is superior to the other and I can't imagine how one would go about demonstrating this.  In the end, the benefits of blended vs natural is a subjective experience.  There are going to be people who want a 100% natural product and the 100% Natural Talalay is going to speak to them.  There are other people who are going to take a pragmatists approach and believe that the strength and durability of blended, along with the lower price, outweighs the "100% natural" tag.

Yes, I wondered about this. I was least interested in the blended, and much more in the Dunlop and the natural Talalay. In fact, I was thinking of mixing the two. Until I spoke with Shawn, and now I'm all confused all over again.

Anyway, Kimberly, I hope you receive your bed and can report on it before I finally place my order.

This message was modified Apr 19, 2010 by cynicaljones
Re: Sleepez vs. Flobeds and other more expensive brands..
Reply #12 Apr 19, 2010 4:35 PM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
KimberlyH wrote:

Would you two please stop your spat, or carry it to a private channel :)

This is doing nothing to further the comparative discussion of what Flobeds and Sleepez have to offer.

Kimberly: I agree with you. After posting my last reasponse to Philip I was thinking the same thing. I apoligize to the OP of this thread for Hijacking it for such a frivolous post. I am sorry.


Re: Sleepez vs. Flobeds and other more expensive brands..
Reply #13 Apr 19, 2010 9:27 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
Eagle2, I am glad I decided to stop by to relax before going to bed.  I had mentioned that the piece sent to me spelled so bad that I was embarrased but this was an ORIGINAL 100% natural latex topper that was 1.5" thick rather than the topper that came with the bed since to me that was too thick of a cushion.  The smell was awful!  I am not sure where FloBeds got that replacement topper from but my friend from Canada was nauseaus in my home and noticed the intense smell the minute she walked into my home. I only wish the latex topper did not arrive for a few more days. I also was sent a 44 ILD latex core as a replacement that was clean without any smell. But there was a latex core that was a replacement that was not in the best shape and Dave paid the shipping back to me and sent me two brand new latex cores at 37 ILD each at his shipping cost both ways and let me decide which other latex core I was sending back.

That Brylane topper that I bought had hardly any smell at all but I still aired it out over my Banister like I do all the latex pieces due to my allergies to be safe any of the plastic smell from the wrapping goes away since plastic bothers my allergies.  I love that Brylane topper so I told Dave to not look anymore for me.

The set-up started out way too soft for me and if I had bought from SleepEZ, I would have had the highest fees for all the latex exchanges I did. My bed ended up being cheaper than SleepEz due to all the promotions going on in the 90 days I had the bed that I watched for and let Dave know I was entitled to another credit.

But in summary despite most of the latex pieces arriving in great shape there was one that was too long with writing on it instead of the Latex International Tag (Dave paid the cost to ship it back to him) and one that had some rips in it that I wish now I did not exchange since the new Extra Firm Latex Core that arrived in perfect shape was softer at 35 ILD while the other one was 39 ILD which I preferred. I found out that my back can feel a few ILD differences.  I wish I knew this fact, then I would have requested all Extra Firm Latex Cores not be less than 37 ILD that were sent to me and I would have been patient waiting for these special cores to be found since Latex International puts an average ILD on the bottom of the latex cores. 

Re: Sleepez vs. Flobeds and other more expensive brands..
Reply #14 Apr 19, 2010 10:33 PM
Joined: Aug 17, 2009
Points: 542
Lynn: Like you I checked in one more time before I went to bed.

I am at a loss regarding this smell business. I covered this subject, and many more in my thread, "I just bought a Flobeds." The post count went way up and every thing got covered over a six month period of time.

I never had any experence with a bad smell at anytime. And I exchanged layers about four times I believe, possabely more. All the smell I had with my 100% natural was a pleasing sweet cookey dough order that I liked. In fact I am sorry that it went away over a period of about two months. The one blended piece that I received also had this sweet cookie dough order but to a lesser degree, combined with a very slight chemical odor. I always associated this chemical smell with latex rubber never having smelled all natural latex before. Not realizing that most latex rubber is synthetic that we get in new furniture and new cars. And that's if we are lucky and don't get 100% PU foam.

I am always glad when someone has a good buying experience no matter the company or the type of material that they choose to buy. I know how frustrating it is to make this kind of a purchase over the Internet. I have never done this before. That is why I liked doing business with FloBeds. I have heard various stories about folks who bought from FloBeds and who had some kind of a problem with a layer or two or more. But they always got their problem resolved to their satisfaction. This is the kind of business model I wanted when I was putting out this kind of money. In any event it worked for me and I'm glad I bought my mattress where I did.

Re: SleepEZ vs. FloBeds and other more expensive brands..
Reply #15 Apr 20, 2010 9:35 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
Eagle2, I am still happy with my FloBed and figured the bad smell was from the new latex topper that Dave normally does not sell but tried to find for me to make me happy with 1.5" of cushion instead of the convoluted 2" of cushion that the convoluted latex topper is that comes with the bed that I know so many people love.  I am just not quite 5 feet and not much more than 100 pounds so I needed less cushion so I could feel the support underneath the cushion. Since I sleep on my side I found out that I could not sleep on the latex cores without the topper on them.  I love both sides of my bed now and find it the most comfortable bed I ever owned. I also love my latex pillows. 

NONE of my latex exchanges had any noticeable odor except the slight sweet smell that latex has when new but it was very mild. It was that new big Queen size topper (that FloBeds does not normally sell) that stunk up my home. 

Even after my 90 days, Dave let me do another latex core exchange for another Super Firm latex core that was in the blended when I found at that the natural latex cores were 3" and the blended latex cores were 2.8" so my bed was not the same height.  He knew I had the car accident and my father died and now I wanted my bed even firmer than I had it before.  I felt this was great customer service. then I called Dave and told him I still wish my bed was a bit firmer now that I am having back problems from the car accident.  Dave told me he would extend the 90 day exchange policy one more time to let me do two more latex core exchanges to exchange a 34 ILD and a 36 ILD latex core for two 37 ILD latex cores that were brand new and just arrived the day before since I waited patiently until he found two X-Firm latex cores that averaged above 36 ILD.

 I am in the middle of another deadline that is over with tonight so I am just checking in as I finally had a breather between clients. 

I just edited the above post (had some typos like 1.2" rather than 1.5" and I also added some new information now that I had more time to type) now that I have quit for the night and will focus back on my deadlines tomorrow. Hopefully the post makes sense since it is late and I am tired and can't wait to get some sleep. 

This message was modified Apr 21, 2010 by Lynn2006
Re: Sleepez vs. Flobeds and other more expensive brands..
Reply #16 Apr 21, 2010 3:48 PM
Joined: Dec 29, 2009
Points: 57
Well, going back to are missing a few more...FloBeds offers a VZone option bed, which is customized to how the different parts of your body need different levels of support.  I purchased this bedand both my husband and I love it!  Also, they include a 2" convoluted topper, and SleepEZ does not.  Not everyone loves the topper, but many do and it is another option anyway which is nice to have.  We happen to love ours however, husband flipped his upside down and mine is rightside up.  Other that these two, I think Lynn, Kimberly and eagle2 accurately covered the other points.  By the way, I have the natural/organic bed and mine, too had that sort of sweet cookie dough smell to it when we got it.  It didn't last long and wasn't noticeable inside the zippered cover, but we found it pleasant as well. So...having options to customize your mattress as well as options for trading out layers numerous times is why many of us are such big FloBeds fans!

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