What are Foambymail and Overstocks latex toppers like?
May 20, 2010 11:13 PM
Joined: May 18, 2010
Points: 49
Can anyone tell me how they feel, and more importantly, do they have any odor to them? also is it better to order from a place that gets their latex from Sri Lanka or Europe?. thanks in advance.

additional details: these toppers are going to be for my kids.

Re: What are Foambymail and Overstocks latex toppers like?
Reply #19 Jul 18, 2010 6:50 AM
Joined: Feb 8, 2010
Points: 72
Do a search and you will find some recent threads about this. OS doesn't ever actually touch the stuff, so they have no clue what they are selling. Even while the OS CSRs are promising talalay, the actual supplier sends whatever is available.

When I asked for more detailed info from OS once the rep put me on hold then a few minutes later came back with my answer. I asked where she had found the info and she said she'd gone and read the customer reviews, and found it there! So instead of contacting the manufacturer to find out the definitive answer, she was telling me secondhand, unstubstantiated customer gossip! The good news is, she put it in writing, so when it turned out not to be accurate I was able to get OS pay for return shipping.



tootired wrote:

Ordered 2" topper nearly a year ago, very satisfied.  Ordered one for wife, was supposed to be the same thing, wasn't.  Took  a lot of work to get my refund, custormer service doesn't exist.  I believe they have either changed suppliers, or buy wherever they get a deal, because the one I bought for my wife was very soft (too soft).  I was about to buy from overstock, but am having second thoughts. maybe a little gamble.  I'll keep researching.

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