I purchased a Talalay blended mattress from SleeptEZ about one year ago, and I've never really been able to get comfortable on it. When I first lay down, I love the way it feels, soft yet supportive, and very springy, yet after a short while pressure points start to build, mostly in my lower back, and I end up tossing throughout the night trying to get comfortable. Since I have a 3 layer Soft-Medium-Firm split, I've tried swapping layers in every conceivable configuration, but I've still just never been able to avoid waking up with lower back pain in the morning. Since I've had a lot of time to try different things and think about what the problem is, I'm starting to think that the pusback/springyness of the latex is just too strong for me, even though the top layer of foam is soft. When I lay down on my couch with its cheap PU foam I feel more comfort than I do on the latex mattress. Maybe this means latex just isn't for me? I'm curious what others think about the pushback effect of latex. Is this real, and can it be too much for some people? Is there anything I can try? Thanks, Jonathan This message was modified May 11, 2010 by slantedview
After my car accident, my lower back was hurting as well as my neck area. I decided to go firmer in the bed and switched out two X-firm latex cores for two Super Firm Latex cores with a 1" topper and my pain went away when I am sleeping. I still have pain off and on when I am doing activities now since the car accident but sleeping is wonderful. The lower back does not like a too soft bed in my opinion. I feel you need to have all firmer layers with a very small cushion on top for your pressure points. Well, this is what I needed and it worked. |
Thanks for the response Lynn. I ordered a 1" extra soft memory foam piece (cheap, just to see how it goes) and I'll be sure to try adjusting the layers under that, as you suggested. This message was modified May 13, 2010 by slantedview
In a short time the memory foam will more than likely wear out (they usually do). Then perhaps you can buy a 18ILD latex topper would be like memory foam? The memory foam will probably make your shoulders happy, but it never worked for my hips. It just goes flat on me. Good luck. I just read you don't really sleep on your sides, that you are a back sleeper, so maybe a wool pad would fill in the gap the small of your back gets with latex. I don't have back pain since I got the wool on top Natura pad. But I am a side sleeper that has to sleep on her back because of hip pain. Also I have a 1" soft latex under that with other firm latex under that. A fluffly wool pad might help, but those too go flat after a while. Good luck. Post back after a while. The wool will sleep cooler than memory foam also. This message was modified May 14, 2010 by Leo3
While you are figuring out a solution, try placing a flattish pillow or two under your knees ( for back sleeping). this will take the stress off of the lower back. sleeping on the side, you would place a pillow between the knees |
Sometimes I wonder if the 3" layers is too much. I have to wonder if you switched out the 3" soft latex for a 1-2" piece of perhaps a tiny bit firmer. Not sure what the soft is rated at for Sleepeze. Sleeplikeabear has 1" or 2" latex, or Rocky Mountain has 1" 2" 24ILD natural latex. But maybe like I said before 1-2" of wool would ease your back pain. Just MHO. The small of my back use to hurt before I started using the wool. |
Jim, I think the 14ILD would go flat in no time. I have the Brylane Home which is 1" Dunlopillo blended talalay and I think it is 18ILD (mine anyway). This goes flat when I lay on it, so I don't think it does much for you. I know Lynn likes hers, but she is thin in comparison to me, so consider how much you weigh first. I still think a fluffy wool topper will help your back. This message was modified May 17, 2010 by Leo3
When I read your post, It gave me a sinking feeling that my husband and I may be just like you. We have had our bed for a couple of weeks now, and our lower backs are hurting. I talked my husband into getting a latex bed from SleepEz, and now he is not very happy with my decision. I just had a baby a couple of months ago, so I was already dealing with lower back problems from the epidural. We have five kids, and I waited 15 years to get a new mattress, and now I am sad that it is not working out. I feel stubborn, and do not want to send mine back yet. But I'm beginning to think there is no combination that will work for us. Something makes me think that top layer is just too soft in the talalay. I wanted to switch it for a medium, but Shaun said there really is no difference. Do they not like taking the topper back?. makes me wonder. You mentioned getting a memory foam topper. Please think twice before doing that. They offgas, and are very bad for your health. I would think a nie soft talalay on top covered with a luxery cover would work. hope you find comfort soon. how is it that in the 50's people were fine with sleeping on latex, and even loved their latex pillows, but we have trouble. Maybe our bodies are just conditioned already to springs. I do however love my latex pillow even though it smells like tires, which I kinda like. My husband thinks his latex pillow is too hard. I got mine at JcPenny with a nice soft pillow cover on them. My biggest fear is that somehow this mattress is not good for the baby. I should have listened to Shaun and waited to buy this. |
I wouldn't worry about your baby's mattress unless your baby seems unusually restless and doesn't sleep well. Even though I couldn't sleep on latex, I got my granddaugher the Natura crib mattress. Maybe my daughter lucked out with an incredibly happy baby, but she said the little thing slept so well she was always checking on her to make sure she was still breathing. She is now 3 years old and still sleeps very well on the mattress but with a new baby on the way she will have to relinquish it to the new addition. |