Trying to decide on which Tempur - Cloud or Rhapsody
Jun 12, 2010 11:35 AM
Joined: Jun 12, 2010
Points: 38
Hi Everyone,

I wanted to say foremost I'm happy I've found this site before I've purchased a new mattress. The last couple weeks I've been researching Tempur and latex mattresses and have concluded that I'm going to purchase either of those. I've had too many bad experiences with Coil mattresses sagging and I find the latex or foam to be more supportative.

So far I've found latex to be a bit too stiff for me and my wife. We've tried several Tempurs and it seems the Rhapsody and the Cloud Supreme feels the best to us. The Cloud is the most comfortable, where the Rhapsody feels a bit stiff.

I am concerned with the longevity of the Cloud; I'm around 200lbs and question whether it'll hold up over time. If the Tempurs soften up a bit I could see maybe the Rhapsody is the one to choose. I currently have a bit of back pain only when I'm sleeping and just wake up but I suspect its from my current mattress as its sagging terribly. During the day I feel fine.

I'm looking for some advice on owner's experiences, both good and bad.

Also, Canadian friends: Do you have a place in mind to get the best price for a price match?

Thanks in advance.

This message was modified Jun 12, 2010 by fishstick

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