Wool Topper
Jasper: Where did you find a coupon for the wool topper? It doesn't seem to be on sale anymore. This may be my next attempt, as I have tried so many combinations with what I have. I just am not sure if the wool topper backing will block the 3 lb. memory foam from being soft. I like the idea there are no seam lines or lumps, bumps, or anything on a wool topper. QVC has a wool topper, any opinions? Sealy makes it so I do wonder if it is any good, you can't tell from the description or the picture. http://www.qvc.com/qic/qvcapp.aspx/view.2/app.detail/params.aol_refer.false.tpl.detail.msn_refer.false.item.H132582.ref.GBA?cm_ven=GOOGLEBASE&cm_cat=For%20the%20Home&cm_pla=Bedding&cm_ite=H132582 |
Re: Wool Topper jasper77
(Aug 14, 2008 7:17 AM)