Thoughts on this DIY mattress?
Jul 28, 2011 5:28 PM
Joined: Jul 8, 2011
Points: 13
I need to buy a king mattress.  I sleep very warm and my wife sleeps very cold.  We both like the feel of memory foam but I think I want latex since it's supposed to sleep cooler.  I'm about 240 and she's about 130.  Both side sleepers.  I'm afraid we will get tired of whatever we buy pretty quick and want to change something.  So, I've decided to buy a lot of layers that can be swapped around to create about any feel.

Mine                                                          Hers

2" Latex ILD 20                                    2" 4# Mem Foam

2" Latex ILD 32                                     2" 5# Mem Foam

1" Poly HD36-HQ ILD 38                       1" Poly HD36-HQ ILD 38

1" Poly Lux HQ ILD 55                           1" Poly HD36-HQ ILD 38

2" Lux HQ ILD 55                                   2" Lux HQ ILD 55

With a total of 8" of foam I can always add 1" more and still get it in the Terry Case from  It's about $750 and should last a long time.  What do you think?  Any comments appreciated.

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