Topper needed for FBM latex mattress?
Oct 6, 2009 7:40 AM
Joined: Sep 11, 2009
Points: 62
It seems most people buy a medium or firm 6" latex core and then add a 2" soft latex topper.  Is the topper really necessary? Or is there a chance the 6" core will be sufficient, perhaps with a soft mattress pad?
Re: Topper needed for FBM latex mattress?
Reply #14 Oct 23, 2009 4:41 PM
Joined: Sep 11, 2009
Points: 62
The 6" latex core sits on a plywood platform so there's no way to make it firmer by putting something under it.

I'm really not into the hassle of packing up a 6" core and mailing it back .  (grimace!)   It would be a gigantic box considering I can't vacumn pack it like the manufacturere.
Re: Topper needed for FBM latex mattress?
Reply #15 Oct 23, 2009 5:00 PM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
Packing up a core of latex for return is easier than you think.  I had to mail back a 2" layer, king size, to Flobeds when they sent me the wrong size by mistake.  Here's how you do it.

1.  Fold the piece of latex into thirds.
2.  Put the latex into the giant plastic bag it came in, or if you no longer have it, you need a really really large plastic bag.
3.  Put your vacuum cleaner hose into the plastic bag, with the hose just barely (I mean BARELY) in between the folded latex.
4.  Twist the plastic bag around the hose.
5.  Start vacuuming.  The air will be vacuumed out of the bag, and out of the latex, and you will be amazed how much it compresses.  It will look just like how it was compressed when it came to you.
6.  Carefully withdraw the vacuum hose, keeping the bag tightly sealed to prevent air from coming back in.
7.  Put the vacuum packed plastic bag of latex into another plastic bag, fold over the ends, and tape it shut with packing tape.

This whole process is unbelievably easy and takes all of 3 minutes.

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